Author Topic: Red Dawn 2024, The Southern Border  (Read 888 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Red Dawn 2024, The Southern Border
« on: October 23, 2023, 10:08:32 AM »
As I was laying in bed this morning under our warm blankets, I was pondering the following thoughts in no particular order.

> Red Dawn 1984 vs. 2012, which was better? Well 1984 for sure.
> Why is .gov sending all its munitions to the Ukraine? Now Israel?
> Isn't it interesting that we have troops sitting in the Med. Add to that, I am hearing through my friends, that their sons are
   being put on notice that they may be deployed - Stay frosty.
> 5.56 and .223 is almost impossible to find in quantity. More and more ammo producers are halting the manufacture of ammo
   for civilian sales and focusing on military sales. Mmmm why?

Then my mind started to wander even further and I asked myself, "what would happen if we have minimal munitions for our troops and we begin to send troops overseas?

Red Dawn 2024, not via parachutes and beach landings but through cells already here manned by illegal military age males that have crossed the southern border during President Biden's reign. Then I started to think of defenses for the redoubt.

Several years ago when I purchased that razor wire, I was ridiculed by friends in my MAG. The joke is on you naysayers now huh?

Deep in the planning of redoubts defenses, MrsMac nudged me and said, "would you get up and throw some wood in the stove and start the coffee?"

"Yes dear" I replied and dutifully got up from under the warm covers and did as directed.

As I was measuring out the coffee, I thought again of my earlier thoughts...Red Dawn 1984 was far better then the 2012 remake, however, Red Dawn 2024 is going to be frosty and we will not be able to pause that movie while we get the popcorn that just finished popping.


Keep abreast of J6 arrestees at Donate if you can for their defense.

Offline Felix

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Re: Red Dawn 2024, The Southern Border
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2023, 02:01:43 PM »
What's going down ain't by accident, betting the farm.   In a very real sense.
Our enemies want us either dead or totally unable to resist.
The depth of American understanding of this paradigm may ultimately write the last chapters in our favor.   It is not an unreasonable hope.
 As for firewood and coffee...
..had to go to emergency yesterday with urinary blockage, out of the blue, WTF - was retaining enough pee to extinguish a good sized campfire and they fitted me up with a cath and bag for to going home with in style.    Now I await tomorrow's appointment with urologist to see what we can see.    So, no going over the mountain to cut and bring in firewood (oak) like was planned for _yesterday and today_!     Oh.   And coffee   Verboten according to discharge instructions.     What do they say?    Embrace the suck?     ;-)       Winter's barreling down on us, good luck to all with those cold weather preps!

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Red Dawn 2024, The Southern Border
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2023, 02:42:03 PM »
Ferlix,  :'( Good luck Brother!  :cheers:
Keep abreast of J6 arrestees at Donate if you can for their defense.