Author Topic: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent  (Read 2361 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« on: August 27, 2013, 09:19:18 PM »
With all of the noise concerning the US attacking Syria, what do you think is eminent and why?

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I do not believe that the US of A is under a direct threat from Syria hence, the President does not have the legal right to attack Syria without prior approval from the US Congress. If President Obama does authorize an attack without Congresses approval and being able to prove Syria is a direct threat to us, he in theory would be in violation of the War Powers Resolution adopted by the 93rd Congress.

Would the US House of Representatives Impeach him? Would the US Senate convict him and force him from office? If this happened would it be the beginning of the end?

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Re: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2013, 10:34:15 PM »
What I think is a result of what I observe combined with the knowledge I have accumulated...

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Offline Well-Prepared Witch

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Re: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2013, 11:14:10 PM »
Best case, we get a UN resolution, loose some bombs, kill some people and can pat ourselves on the back saying "we did something about it" with regards to the horrible use of chemical weapons.  Russia mutters under its breath at us.  Worst case, WWIII starts.  Let's hope the former and not the latter. (Not that I'm feeling cynical and bitter about current geo-political events or anything.)
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2013, 07:49:31 AM »
Yupper Wellie!
Some food for thought!
Biden 2007_ Should the President Be Impeached for Going to War without approval from Congress

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Offline sledge

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Re: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2013, 10:12:47 AM »
I just finished reading "One Second After".  There is a go bag going into my truck today!  I'm really hoping Crudos doesn't have to eat his hat, because when my food runs out it means I would be chewing on mine.

I'm not sure who fired off the gas in Syria.  Personally I think it's even money on them or our buddies having done it.  I can think of multiple reasons why.  The fact that we are letting Syria hide and harden their assets by giving them time and basically a date tells me there is something smelly about the whole thing.  Whatever we hit will be where the sarin gas used to be.

At any rate, it is a pretty good diversion against the economy falling apart and buys time for DHS.  I wonder if Iran has any cells within our borders? (actual or fictional)  Hope there is no terrorism here that would require martial law.  I also hope their little game doesn't slip out of control and draw Russia into the mix.

Edit:  I wonder why Obama has chosen this time to react to Syria using sarin gas?  Weren't they also accused of using gas 2 or 3 months ago as well?

« Last Edit: August 28, 2013, 10:32:55 AM by sledge »

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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2013, 11:13:09 AM »
The question that everybody must ask their selves is: Why would the US attack a country where only 100-200 people were killed by their government? How many folks in Rwanda faced genocide and we did nothing?


What if this was the final step in the NWO plan? Lets see:

> The US attacks Syria
> Russia attacks Saudi Arabia (EU's major supplier of oil
> Iran and Hesbelah attacks Israel
> Israel attacks  Iran and any area of the region that attacks them
> China calls in their US Trasury notes to the tune of $1.3T

So then the UN (NWO) steps in to prevent WWIII if the following happens:

> Russia stops bombing countrues that the EU relys on for oil
> Iran accepts Israel's right to exist if,
> Israel goes back to pre1967 borders
> China forgives the US of A's debt
> The US citizens embraces Agenda 21 and accepts that the US Constitution is sub-servant to all UN Charters.

Crazy you say? Well what might be the nudge that is needed is that some large terrorist event happens later this year. :tinfoil:

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Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2013, 08:15:06 AM »
Funny stuff folks. This article out lays almost exactly what I wrote in my earlier post. Worth a read if you have the time.

Enter Syria?

I have been warning about the Syrian trigger point for a very long time.  Syria?s mutual defense pact with Iran, its strong ties to Russia, the Russian naval base off its coast, the advanced Russian weaponry in it?s arsenal, its proximity to vulnerable oil shipping lanes, all make the nation a perfect catalyst for a global catastrophe.  The civil war in Syria is already spreading into neighboring countries like Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon, and if one looks at the facts objectively, the entire war is a product of covert action on the part of the U.S. and its allies.

The U.S. trained, armed, and funded the insurgency using Al Qaeda operatives.  Saudi Arabia has sent funding and arms as well.  Israel has aided the rebels using air strikes within Syria?s borders (even though this means that the Israeli government is essentially helping their supposed mortal enemies).  This war would NOT be taking place today without the express efforts of the West.  Period.

If one takes more than a brief examination of the Syrian insurgency, they would find an organization of monsters.  Wretched amoral wetwork ghouls whose crimes have been thoroughly documented, including the mass executions of unarmed captured soldiers, the torture and beheading of innocent civilians, the mutilation and cannibalism of dead bodies, and the institution of theological tyranny on a terrified populace.  The U.S. created and unleashed these demons, and now, we the people are being asked by the White House to support them through force of arms.

