Author Topic: Short, Wet and Cool Summer  (Read 1015 times)

Offline Jackalope

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Short, Wet and Cool Summer
« on: September 02, 2017, 09:02:04 AM »
    Traditionally, here in the U.S., the Labor Day holiday weekend marks the end of Summer.  Here in the northeast we ended up with a Summer that had much above normal rainfall.  Last night we had our first frost, which means the end of the normal growing season, and it was at least a couple weeks earlier than normal.  Anyways, it does seem that our weather patterns are changing, it'll be interesting to see what kind of Winter that we'll have.  I don't believe in global warming, however I do believe that weather patterns are changing.  But then again our "normal" weather is based upon observations for a period of less than 200 years.  What do other folks think?

Offline Nemo

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Re: Short, Wet and Cool Summer
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2017, 10:34:25 AM »
Global Warming/Climate Change is bogus.  This summer has been wetter, cooler and shorter (as you note) than about any on recent record.  The changes are routine and nothing to be real concerned about.  It happens.  That is well shown in fossil, geologic, and geographic records over the past few billion years.

Its all a well thought out process of reducing individual nation sovereignty by major global need/agreement/treaty and leading the entire world to one global government system.

It will not happen while I am alive.

« Last Edit: September 02, 2017, 10:38:32 AM by Nemo »
If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.

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Re: Short, Wet and Cool Summer
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2017, 01:54:56 PM »
Human caused Global Warming/Climate Change is bogus.  This summer has been wetter, cooler and shorter (as you note) than about any on recent record.  The changes are routine and nothing to be real concerned about.  It happens.  That is well shown in fossil, geologic, and geographic records over the past few billion years.

Its all a well thought out process of reducing individual nation sovereignty by major global need/agreement/treaty and leading the entire world to one global government system.

It will not happen while I am alive.


I made a small change to fit my view and I will add I believe we are seeing it now, in our life time. But as you mention, its all part of the way things have been since the beginning and the weather will always be changing with ice ages coming and going, man has no control over that
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Offline JoJo

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Re: Short, Wet and Cool Summer
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2017, 02:21:39 PM »
 Man made global warming is a hoax. These  :lmfao: scientists  :lmfao: have been caught fudging the numbers more than a $2.00 betting bookie.
It is nothing more than a CONTROL of people and TRANSFER of WEALTH to the GLOBALISTS.
 People should think what they would do if their job depended on the masses believing in the hoax of globing warming. They would lie just like the  :lmfao: consensus of globing warming scientists :lmfao:
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Offline Nemo

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Re: Short, Wet and Cool Summer
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2017, 07:51:45 PM »
Answer is 1 of 2 things.  We all agree and are generally smarter than most of the rest of the civilized world or we are looney tunes.

I believe the first option.

If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.

Offline Kbop

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Re: Short, Wet and Cool Summer
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2017, 08:36:12 AM »
most of the credentialed people who argue against climate change / global warming are paid by the coal / petroleum companies.  This represents less than 1 in 90 of the voices in the scientific community.
most of the credentialed people who argue for climate change are making under 100K/year.  this doesn't seem to be about a money grab for them
many criminal investigator us a simple guiding principle - 'follow the money'.
I know that the current state of climate change is adversely affecting mostly brown skinned people but no country is immune.  The argument we are having 'a cool wet summer' on the east coast of the US of A isn't helping hurricane Harvey or the wild fire victims in the rest of the country.  it is a bit like US Senator Inhofe holding a snowball on the floor of the Senate and claiming that it proved global warming doesn't exist - during one of the hottest years on record.
He's the US Senator of Oklahoma - a state with mid sized petroleum assets.  He openly collects at least 5 times his senatorial salary from oil companies.  He may believe his own statement but it doesn't make it right.
it may be that these changes occur over long time scales.  But that doesn't make me feel any better about asking my children and grandchildren to clean up my mess.
the old adage; if you find yourself in a hole, perhaps you should first stop digging. comes to mind.
if the argument is that it isn't human caused but natural.  Should we make the effect worse by adding to it?
if climate change is going on and man made, curbing our CO2 output will have long lasting beneficial effects to our society.
If climate change is not going on or man made, curbing our CO2 output will have no lasting ill effects on our society.
i choose to err on the side of caution.
can you explain - outside the context of climate change - why Miami floods so often now?  What has changed?  this is a single example of many.
you can perform a simple green-house gas experiment in your own kitchen.  I did it in primary school and again in college.  If you don't believe the rhetoric, do it yourself.  This has been used as a classroom experiment since the mid 1800's - it isn't new science.  it requires water, baking soda, vinegar, a couple of ziplock bags, a thermometer and a sunny window sill.  This isn't complicated or high tech.  Just converting visible light into infrared light.
question, anyone out there other than me keep bees?  Noticed anything unusual in the last 10 years?  The effects are more pronounced the closer to the planetary poles you are.
remember the story about the 'frog in the pot'?
many preppers speak about the normalcy bias in reference to the general population.  Can it apply to us? 
the oil companies have changed their mind about the effects of CO2.  They were the advocates of the beneficial changes of warming, until it was noted that it would make feeding the world nearly impossible at this population density.  the idea that climate change is a hoax only started recently - within the last 20-30 years. Google koch industries and the history of the coal and oil industries.
from 1991

