Author Topic: opinions on a gun trade/sale  (Read 1707 times)

Offline NOLA556

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opinions on a gun trade/sale
« on: November 03, 2011, 09:26:59 PM »
ok so I'm looking to offload my 1911, and the ideal situation is to trade for an AK. There's nothing wrong with the 1911, it's freakin great in fact. But A: I'm not very comfortable with it (it's also the only gun I've ever had a ND with) and B: I don't feel that it's as practical of a weapon as I could have gotten for $700.

lately I've been a little nervous about the fact that I only have one viable primary, and I've been thinking about the fact that IMO the 1911 is more for "cool" and aesthetic purposes rather than a practical secondary. (JUST MY OPINION, don't flame me please)
lately I've been thinking that a backup primary would serve me better than a less-than-practical backup secondary. don't worry guys, I'm still an "AR guy" lol, but I want an AK, and this may be a perfect way to get one without having to spend any money.

so I was thinking of attempting to trade it for an AK. the 1911 is a Springfield Armory Milspec, almost brand new, no visible wear or surface damage, less than 1K rounds through it. I paid a little over $700 for it brand new after taxes. I also have two $70+ leather OWB holsters and one cheaper IWB holster, and 3 Wilson Combat 8rd mags, plus the 2 7rd SA mags that came with it.

so my question: is this a reasonable thought process for a trade? is my head in the right place? What level of quality AK can I expect from a trade like that? this is directed specifically toward you AK guys around here.

also, if anyone is interested in a trade like this then please PM me or post a comment or something. It would need to be FTF of course. I look forward to any comments. thanks guys.
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Offline mountainredneck2051

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Re: opinions on a gun trade/sale
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2011, 09:31:52 PM »
honestly i feel that handguns will be worth more than rifles in wrol, just something to think about...........
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Re: opinions on a gun trade/sale
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2011, 09:55:42 PM »
i disagree,remember the bank of america shoot out where there pistols were no match in firepower to the aks the robbers had. just something to think about!

Offline gapatriot

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Re: opinions on a gun trade/sale
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2011, 10:05:26 PM »
« Last Edit: November 10, 2011, 11:39:31 PM by wildturkey »

Offline NOLA556

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Re: opinions on a gun trade/sale
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2011, 10:24:00 PM »
sorry nola cant help myself but do read the whole thing 8)

My brother says sounds like a good idea but in your area do think about what mtn said. For a good even trade you should be able to get a nice yugo (check the bore very good) or hungarian ak, or mak 90. one thing to look for if any mak 90's come up is the evil 3rd axis pin hole i have seen some (im sorry my brother) in personal collections that had the hole. These were early imports pre ban bought from a dealer.Avoid century and i.o. ak's as a general rule, some of the best quality ak's i have seen are preban imports. man if your were closer i would take you up on the trade and build you an ak.

where are you? if it's not too ridiculously far, a road trip never hurt anybody..  8)
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Offline gapatriot

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Re: opinions on a gun trade/sale
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2011, 10:27:32 PM »
« Last Edit: November 10, 2011, 11:39:48 PM by wildturkey »

Offline NOLA556

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Re: opinions on a gun trade/sale
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2011, 10:29:34 PM »
right up the street from ejr, we were all supossed to meet up but the scheduals didnt work out. what kind of ak are you looking for fixed stock or folder?

I haven't gotten that far yet, lol. I guess a folder would be cool for concealment reasons, but I really don't see myself shooting from the hip much at all.

and yea, GA aint a bad trip. I got family in Macon so I could just make an excuse to visit the in-laws  >:D
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Re: opinions on a gun trade/sale
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2011, 11:00:47 PM »
Look man, if your not comfortable with it. You have to get rid of it. Also if she doesn't bite you. You have to get rid of it. Those are just some family rules that I have.
Make it happen man. You should have an AK somewhere in the house. Because eventually ( Insert Troll Face ) your AR will fail you and you will going the light side of the force.
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Re: opinions on a gun trade/sale
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2011, 11:06:17 PM »
i disagree,remember the bank of america shoot out where there pistols were no match in firepower to the aks the robbers had. just something to think about!

I don't know if that example applies anymore. Almost every police department in the country has access to 5.56 carbines that can easily penetrate most body armor, except Dragon Skin. You couldn't just stand still and exchange shots with an enemy force like Phillips and Matasauranau. In my opinion, that was a one-of-a-kind scenario.

Offline mountainredneck2051

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Re: opinions on a gun trade/sale
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2011, 11:24:24 PM »
the guys at the n. hollywood shootout were douchebags
they should have aimed, killed the original cops and split
the shit and split rules applies there

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Re: opinions on a gun trade/sale
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2011, 02:28:06 AM »
the guys at the n. hollywood shootout were douchebags
they should have aimed, killed the original cops and split
the shit and split rules applies there

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Offline EJR914

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Re: opinions on a gun trade/sale
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2011, 07:20:46 AM »
honestly i feel that handguns will be worth more than rifles in wrol, just something to think about...........

