Author Topic: Repost - Tyranny 101  (Read 570 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Repost - Tyranny 101
« on: January 20, 2015, 10:54:43 AM »
I just read an article by M.T. on blog that I thought part of was interesting enough to share amongst this group. If you want to read the whole article go here.

There are other reasons to prepare wisely in a God, guns, and grub reality.

Our open society is totally reliant on vulnerable technology. Consider the electrical grid, the water supply, trucking, computers, the Internet, and our food supply in general. All these, as well as many more key categories, are extremely vulnerable to mechanical malfunction, human error, weather, or the malicious intent of evil men.

Imagine if the Internet was attacked or shut down, which Obama has made clear would happen when terrorists strike the U.S. He’s stated that stopping their use of Internet communications would validate shutting it all down, even though the net effect on business would be unimaginable and more devastating than virtually any single attack on our nation, outside of nuclear, though I think that’s debatable. A prudent person would take this to heart and prepare wisely to deal with the potential devastation that any one of these failures would trigger.

There is so much more damning information, both hard and circumstantial. You will know them by their fruit! (Are you paying attention today?) There is also much more to consider in preparing for the coming showdown they will provoke. I highly recommend these websites to stay current on events, to prepare for the coming chaos, and to exercise the mind:,, and

Beware the trolls.

What can you do in your sphere of influence? Only you know your abilities and your contacts; beyond that, let me suggest a basic framework to consider.

    1) Educate others, as many as possible, as soon as possible. Post and repost this article in every way possible. Make hard copies of the links and others that soundly make the tyranny case. They will have value educating the uninformed when they wonder why United Nations forces are deployed in our nation killing Christians and Constitutionalists, or as aptly why UN soldiers are dying in the streets.
    2) Prepare wisely. We are living in the “God, guns, ‘n grub”, or “beans, bullets, and Band-Aids”, or “food, friends, and fortresses” stage of survival. (God is my fortress, whom shall I fear?) Yes, I’m a clinger.

    3) Consider the supply and demand fallout we are experiencing with the attack on the Second Amendment. Gun and ammo prices shot up and supply was exhausted in days, and resupply was not forth coming. The same will happen to food, and we know an Army runs on its stomach, so stock your pantry, deep and wide, and think of charity. Guns and ammo will be attainable; the food is most vital. DO THIS NOW. “Just in time delivery” with food is a major weakness, if it is not being delivered.
    4) Network with understanding, concerned Patriots, and urge them to prepare in depth. When the counter-revolution begins, we must unite from the ground up. We are not likely to see a national leader rise up anytime soon, as he’d be removed. It will likely fall upon local veterans and the informed, prepared civilians to be discerning in leadership and action.
    5) Be sure to have communication systems, short and long range. Our best ally is this Internet, and they know it. Use it now, and print out pertinent information.
    6) Get right with God. I would be remiss if I did not mention the signs of the times. The following link, being the work of man, is not infallible, yet it is a starting point to consider in relation to Bible prophecy research. I’m a post-tribulation thinker, which mandates wise preparedness beyond but not above faith and trust in God. Take some time, and research end time prophecy; the Internet is exploding, as the prophecies within the pages of the Bible are overlapping with current events in an undeniable way. It’s easy to get right with God. It’s free, and it’s about your heart and mind in unison. John 3:16 We wait with our lights shining brightly so that others may see (with lots of batteries wisely in reserve).

Keep abreast of J6 arrestees at Donate if you can for their defense.

Offline Erick

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Re: Repost - Tyranny 101
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2015, 05:59:34 PM »
Words to live by! :cowboy:
Every day, men who will follow orders to kill you, exercise. Do you?