2 days ago I did a quick check on the medium sized solar power station in my work shop. The battery voltage was low and the panel was indicating a problem. Next morning, I discovered the high winds had deposited a thick covering of pine needles all over the 100W panel. In 12 years, this is the first time, because they usually fly over and/or slide off. Once cleared and a day of charging, the battery charger say's it's healthy and ready again for use. I have more than a few small panel back-ups and in a pinch can put solar on the truck battery to keep it topped-up even without driving the truck, should the rest fail.
Now, this is a 'medium' solar station on my workshop, by my math. it charges a 130 Amp/hour, 12v battery and has a 600 Watt 'pure sign wave inverter if needed, but it rarely is. It also has USB ports for recharging things. It runs back-up radios rather well.
CHECK YOUR BACK-UPS! Especially when ' It always work, never failed before.'.
Sir John Honeybucket