But what is the goal here??

The goal, I believe, is to utterly transform the world?s political, economic, and social systems.  The goal is to generate intense fear; fear that can be used as capital to buy, as the globalists call it, a ?new world order?.  Syria is the first domino in a long chain of calamities; what the Rand Corporation sometimes refers to as a ?linchpin?.  As I write this, the Obama Administration is moving naval and ground forces into position and clamoring in a painfully pathetic fashion to convince the American public that 90% of us are ?wrong? and that a strike on Syria is, in fact, necessary.  It appears that the establishment is dead set on starting this chain reaction and accelerating the global collapse.  So, if a strike does occur, what can we expect to happen over the next few years?  Here is a rundown?
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Re: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2013, 10:55:45 AM »
I agree Sledge and JM. This isn't making sense, the way it's being presented. Just more smoke and mirrors. Part of a script. He's got an ego, but why pick now to, like Jeanine Pirro would say, "put on his big boy pants", and show some spine? While gassing people is wrong, it's not the only way, people kill each other. Hacking people up with machetes, where was the outrage? Let's see, start WW3, over a bunch of people that hate us, killing a bunch of other people that hate us. Hmmmmmmm  :facepalm: 

Offline sledge

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Re: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2013, 12:28:58 PM »
Newsbreak:  Obama to speak on Syria at 1:15 pm Saturday at the whitehouse.  Here we go.   :gunner:     :faint: 

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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2013, 12:44:29 PM »
I can't wait!  :dancingBanana: <sarcasm>

With the latest poll being that 63% of Americans do not want the US of A to attack Syria (Rasmussen) my bet is he will say that he ain't going to do nothen till the UN report is released and the US Congress is back in session. Remember, he lost his coalition from the EU so it is just us/him now.

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Re: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2013, 10:34:41 PM »
Newsbreak:  Obama to speak on Syria at 1:15 pm Saturday at the whitehouse.  Here we go.   :gunner:     :faint:

Well, wtf did he say?

Did he say the rebels are the ones who flipped the gas in to that town? We gonna link hands with the Russians and bust them up instead? Or is that not supportive enough of the poor his Muslim Brotherhood and too supportive of western culture?

Offline Grudgie

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Re: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2013, 01:11:08 AM »
It doesn't smell right.

It wouldn't make any sense for Assad to use chemical weapons at the time Obama says he did. Why would be invite all this international attention when Syria was winning the civil war? Unless Russia was in the back pulling the strings which I find unlikely due to their agreement with Cyprus not allowing the Us Navy in their waters.

And this just convieniantly occurs while congress is on vacation allowing enough time for a cyber attack or terrorist attack to occur that could be blamed on Syria and legally letting Obama declare a military strike without Congress.

Offline Well-Prepared Witch

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Re: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2013, 08:01:38 PM »
I totally believe Assad would use chemical weapons on his own people.  The Alawites surely have no compunctions about killing the Sunnis.  I think that Assad really doesn't give a rat's ass (if you'll forgive my language) about the US' response because he and much of the Arab world right now thinks we're pretty impotent.  They don't believe we'll do anything about it and if we do that it will be a token effort.  I know a lot of people don't feel we should be the world's police force any more, and there's a lot to that thought, but at the same time if we ignore this we're tacitly saying it's OK to use chemical weapons.  Not to mention our president, whatever you think of him, said we would take action and if we don't then we will completely lose credibility on the world stage.  This could really come back to bite us in the butt later.  I'm, reluctantly, in favor of military action in Syria.  However, that's not without serious reservations - including the slim possibility that this could touch off WWIII due to the Russians' involvement and the threats of Iran and Syria to attack Israel if we attack Syria.  It's a hot mess any way you look at it.
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2013, 09:26:16 PM »
"It's a hot mess any way you look at it." Yes it is...
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Re: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« Reply #15 on: September 02, 2013, 09:55:12 PM »
This is a lose-lose situation for people, both in Syria and US, and god forbids it the rest of the world.

Al Assad is a damn dictator who did god knows how many atrocities, muslims brothers and Al Quaeda aren't better.

US shouldn't give a rat ass if another country in another continent is in a civil war, chem weapons are being used or whatever, is their problem, their right as nation to screw it up as bad as they want.

Sadly, the US government already was able to distract us making the world think that US is going to Syria because of the oppressed people.

Guys, we shouldn't even consider that as an option,
1 - because US shouldn't be policing the world, 
2 - because that's a fucking lie.

