SO WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH GUN REGISTRATION? EVERYTHING! By Matt BrackenI received an email from Matt Bracken at the beginning of the month letting me know he has formatted another part of
Dear Mr. Security Agent and was ready to post at
American Partisan.
Here is a link to it.
The piece ends with this dire warning,
The end result of disarming a scapegoat population is as easy to follow as 1-2-3:
1. Registration. 2. Confiscation. 3. Extermination.
And in this cultural and social climate, with class envy and racial hatred being stoked by the government and its willing partners in the liberal media against white conservatives, our socialist-leaning administration now wants us to surrender our most useful and effective self-defense tools, in the name of “public safety”!
Well worth your time traveling over to
AP to read the piece.