For most of my life, I've believed that those folks wearing tinfoil hats and spouting Conspiracy theories were full of crap. Over the last 10 to 15 years, I have slowly come to believe that I must have been naive. I have just enough braincells to rub together to now realize that a lot of that Conspiracy Theory stuff was actually true. All the Biblical stuff is starting to rear its ugly head and it lines up with a lot of the stuff I was hearing many years ago. Plagues, Famine, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Floods, 1/2 the world's population dying, the Battle of Armageddon, etc. We are told who is running things but I call Bullshit on that. There is someone or some group behind the curtain pulling the strings. This is not a new thing. If we look back pre 1912, economics was completely different. Once the Federal Reserve was allowed to be created, that's when Inflation began. To me, it is clear that the Federal Reserve owns and operates everything but they are not the only player in this game of disaster. I believe that we will all eventually find out who all the other players are in this game of destruction. It looks like the only real survivors will be the well stocked and well armed Hermits. It may be naive of me to also think that small pockets of people will form MAGS and not be gobbled up by the SYSTEM. If many MAGS form, then its possible that they can or will form alliances and will have enough power to be left alone. If the MAG alliances are attacked, they will only survive by using Hit and Run tactics.