Look guys it's not that simple...
Entering into this lifestyle I noticed that it's pretty fucking depressing, especially the deeper you dig. This depression started affecting who I was.
And so I needed a new outlook on my day to day life. First i choose to better understand the little things such as traffic and alien grocery stores.
Economics helped me with that. Then there was the big problem of
other people.
Which remained unsolved to me until I read "The fountain head" by Ayn Rand.
And from that developed for myself an internal "scale of caring" that allows me to identify people who i've invested the effort of respect in and are likely to play dividends.
While the majority of other opinions and personalities I don't see paying out complain about not receiving any attention.
These two measures for me eliminates all the "white noise" of my day to day. My doctor is jealous of my low blood pressure.
My hemorrhoids are gone.
I can fall asleep on command.
And most important of all I can focus better on solving a emotional / political problem in an argument.
Just my 2c's
It doesn't mean that you fail to see bullshit or look the other way. It just means you pick your battles and options in dealing with them.
You got it.