Nemo, my brother owns half of the redoubt. They are ready. I do want to point out though that he and his sons firearms were stolen a few years ago. He borrows a old flint lock to go hunting deer with.
Here are some predictions from old JohnyMac:
> US economy starts out stagnate in the first half of the year. 2% or less GDP then a downturn in the second half of the year. Inventories on hard
goods right now are high. I expect to see deflation on some of these items to reduce inventory levels. A great example of deflationary prices is the
0% interest for 60 and 75 months.
> High inventories will mean layoff's in the manufacturing sector. Heck we are at the lowest workforce participation rate in 10 years.
People having several
jobs rather than just one job will increase. On the above graph notice the decline really took place post the implementation of the ACA.
> The EU will find themselves in a full fledged recession. Couple this along with the Syrian refugees and as what has already been written by DM,
nationalism will return to the EU. Nationalism will reignite Fascist feeling's and of course Fascist politicians.
> As more and more countries start dealing in ¥, ₹ and ₽ rather than the US petrol dollar the dollar will start to decline.
> Then we have North America terror, both internal and external players. The Democratic Convention in Philadelphia will be the rallying point for all of
the left's terrorist groups, e.g. BLM, OWS, New Black Panthers, etc. It is going to be a circus. My stepbrother works for the PPD and they are
preparing for the worse case scenario. Similar to when the Pope came to Philly but more offensive in rather than defensive in nature.
> Unlike some of earlier predictions with Clinton winning the November elections I think the person who wins will be someone right of center. Like
what happened in 1980, the Silent Majority will come out in force and soundly say "NO WAY TO Clinton." I just hope the person elected will not be
Trump. I like what he is saying - Basically sticking his finger in the RINO politicians eye (s); However, in the long run I would not want him as my
leader. I know that some think voting is a waste of time however it is all we have short of grabbing a rifle and participating in a CW.
> Talking about a CW or CW2 is going to take place in 2017. The economy will be in the dumpster, the right will be in power so the domestic
terrorists will start shooting ala... BLM, OWS, New Black Panthers, etc. Lets also throw Daesh into the mix for fun and games.
I have some other thoughts (
) however I will hold those private for the time being