THIS!  In WROL, handguns will be extremely valuable, financially and tactically. 

Ferfal and SurviorBlog talk about this extensively, in fact, I think I posted the links about that a while ago.  Conceal-ability will be the main advantage to pistols over rifles in WROL or a Financial Collapse which is very possible.

Sure, there will be times where you NEED your rifle and your pistol just won't do it, but as far as everyday, carrying around the property and into "town" or into places of trade, it just might be that "guns are not allowed" and you'll want to conceal on the way there and back to protect your goods, ect.

We all know that Rifles are also superior to Pistols, but only in the actual battle, but you will not always be able to have them out in WROL/Financial Collapse.

Keeping a rifle or shotgun on your person is impossible. Working the garden, feeding the chickens, cutting firewood, setting traps etc. And don?t forget barter markets where going armed will likely be forbidden. Criminals will know this and will wait to attack when you leave the market area.

Also, do you already have a GLOCK?  If you Do Not, this is what I would trade the 1911 for.  The Glock is really the best SHTF pistol, no doubt about it, no need to lube it, will go bang filled with mud, under water, under sand, ect.

Offline mountainredneck2051

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Re: opinions on a gun trade/sale
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2011, 09:53:09 AM »
well if we are all honest about it in all likely hood chances are 1000:1 that all out anarchy will not be what happens
its more likely to be a slow burn and if anything guns will be MORE regulated than they are now, so all the guys who plan on going around in full battle rattle are gonna get taken out

i suggest a concealable handgun with hi capacity and carrying a lot of magazines

glock 17 and 7 mags is what 119rds............
thats some fighting capability right there
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Offline NOLA556

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Re: opinions on a gun trade/sale
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2011, 09:59:09 AM »
top-notch responses guys. you guys are always a big help when I'm contemplating things like this. 

Also, do you already have a GLOCK?  If you Do Not, this is what I would trade the 1911 for.  The Glock is really the best SHTF pistol, no doubt about it, no need to lube it, will go bang filled with mud, under water, under sand, ect.

yea i have a Glock 22. if that 1911 was my only handgun I wouldn't even bother with this post.. haha!  I'd just trade it. but that Glock is the only other one I have.

Look man, if your not comfortable with it. You have to get rid of it. Also if she doesn't bite you. You have to get rid of it. Those are just some family rules that I have.
Make it happen man. You should have an AK somewhere in the house. Because eventually ( Insert Troll Face ) your AR will fail you and you will going the light side of the force.

 I'm not SO uncomfortable with it where it just feels like some kind of foreign object. I shoot better with that SA than I do with my Glock any day of the week as far as accuracy goes, but in terms of manipulating the slide release and running reload drills... Glock has the advantage because of mag capacity and ease of reloading. The way the Glock mags are tapered at the top makes it real smooth and easy to shove into the grip quickly, whereas I rarely hit the mark quickly reloading that 1911 without the feed lips catching on the bottom of the grip at least a little before it finally slips in. (no sexual references, lol)

Mountainredneck and I were talking about it on ICQ last night and we both agreed on the fact that the 1911 is certainly a venerable choice for a sidearm, however, that design requires a good bit more practice to master it than other semiautos. and for a guy that rarely gets to go shoot because of financial reasons, maybe that's not the way to go. Of course, I still practice at home with empty mags but I just can't seem to make the smooth, quick, second-nature movements that I can make with my Glock.

truth be told, that 1911 has been seeing quite a bit more holster time than the Glock in the last few months because now the Glock lives in my wife's truck. I'm becoming a bit more comfortable with it, practicing reloads, draw and dry-fire, etc. but if SHTF tomorrow, I still don't know if I'd trust my life to it given my low level of experience with it.
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Offline WhiskeyJack

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Re: opinions on a gun trade/sale
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2011, 10:16:54 AM »
Do whats right for you brother but Im of the opinion that having more handguns than battle rifles is a good policy in WROL. If i were in your shoes( and i know im not) i would consider tading for a hi-cap handgun with more mags. Just my .02 cents bro. PS i love the 1911 but i would trade it for a sig p226 for a WROL situation.  [url=http://www.freesmileys.or
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Re: opinions on a gun trade/sale
« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2011, 10:36:56 AM »
Do whats right for you brother but Im of the opinion that having more handguns than battle rifles is a good policy in WROL. If i were in your shoes( and i know im not) i would consider tading for a hi-cap handgun with more mags. Just my .02 cents bro. PS i love the 1911 but i would trade it for a sig p226 for a WROL situation.

The sig is a nice gun, but it's currently going for more than you paid for the 1911.  I did see a used 40 226 for $459 on  I don't know.  If you sell the 1911 you might could pick up an AK parts kit and see if one of the guys, GApatriot or one of the builders, would put it together for you.  Then take whats left and put it towards a used handgun in good shape.  Guns are hot selling items right now, but then due to the economy there are a lot of guys selling to make the bills. ( I personally think this is a mistake.)

