do you mean the media running around like their hair is on fire?
do you mean Trump alienating NATO or getting cucked by the Russians?
or President Trump bashing the mayor of a British town recovering from a terrorist attack?
or Trump's own spokespersons contradicting POTUS and each other?
or the White House having a serious problem getting people to work there?
or Trump removing ethics restrictions from senior White House staff to try and keep his daughter and son in law out of jail?
Or acts of terrorism becoming more of a traffic report rather than breaking news.
Or the United Kingdom having snap elections with two possibly distasteful candidates being presented.
Or the US of A seemingly throwing one ally under the bus in the Arabian Peninsula, causing divisions between some of our other allies?
Or the intel brokers in the US of A at war with their own boss?
ok, enough of that.
On the other hand the 1% is cleaning up in the current stock market.
nope, nothing unusual going on around here.