Author Topic: Radiation Leak in Europe  (Read 448 times)

Offline Kbop

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Radiation Leak in Europe
« on: November 11, 2017, 05:49:31 AM »
IRSN found elevated levels of some interesting isotopes the other day.
there doesn't seem to be any threat to the EU or anywhere outside of the Russia/Kazakhstan border area.

it could be anything from a reactor leak to a damaged satellite in production facility.  It should only be dangerous at these levels for a mile or two (up to 5Km) from the source.  The interesting thing is they found a radio active Iodine isotope in the air this week - this would point to an active source (like a reactor) not a processing facility (nuclear medicine or satellite mfg).

from the attached article:
It was likely a nuclear fuel treatment site or centre for radioactive medicine
Based on weather patterns, most plausible zone lies south of the Ural mountains
This could indicate Russia or possibly Kazakhstan, an IRSN official said
There has been no impact on human health or the environment in Europe


Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Radiation Leak in Europe
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2017, 05:48:08 AM »
There has been no impact on human health or the environment in Europe

Move along...Nothing to see here folks...Move along.
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