Author Topic: Reality  (Read 874 times)


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« on: August 13, 2020, 04:07:57 PM »
I am going to loose some friends here. Yet that is how it goes.

I wear a mask to keep those around me safe from what I am breathing out. As the medical and governmental authorities have asked of me. This is what has been asked of citizens to protect our society. This is a proven method of limiting the spread of contagious disease.

This is nothing new. This has happened before.

For those that continue to refuse. You are unforgivable in your selfishness. You scream and yell about the imposition of your rights. Yet have not a tiny bit of selfless qualities in your soul. You would refuse the minimal inconvenience of wearing a mask to protect to weak around you. You are what is wrong with society. Your selfishness is despicable.

I am not talking about lockdowns or such. I am talking about the act of protecting your neighbours from what you are breathing out.

Take stock of your soul and have a think. I am clean. I wear a mask to protect those around me. I do it of free mind and soul. I will as long as it takes to end this problem we face.

Yet that is just me

« Last Edit: August 14, 2020, 06:53:41 AM by gadget99 »

Offline grizz

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Re: Reality
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2020, 01:47:54 PM »
I am going to loose some friends here. Yet that is how it goes.

I wear a mask to keep those around me safe from what I am breathing out. As the medical and governmental authorities have asked of me. This is what has been asked of citizens to protect our society. This is a proven method of limiting the spread of contagious disease.

This is nothing new. This has happened before.

For those that continue to refuse. You are unforgivable in your selfishness. You scream and yell about the imposition of your rights. Yet have not a tiny bit of selfless qualities in your soul. You would refuse the minimal inconvenience of wearing a mask to protect to weak around you. You are what is wrong with society. Your selfishness is despicable.

I am not talking about lockdowns or such. I am talking about the act of protecting your neighbours from what you are breathing out.

Take stock of your soul and have a think. I am clean. I wear a mask to protect those around me. I do it of free mind and soul. I will as long as it takes to end this problem we face.

Yet that is just me

So what you're saying is MY free mind and soul end where yours begins...

You do whatever is best for you and I'll do what is best for me. And by saying "me" I mean my Country, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and all our freedoms and liberties.

This virus has over 98% survival rate, other than making yourself feel special, you're not accomplishing anything.
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Offline JoJo

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Re: Reality
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2020, 04:17:14 PM »
 I'll still call you my FRIEND :thumbsUp:
In principle, no less than in practice, socialism is the ideology of thieves and tyrants.

Offline CJS06

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Re: Reality
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2020, 10:55:19 AM »
Agreement or disagreement shouldnt determine a friendship.  I have many friends that share differing points of view....that is simply humanity.  Though we have never met, wether I agree with you statement on not I would consider you a friend on this site and value your input here!



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Re: Reality
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2020, 08:33:21 AM »
I am going to loose some friends here. Yet that is how it goes.

I wear a mask to keep those around me safe from what I am breathing out. As the medical and governmental authorities have asked of me. This is what has been asked of citizens to protect our society. This is a proven method of limiting the spread of contagious disease.

This is nothing new. This has happened before.

For those that continue to refuse. You are unforgivable in your selfishness. You scream and yell about the imposition of your rights. Yet have not a tiny bit of selfless qualities in your soul. You would refuse the minimal inconvenience of wearing a mask to protect to weak around you. You are what is wrong with society. Your selfishness is despicable.

I am not talking about lockdowns or such. I am talking about the act of protecting your neighbours from what you are breathing out.

Take stock of your soul and have a think. I am clean. I wear a mask to protect those around me. I do it of free mind and soul. I will as long as it takes to end this problem we face.

Yet that is just me

So what you're saying is MY free mind and soul end where yours begins...

You do whatever is best for you and I'll do what is best for me. And by saying "me" I mean my Country, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and all our freedoms and liberties.

This virus has over 98% survival rate, other than making yourself feel special, you're not accomplishing anything.
Sorry all.

Claiming rights are being trampled by a preventative public health measure holds no water.

We comply with other state imposed rules intended to protect the populace. As an example speed limits and the laws against driving under the influence. So when a temporary new one comes up to potentially mitigate the spread of a virus. Throw toys out of the crib, proclaiming how wronged our rights are being denied? Yeah that is really adult behaviour.

Now with adults back in the room. Has anyone though about implied liabilities in this? Let us pose an example. A business owner makes the decision to not require customers to wear face coverings contrary to official advice. Now let us move forward a bit in time. A customer comes down with the virus. Is one of the minority that ends up in the hospital with a massive bill from such. Then the customer decides to sue the business for not taking advised protective measures to protect customers. Guess what. The business is going to most likely loose that legal battle. So yeah in our messed up world it would be plain stupid for any business to not enforce practical measures to reduce their liability in these times.

Now can we get back to collaboration on prepping to weather to storm of difficulty our society is facing?

No matter what we believe individually. We are in hard times. Times that bear a resemblance to those we prepare for.

Yes I am back after cooling down.

Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk

Offline grizz

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Re: Reality
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2020, 04:49:54 PM »
I am going to loose some friends here. Yet that is how it goes.

I wear a mask to keep those around me safe from what I am breathing out. As the medical and governmental authorities have asked of me. This is what has been asked of citizens to protect our society. This is a proven method of limiting the spread of contagious disease.

This is nothing new. This has happened before.

For those that continue to refuse. You are unforgivable in your selfishness. You scream and yell about the imposition of your rights. Yet have not a tiny bit of selfless qualities in your soul. You would refuse the minimal inconvenience of wearing a mask to protect to weak around you. You are what is wrong with society. Your selfishness is despicable.

I am not talking about lockdowns or such. I am talking about the act of protecting your neighbours from what you are breathing out.

Take stock of your soul and have a think. I am clean. I wear a mask to protect those around me. I do it of free mind and soul. I will as long as it takes to end this problem we face.

Yet that is just me

So what you're saying is MY free mind and soul end where yours begins...

You do whatever is best for you and I'll do what is best for me. And by saying "me" I mean my Country, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and all our freedoms and liberties.

This virus has over 98% survival rate, other than making yourself feel special, you're not accomplishing anything.
Sorry all.

Claiming rights are being trampled by a preventative public health measure holds no water.

We comply with other state imposed rules intended to protect the populace. As an example speed limits and the laws against driving under the influence. So when a temporary new one comes up to potentially mitigate the spread of a virus. Throw toys out of the crib, proclaiming how wronged our rights are being denied? Yeah that is really adult behaviour.

Now with adults back in the room. Has anyone though about implied liabilities in this? Let us pose an example. A business owner makes the decision to not require customers to wear face coverings contrary to official advice. Now let us move forward a bit in time. A customer comes down with the virus. Is one of the minority that ends up in the hospital with a massive bill from such. Then the customer decides to sue the business for not taking advised protective measures to protect customers. Guess what. The business is going to most likely loose that legal battle. So yeah in our messed up world it would be plain stupid for any business to not enforce practical measures to reduce their liability in these times.

Now can we get back to collaboration on prepping to weather to storm of difficulty our society is facing?

No matter what we believe individually. We are in hard times. Times that bear a resemblance to those we prepare for.

Yes I am back after cooling down.

Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk

Please show me ANYTHING in the Constitution or Bill of Rights where they mention speed limits, DWI or public health... Those things do not exist there but apparently you believe they do

As to your example of a business owner, that does not hold water for the following reasons
- the patron has the choice of eating anyplace they choose and they did not need to go to that establishment
- the patron has the choice of wearing a mask or not
- the patron could never prove this establishment was the only place they could have contracted the virus because there is at least a 14 day incubation time and the countless other people that person was around within those 14 days and any object they may have touched and then touch their face.

BTW there is over a 98% survival rate for this virus and since it was established within the past few days that the CDC has been fudging the numbers regarding the number of deaths, the survival rate is over 99%

If you feel better by wearing a mask than go for it, I dont care. BUT do not tell me I need to be wearing one!!!

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Offline wayupnorth

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Re: Reality
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2020, 08:55:10 PM »
Study's show that masks do not help, in fact cloth masks worsen the spread.


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Re: Reality
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2020, 02:27:42 AM »
Ah and here is the misconception.

I have not told anyone that they HAVE to wear a mask.

I only expressed my opinion that I do indeed wear a mask. I provided the reasoning for doing such.I then went on to express my frustration that some people in our society. Are placing blame on those that wear masks, for all that is going wrong. I even expressed that I am a bit angry that since I wear a mask I am getting some grief from some.

So there it is.

We fundamentally disagree on the causes of the situation. Yet I am not going to stop collaborating here in this forum. Whatever we believe. Things are not going well. So as preppers we need to openly discuss what is happening and how to weather the storm.

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Re: Reality
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2020, 06:44:51 PM »
"Embrace the Mask - Defeat Facial Recognition Software"

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Re: Reality
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2020, 11:26:18 AM »
"Embrace the Mask - Defeat Facial Recognition Software"

On TV this morning there was a shot of a student wearing a mask going up to a facial recognition scanner and being admitted to the room.
 You might want to wear a Long Ranger mask also. :sarcasm:
In principle, no less than in practice, socialism is the ideology of thieves and tyrants.

Offline 240Geezer

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Re: Reality
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2020, 08:10:05 PM »
I work for an outfit connected with MIT. They have started mandatory nasal swab testing for all students and employees. Two weeks of test results are in. Approx 20k tests. The current positive test rate is .01%. One tenth of one percent.
My place is instituting self attestation apps and contact tracing. In addition we have been on mandatory masks, electrostatic sanitizing, etc, etc. since April. 0.0 positives.
I personally have been working full time since this all started. I have type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and have had a mild heart attack. Oh and I smoke.
If anybody is at risk it’s me. I only wear a mask when required to do so. Period.
I came to the conclusion long ago that this whole thing is a BS political game.
You want to wear a mask fine. You want to quarantine fine. That approach is good for sick people. Physically or otherwise.
Stay out of my face and there won’t be any problems.