from 1980

from 1958

check the 1912 article in popular mechanics. 
The current 'hoax' opinion is new and doesn't use science as a basis, it uses opinion and propaganda.
that's it for my 2 cents.  I realize i'm in the minority on this forum.  All i'm asking is that you check this for yourself - not just absorb possibly biased information on either side.

in the grand scheme of things it mayn't matter too much.  We blew past the 300 ppm atmospheric CO2 mark and the clathrate gun may have already started.  Our atmosphere is now in a condition that has never existed during the time humans have inhabited the planet.  it takes a few decades for the current atmospheric levels to translate into weather effects.   I'm not likely to be alive to see if humanity figures this one out or not.

 :sarcasm: I wonder if Alex Jones has something to sell you to protect against that :)

Offline JoJo

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Re: Short, Wet and Cool Summer
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2017, 09:15:41 AM »
 I get it, all of the scientists that work for fossil fuel companies are liars and all scientists who work for governments who want to unmercifully tax the populace are telling the truth.
 Just like they told the truth when the consensus said, By the year 2000 we would have a new ice age and half of the US would be covered. That
also most of the people in Africa would starve because we couldn't produce enough food.
 I could go on and on about these self serving liars and now you ask us to believe them.
AND who in hell is ALEX JONES?

 Being a conservative I don't waste anything. I shut the lights when I leave the room, I use LED lights through the house, separate my trash. But I'm smart enough to know that man cannot over come mother nature if your not religious and GOD if you are.
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Offline Kbop

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Re: Short, Wet and Cool Summer
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2017, 10:20:06 AM »
@JoJo, I'm not saying scientist or politicians are sinners or saints.  it is possible for two people to hold widely differing beliefs honestly.
interesting thing about the concensus you mention - we probably should be cooling but we arent.  I'm not implying science has the correct answer all the time.  Only that science has a self correcting mechanism built in.  :)  its one of the major differences between science and religion.  science changes as new ideas are tried - sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.  With any luck we keep the best ideas.  religion claims dogma and doesn't change at all, until social pressure causes it - the reformation period in Europe comes to mind or the beginning of Buddhism in the Indus valley.
Lol i agree about self serving liars - especially in politics.  I'm asking you to look into the information for yourself - do the greenhouse effect experiment yourself - do the math yourself, the numbers are large but not complicated.  you only need believe your own senses and experience.  don't let someone else tell you what to beleive - do it yourself come to your own conclusion.  check where the underlying motivations of the speakers of ideas are.  You may not have the same idea or assumption I do but at least it will be reasoned and not parroted.  I think the far right and far left echo chambers are squelching the ability of normal people like you and I to think critically on both sides of an argument.

Alex Jones is a "far right radio/video show host"(quote from politico).  He has stated climate change is a hoax (he used the word 'heist').  in a recent legal case he stated that his show persona is used to drive sales on his web site and doesn't reflect his beliefs or personality.  The implication is that he's just a business person.  talk about your fake news, he's a modern version of a snake oil salesman spending 1/3 of his air time peddling his elixirs (his profit center).  if his opinion is right or wrong, i don't trust his motivations.  I used him as an example because he has been mentioned by the current President of the US of A and on this site a few times - to justify one side of an argument. 
if you're curious, here's his website.
I wouldn't suggest using the 'main-stream media' at this point either - not much better IMHO.

i agree you can't go against the will of God or Mother Nature.  But a huge palace can be destroyed by the actions of a single termite multiplied by a few thousand times. 
Between the number of humans on earth now and our coal & petroleum burning - i'm wondering if we aren't the termites in this analogy.
thanks for the comment JoJo

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Re: Short, Wet and Cool Summer
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2017, 01:34:03 PM »
  it is possible for two people to hold widely differing beliefs honestly.
But that's most of the problem. Those that believe in man made warming not only refuse to listen to those that don't they ridicule them, denounce them and force journals not to print their views.
 According to these scientists the earth stopped warming 18 years ago ans started cooling 16 years ago. Just recently a well respected Australian journal proved that the globing warming scientists did not account for the record setting coldest days in their calculations which would have proven them wrong. 

