What's up everybody! What an amazing month it's been around here!!!
49041 page views!!!!!!!!! We started tracking our traffic on
September 18th, and we have already almost hit
50,000 views!!! Now this isn't our
136 registered members clicking away, this is countless people coming to our website to look for lifesaving information!!!! Great job everyone who is posting amazing content.
6000 miles away. Our most distant member, APX is all the way down in Argentina. That's alot of pitstops.
$50 and
one magpull AFG in donations. This may not seem like much, but we appreciate it so much, and it helps us to keep this show on the road.
21 subscribers left on @thatguyisms on youtube before we give away the
$50 gift card prize!!!
http://www.youtube.com/user/thatguyisms#p/u/9/hsyfNDF4uggthatguy and I cohosted a blogtv show with wildturkey that went on for
4 hours!
25 people tuned in and we appreciate you!
Total Posts:
5920Total Topics:
585Average registrations per day:
3.87Average posts per day:
169.08Average topics per day:
16.51Total Boards:
23Average online per day:
16.59Male to Female Ratio:
14:1Average page views per day: