Author Topic: Robert Kiyosaki speaks to the up and coming collapse  (Read 1591 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Robert Kiyosaki speaks to the up and coming collapse
« on: October 11, 2011, 04:05:52 PM »
Arrived home yesterday after a two week stint up at the old BOL. My wife and I used the Elenin Comet excuse to test our bug out plan for the BOL. In short my end went well but my wife's didn't. After a couple of days there I asked her to keep a list of things "she wished" she had brought rather then just saying, "Damn I wish I had this...or I wish I had that."  :)) I am going back up next Monday for PA. early Muzzle Loader deer season and i am sure she will sent a lot of stuff with me.

Anyhow, I was catching up on the GBTV shows when I watched one from last Wednesday. Robert Kiyosaki was Glenn's guest. he is the guy who wrote Rich Dad, Poor Dad and many other financial books. He is also close friends with Donald Trump so I am sure they have similar views on the subject of where we, as Americans are headed financially.

In short here was his comments:

> American people need to spend their money now on the five "G's". Gold (Precious metals), Ground (Land that you can live on and defend during a collapse), Grub (Food, water and assorted other supplies), Gas (Fuel to run your tractor) and Guns (Ammo, assorted other firearm related items).

> If you only have limited resources Kiyosaki prioritized his list this way- Grub, guns, gold, ground and then gas.

> Kiyosaki felt we were not headed for a recession or a depression but for a total global collapse. He also thought it would be quick. The analogy he used was that an airplane takes awhile to reach cruising altitude and only uses a fraction of that time to crash when the engine (s) go out. He also said that the engines have been sputtering pretty bad since 2008 and instead of us lowering our altitude he have increased out altitude. This will cause a even greater and faster collapse.

> He was of a mindset that if you have a 401K to get out of it and buy the five "G's" outlined above. My brother did that recently and made a substantial investment in food, PM's and guns. This weekend he told me that since he cashed in his 40K he is sleeping more soundly at night. 

> Glen asked Kiyosaki when does he think this collapse will happen which he declined to predict; However, he did think we are now down to one engine on the airplane and the one last is sputtering and one more jolt, here or overseas, would probably kill that last engine. 

So there you have it- One more financial expert predicting the future.

In closing, on Mr. L&L many of us gave our predictions of when a collapse or depression will happen. I stick by my prediction that it will happen before the 2012 presidential elections and I stand by that date. Primarily because Barry will not leave the White House graciously. And he will play an important roll in the plan so collapse happens.

Maybe this should have been posted in the Top Secret section. If so TG or 505th sorry. Please go ahead and move.
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Offline sledge

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Re: Robert Kiyosaki speaks to the up and coming collapse
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2011, 04:52:45 PM »
Glad you made it back JM. 

Elenin?  If I ever hear that word again it will be too soon.  As it is now, every time I go on blogtv and thatguy is there I hear him in the background going "Hey Sledge, what happened to the comet?"  I think there might have been a short in my high dollar tin foil hat.  It's got me worried to even put it on.  I'm afraid I'll get a brain shock or something.  lol.

I don't know where the economy is going to end up.  It's been bad for so long now.  I just keep stocking up every chance I get.

Good to see ya back.

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Offline WhiskeyJack

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Re: Robert Kiyosaki speaks to the up and coming collapse
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2011, 06:09:58 PM »
is it sad that i would rather deal with a epidemic than a global economic colapse? just got another 100lb of rice gonna get a 100 lb of dried beans soon. fuck me im not ashamed to admit my spidy senses have been keeping me up at night. i have to forgo gold though. i just dont have the resourses to get enough. may go for some silver though.
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Offline sledge

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Re: Robert Kiyosaki speaks to the up and coming collapse
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2011, 06:25:16 PM »
is it sad that i would rather deal with a epidemic than a global economic colapse? just got another 100lb of rice gonna get a 100 lb of dried beans soon. fuck me im not ashamed to admit my spidy senses have been keeping me up at night. i have to forgo gold though. i just dont have the resourses to get enough. may go for some silver though.