I should have put a  :sarcasm: about Alex Jones. Yes he is a crackpot.

On the other hand if the earth is warming that is a good thing. Warm weather crops would be grown father north, longer summer vacations.
They say the water will rise 3 inches in 100 years. Notice how they always predict something when everyone who reads it will be dead and cant convict them?

 On a personal note; When I was a kid I remember the summer night time temperatures in September were almost never lower than 80* and that was on Staten Island.   No I don't believe in MAN MADE global warming but I do believe in natural climate change. After all the earth wobbles on it's axis as it tilts and revolves around the sun and the sun temperature changes it doesn't stay constant.       
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Short, Wet and Cool Summer
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2017, 02:42:30 PM »
I have read everyone's thoughts on this subject and I will share mine.

1) I do believe we are in a period of climate change after-all we live on a living breathing planet that is always
    changing and or evolving.
2) Because we humans live on the planet we do have an affect on the severity of the evolving planet. A very recent
     example is the Galveston/Houston area and the flooding that occurred there. That area has grown ~ 10 times
     the size I remember it back when a was a District Manager there. Consequently, a natural phenomenon such as
     Cat. 4 hurricane, became worse than if not every acre of land was strip malls, roads, houses, et cetera. Afterall
     we world has know hurricanes and typhoons for millennia.
3) I was at a SKYWARN seminar last month. SKYWARN is made up of a bunch of volunteers who report weather
     events and those events actions to NOAA. The facilitator from NOAA was had a PHD in Meteorology and the
     director of the facility we were at had a PHD in Astronomy. Two pretty smart guys if you ask me. As we were
     all getting educated a question arose from one student and then the conversation spread to several more. The
     conversation was about climate change and mans roll in it. In short they both pointed out separately that mans
     roll in climate change was not so much in actually changing the climate but the after effects of when the climate
     will inevitably changes. They also went on to point out that the sun has a lot more to do with climate change
     then the main stream media gives it credit for. Sun spots, solar flares, radiation, et cetera play very large roll.
     For you amateur radio enthusiasts this last sentence is a big dahhhhh! We have been living this through 
     poor propagation.
4)  Now the crux of this discussion seems to be is the climate change we are experiencing due to man and only
      man or a host of other reasons? If you do a search on ice ages you will see that we have had them since
      the last major ice age. Similarly we have had warming trends that have cause sever droughts. The question I
      ask myself, did man cause these events 50, 100, 150, et cetera years ago? My gut tells me no. So we are
      back to my original question: "is the climate change we are experiencing due to man and only
      man or a host of other reasons?" And then the follow-up question should be - What % is caused by natural 
      forces vs. caused by man?
5) Now my opinion: I think the clamor of climate change is more political in nature than a real concern for the
    planet and the future inhabitants there of. As has already been mentioned, it is a way to redistribute wealth, a
    way for the Elites to control you/us, a way of creating an illusion of necessity. Maybe similar to the perpetual
    war (s) as read in Orwell's 1984. Last, I would be more inclined to jump on the "climate change band
    wagon" if government (Notice I didn't write scientists as they are the ones being paid by the elites) was more
    honest in their explanation of what is causing it, e.g. the sun, natural changes, man, etc. and then not have it
    jammed down my throat.

So there you go, some ramblings from a not very smart old man.

On the other hand...Yeah Jackalope it has been a very wet summer here too. My garden produced about 20% less than normal. And we hit 39 degrees Saturday morning. It was supposed to go to 32 degrees but a heavy fog came in and saved the day. 
« Last Edit: September 03, 2017, 03:05:55 PM by JohnyMac »
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Offline JoJo

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Re: Short, Wet and Cool Summer
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2017, 03:03:21 PM »
Now my opinion: I think the clamor of climate change is more political in nature than a real concern for the
    planet and the future inhabitants there of. As has already been mentioned, it is a way to redistribute wealth, a
    way of the Elites to controlling you/us, a way of creating an illusion of necessity

My opinion exactly. That was also what obamacare was/is. That's the reason for gun control, think Argentina. Bring in illegals, so called muslim refugees to dilute the American culture. Divide the people by ethnicity etc. etc..   
 Our congressmen and some news media are now admitting there is a deep state. 
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Re: Short, Wet and Cool Summer
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2019, 10:00:08 PM »
 Video from a real scientist on earth's climate changes.
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Offline zanedclark

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Re: Short, Wet and Cool Summer
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2019, 11:27:09 AM »
Good video JoJo


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Re: Short, Wet and Cool Summer
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2019, 12:41:53 PM »
And a related article on American Thinker saying the same basic thing.


Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Short, Wet and Cool Summer
« Reply #14 on: March 14, 2019, 09:28:26 PM »
Good video and article gents.
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