I have always been conspiracy theorist to one degree or another. I have always done well with friends, spouses and bosses who tell the truth and nothing but the truth. Once you know the truth you can fix things. With only half the story you run around in circles. What's even worst is half truth's and the other half lies. Remember the best lies are made up of 90% truths.
Concerning our countries situation my conspiracy meter has gone up a lot of late. I am now listening to people like Ron Paul, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and others with a more tuned ear. I am researching things on the internet and in libraries more now then ever before. I read books now not just for pleasure (Parker, Crais, Rawles) but to educate myself (Pain, Jefferson, Ambrose).
In my life I can give you many examples of when I questioned or challenged the system and good things came from it. Profits increased. Employee retention and moral increase; And ultimately the customer benefited.
However when I was not allowed to question things and / or given misinformation those three legs of the stool faultered and things came crashing down. Sorry to put things in business terms but that is who I am.
Remember; "Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear." Thomas Jefferson