I'm fucking sure the interest US has in middle orient is geopolitical and economical, they don't give a flying fuck about the oppressed people in there.

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Re: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2013, 10:53:06 AM »
We don't worry about language here Wellie so long as you're not attacking people we pretty much let folks speak their mind's in the parlance of the times.

Offline Well-Prepared Witch

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Re: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« Reply #17 on: September 03, 2013, 11:18:49 AM »
Thanks, ThatGuy. :)  I try not to cuss too much, in general, but some days I swear like a sailor.  Of course, every time I watch the news my language gets bluer and bluer. ;)
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Offline crudos

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Re: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2013, 01:05:07 PM »
I doubt we'll see any kind of overt strike on Syria against Assad. As deplorable of a leader he is, he still keeps the radical islam element out of power in that country. Best case, some covert ops against the chemical weapon sources, and economic sanctions by the UN. And what about the Free Syria Army? It's become too infiltrated with extremist Al-Qaeda to sort out the good guys from the bad guys. Best of luck to those elements who truly want a free and democratic nation, free from scumbags like Assad, but.......


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Re: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« Reply #19 on: September 03, 2013, 02:06:15 PM »
My personal opinion is some country is going to get hit and Syria is top of the list. Gotta keep that world reserve currency status rolling as long as possible to delay the domestic  meltdown. Also the nobel peace prize whiner doesn't take criticism, mockery, and ridicule well...

Offline Grudgie

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Re: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« Reply #20 on: September 03, 2013, 02:18:22 PM »
This is a lose-lose situation for people, both in Syria and US, and god forbids it the rest of the world.

Al Assad is a damn dictator who did god knows how many atrocities, muslims brothers and Al Quaeda aren't better.

US shouldn't give a rat ass if another country in another continent is in a civil war, chem weapons are being used or whatever, is their problem, their right as nation to screw it up as bad as they want.

Sadly, the US government already was able to distract us making the world think that US is going to Syria because of the oppressed people.

Guys, we shouldn't even consider that as an option,
1 - because US shouldn't be policing the world, 
2 - because that's a fucking lie.

I'm fucking sure the interest US has in middle orient is geopolitical and economical, they don't give a flying fuck about the oppressed people in there.

I pretty much agree. They don't care about a few deaths in Syria when there are hundreds of other atrocities around the world. But you do realize that the colonists couldn't have won the revolution without foreign support. And the axis powers may well have won both World wars without American intervention. Like it or not, major powers have a stake in the world. The only way to stop is to be a stateless anarchy society.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« Reply #21 on: September 03, 2013, 07:05:36 PM »
Up at the cabin so we don't have TV but have been following this whole Syria thing daily. MrsMac and I were just listening to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Sirius radio and Oh My God, it was so obvious that every member of the play called "Syria: Assad Needs to Go Away" is playing their part - Complete with question and then the correct answer.

I am going to ask this simple question again: Why is it so important for President Obama and the USofA to drop bombs or missiles on Syria? They in no-way shape or form, are hurting Israel or us? I just don't get it.

Just some food for thought:
> Is it to keep the US people distracted from something else?
> Is it to just to support President Obams'a stupid "red line" statement?
> The start of a NWO (New World Order) event (s)?
> To lure in the Western world into a caliphate?
> Other??????????

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Re: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« Reply #22 on: September 03, 2013, 09:23:40 PM »
Other. Gassed his own people, apparently. Gotta back-up that Nobel Peace Prize somehow.  :facepalm:

I am a bit surprised that the GOP and Dems all seem onboard with this. Just goes to show how corrupt those two parties are. How anyone can remotely think of voting for the Republicans again baffles me, and I included whole-heartedly-Rand Paul in this gang. Just another corrupt scumbag, playing politics with everyone's lives.

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Re: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« Reply #23 on: September 03, 2013, 10:41:36 PM »
My guess is that they want this war to cover up the economic collapse. They want someone else to blame when our economy collapses according to this guy I listen to. He makes a 30 minute youtube report daily about the latest economic news and gives his opinion on where it's leading.

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Re: The Drums of War: Is A US Attack on Syria Eminent
« Reply #24 on: September 04, 2013, 08:37:43 AM »
I woke up at 3 this AM and while I was laying there waiting to drop back off to dream land, I had an epiphany. The Syria thing is all about the up and coming debt limit/defund Obama care fight.

If there was 3-4 weeks of debate over defunding Obama the American people would support defunding it. With Syria entering the picture all of the news will be directed there rather then Obama care.   
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