Here's the thing Whiskey.  Poor living conditions and feted water due to a global economic collapse will most like lead to an epidemic.  People will be outside more than they are now also and will be subjected to illnesses caused by insects.  Many of which are contagious.  As I said in another post, walking sick people (zombies) are going to be an issue especially as they migrate.

Edit:  In line with that last thought here is a scary article.

43,381 Viruses Found in Sewage, Many Unknown to Scientists
« Last Edit: October 11, 2011, 07:16:06 PM by sledge »

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Robert Kiyosaki speaks to the up and coming collapse
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2011, 07:47:30 PM »
I understand Whiskey that it is tough putting PM away especially at the prices they are at today. Just keep in mind though if you buy liberty silver rounds they are going for only about $3.00 over spot price each. You can also buy junk silver (pre-'65 US coins) for any where from 85-90% of spot price.- Check out With that said I am sure there is a minimum purchase however I do not know what it is.   

As Sledge wrote: If you can keep holed up for lets say one year with food and clean water you and your family will miss most of the violence and disease. I do believe though it will be tough with one, two, etc members of your household. You will need a minimum of nine folks to do security with more inside your BOL to back-up the folks doing patrols. I am not a logistic expert but that seems pretty obvious to me. Now if you have neighbors...Rock on!

For all of you folks who read this post/thread please start getting to know your neighbors. That one thing may be the difference between dieing or surviving.

Last, you don't need PM to survive but items to barter. Items to barter could be food, ammo, alcohol (Do you know how to make beer? Hard cider?), screws, nails, etc.

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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Robert Kiyosaki speaks to the up and coming collapse
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2011, 07:53:50 PM »
Sledge wrote,
Here's the thing Whiskey.  Poor living conditions and feted water due to a global economic collapse will most like lead to an epidemic.  People will be outside more than they are now also and will be subjected to illnesses caused by insects.  Many of which are contagious.  As I said in another post, walking sick people (zombies) are going to be an issue especially as they migrate.

Interesting. My sister in law is a RN and she has told my wife and me to NOT get vaccinated for anything other then tetanus for the past several years now. She fears that during a WROL situation we will die more of infection and viruses then bullets. She has even weaned me off of over the counter allergy meds in early spring and early fall by using local honey in my coffee rather then processed sugar. By the way, I can't remember when the last time I got a virus. Typically a cold once a year but that's it. Maybe she is right????
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Offline Kentactic

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Re: Robert Kiyosaki speaks to the up and coming collapse
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2011, 08:13:10 PM »
For all of you folks who read this post/thread please start getting to know your neighbors. That one thing may be the difference between dieing or surviving.

so what your saying to me is that i must learn spannish or i might not survive. after all my preps it all comes back to the damn book smarts... im screwed.
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Offline APX808

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Re: Robert Kiyosaki speaks to the up and coming collapse
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2011, 08:23:05 PM »
A few months ago I posted in my blog a video of Kiyozaki and his retard friends talking about the comming depression and that people needs to start prepping, you can see the video in the following link.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Robert Kiyosaki speaks to the up and coming collapse
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2011, 09:19:40 PM »
Thank you APX808 for the video. I saw it when it was posted on Mr. L&L.

What are your thoughts for the forum?
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Re: Robert Kiyosaki speaks to the up and coming collapse
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2011, 10:27:47 PM »
I just think Kiyozaki saw a business opportunity talking about crisis and uses fear to fill his pockets.
He isn't saying anything you didn't hear in the prep community before.

What I found amusing, that lead me to post the video, is that one of the most popular capitalist writer who said that saving 10% of your income you would be a millionaire now says that the crazy guys are not so crazy.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Robert Kiyosaki speaks to the up and coming collapse
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2011, 10:34:17 PM »
I agree.

Kiyosaki is an opportunist and admitted on Becks program that he has made more money in the past three years then his previous 30 in real estate.

With that said, I do believe him when he says we need to prepare for what is around the corner. I am sure he is not wishing it unless his plan is to rule a large section of SW America.
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