I've seen some really good deals on the auctions.  Think over all of your options and do what's right for you and your situation man.   

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Offline WhiskeyJack

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Re: opinions on a gun trade/sale
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2011, 10:54:05 AM »
Do whats right for you brother but Im of the opinion that having more handguns than battle rifles is a good policy in WROL. If i were in your shoes( and i know im not) i would consider tading for a hi-cap handgun with more mags. Just my .02 cents bro. PS i love the 1911 but i would trade it for a sig p226 for a WROL situation.

The sig is a nice gun, but it's currently going for more than you paid for the 1911.  I did see a used 40 226 for $459 on  I don't know.  If you sell the 1911 you might could pick up an AK parts kit and see if one of the guys, GApatriot or one of the builders, would put it together for you.  Then take whats left and put it towards a used handgun in good shape.  Guns are hot selling items right now, but then due to the economy there are a lot of guys selling to make the bills. ( I personally think this is a mistake.)

Sledge makes a real good point bro! 
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Offline NOLA556

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Re: opinions on a gun trade/sale
« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2011, 11:14:00 AM »
I may just wait until the next gunshow (mid-december I think) and see what's available.

I bought the 1911 simply because I always wanted one. not for any practical reason. now that I'm in no financial position to buy another gun (and with the world looking more and more unstable) I'm starting to wish I had bought something a little more practical for me, rather than just a "cool" gun. If the world holds itself together until the gunshow, I may be able to work out a deal with someone there.  :)
(I also jump headlong into an idea once it gets stuck in my head, hence my sudden interest in trading this gun, lol. I gotta train myself to be more patient)
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Offline mountainredneck2051

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Re: opinions on a gun trade/sale
« Reply #18 on: November 04, 2011, 11:29:07 AM »
i believe your suffering from restless new gun syndrome
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Re: opinions on a gun trade/sale
« Reply #19 on: November 04, 2011, 11:35:27 AM »
well if we are all honest about it in all likely hood chances are 1000:1 that all out anarchy will not be what happens
its more likely to be a slow burn and if anything guns will be MORE regulated than they are now, so all the guys who plan on going around in full battle rattle are gonna get taken out

i suggest a concealable handgun with hi capacity and carrying a lot of magazines

glock 17 and 7 mags is what 119rds............
thats some fighting capability right there

You got it, MNT.   [URL=

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Re: opinions on a gun trade/sale
« Reply #20 on: November 04, 2011, 11:37:02 AM »
on a serious note, yall think a 40 cal is a good choice for a woman?

all the experience i got with 40 cal and women has been negative feedback due to recoil
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Re: opinions on a gun trade/sale
« Reply #21 on: November 04, 2011, 11:37:54 AM »
Do whats right for you brother but Im of the opinion that having more handguns than battle rifles is a good policy in WROL. If i were in your shoes( and i know im not) i would consider tading for a hi-cap handgun with more mags. Just my .02 cents bro. PS i love the 1911 but i would trade it for a sig p226 for a WROL situation.

P226 for the win!  I've got the P229, and I really wish I would have gone with the 226 at this point, even though I do love my 229.  I'll probably just buy one and keep the 229 for conceal-ability.

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Re: opinions on a gun trade/sale
« Reply #22 on: November 04, 2011, 11:45:46 AM »
on a serious note, yall think a 40 cal is a good choice for a woman?

all the experience i got with 40 cal and women has been negative feedback due to recoil

It depends on the woman, some women with great experience handle the recoil fine, but one without a lot of experience, they are going to think that its too much recoil.

I believe 40 and then of course .357 Sig have the largest recoils of the autoloaders, besides 10MM and .50, so definitely be aware of it when thinking of women and pistols. 

IIRC, .40 has 12 Foot Lbs of recoil, while .357 Sig has 13 Foot Lbs of recoil with my Sig P229.  Its a good bit.

I've always thought the 9mm was a great round for operators and women.  Good size and energy to the target, I've seen some nasty 9mm rounds before, and with a reduced recoil. 
« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 11:47:26 AM by EJR914 »

Offline mountainredneck2051

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Re: opinions on a gun trade/sale
« Reply #23 on: November 04, 2011, 11:50:44 AM »
idk guys i see wayyy too much of guys going damn i wish i would have got (insert here)
then they sell the gun they got rounds through and know just to buy a gun they think/have been told is better, then they feel like asses because they end up missing the gun they had originally

i think people would just get a gun train on it, and keep it
the man with one gun is the deadliest

i got a large variety of handguns but i really only shoot and carry one, although i do stay sharp on my other favorite as well

instead of putting rounds through each one and being cool with all of them i have put 12 thousand rounds through my go to handgun and it pays off, just back in october i killed 2 elk and 2 deer with it, ranges were close 30-50 yds but they all dropped as soon as the bullet hit them
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