TG you assume that if you take away the Off Topic section all that will go away, and the in your opinion "productive" topics will increase...
It won't.
All off prepping topics (which I don't consider the Top Secret section to be part of) will just spill over to the "AK's are awesome" thread and next thing you know it will be hijacked a by someone who wants to talk about David Hasslehoff.
And whats wrong with a little bit of culture?
This, TG, I've seen boards after boards take away off-topic sections time and time again, and the off-topic stuff then just starts to pour into other threads, and good threads tend to get hi-jacked more often.
The truth is, people are going to talk about off-topic stuff whether you have an off-topic section or not, having an off-topic section just allows them a place to do that and to channel that discussion, while not dragging as many prepping topics off-topic in the process.
Trust me on this, I've seen it happen with almost every board that I have been on.
Guns, prepping, politics, every forum I've been on HAD to add an off-topic section to try to keep the off-topic chatter out of other threads, because they were constantly getting hi-jacked. Unfortunately, off-topic is a necessary evil to internet forums.
You think moderating is hard now?
Try moderating every hijacked thread and deleting all comments that are not on topic, or constantly begging people to get back on topic to no avail.
I'll be honest, I think its time you guys chill and let this board do some self-regulating.
All this regulation seems to be putting a lot of good members here off. Sure we lost some very awesome members here, but I have a feeling that you're going to turn even more of them off with too much regulation.
You don't really want to know what I think of people that just get into a huff and puff and leave over one comment, or one thread, or a couple of threads that they find offensive.
Yes, these people would have been AWESOME if they would have stuck around because of their knowledge and experience, and I would have learned a TON from them, (and I did learn a ton from them while they were here) but that's internet forums man, people come and go, and yes even the "really good posters" are usually the ones to leave for some reason because something offended them. I've seen it TIME and TIME again on other forums that I am on. It seems like the ones with the most knowledge and experience just also seem to be the first ones to get in a huff and puff and storm off and never reply again. Its just the way it is. You HAVE to have thick skin to post on an internet forum, you just do. You will see so many opinions and comments the offend you, or you just disagree with so deeply in your core that it offends you, but that America man, we ALL have different opinions on things, different personalities, different lifestyles, different senses of humor, different backgrounds, different religions, no religions, hell America is a melting pot, and we're going to see all that melting pot right here on this forum.
Do I miss them and their input? HELL YEAH I do! But that's one thing that you'll never be able to control here, who gets offended by what, who stomps off and gets their feelings hurt, or gets offended, and who comes back or who leaves forever. Its like war, you can't make sense of who gets hit and who doesn't. It just happens, well losing people like this is about the same. Its going to happen, just as people get hit in war, and its just as easily unpredictable.
I promise you, I'm going to probably get my feelings hurt here or get offended here someday, but you know what, I'll take a break, I'm not going to whine and bitch about it, or even probably tell one of you MODS, and I'm certainly not going to tell you to delete my profile, as in taking my ball and going home. I'll probably take some time off, regroup, come back, forget about it, and keep on working because I'M DEDICATED to this site and to prepping, and I believe in this site and what it stands for, and what you and 505th stand for. I'm NOT going to just quit this site, no matter how angry I get, no matter how offended I get, or no matter how butt hurt I get, ect.
Its not about trading this person for a bad joke or trading this person for something rude said, or whatever. If they don't have the GUMPTION, the intestinal fortitude to hang around, and realize that there are TONS of us who just read stuff, and are amazed by the content, but are too unknowledgeable about the topic to even post a reply really, or even discuss it, then that is their problem, and I fear for their fortitude and sticking power in the coming darkness and hard times. Its going to take a lot of TRUE GRIT to make it through this rough time that is coming to us, and also a lot of OPEN MINDEDNESS, and I'm going to tell you this, some people here don't have it, and that's fine, its just a fact of life, but I'm not going to get all bent out of shape about it either way.
If people want to make sick jokes here that I don't find funny, that's their business, it doesn't affect me any, doesn't affect my prepping. If people want to be make a comment to someone else, it doesn't affect me any, doesn't affect my prepping.
I will say this though, this site DOES need to be a whole lot more about prepping. Sometimes I post something about prepping, and for whatever reason, it doesn't get any replies. Now I don't know if that's because, like I mentioned above, nobody is knowledgeable about the subject, could be nobody is interested in the subject at all, or it could be that everyone's already heard about it, already knows it, and just doesn't care to discuss it or hear it again, so I'm not making any judgements, because I don't know, but it does seem to me that sometimes I get the feeling here that people are not really that hard up or hardcore about prepping here, and I do think THAT needs to change. I am not going to lie, I saw the same sort of thing happening on LNL as well.
I will, however, keep doing my part and posting things that I am reading about prepping, regardless of if anybody posts a reply to it.
I think we need to man up, I think we need to get more HARD UP about prepping, myself included, and we need to get serious about it. I mean you can for sure enjoy your MF'in life, but this place needs to be a place about prepping, and we need to take that part seriously. I mean whatever you do, DO NOT Forget to enjoy you MF'in life! But if you're going to be a prepper, be into it. I understand some are just starting out and that's great too! Do not do too much and get burned out. EVERYTHING needs to be in moderation in your life, and I understand that, totally. I'm just saying those that are here that are calling themselves preppers, well maybe we should be a little bit more hard up about prepping.
All the other crap, I could care less about, and I think it would behoove others to learn that if you see something that offends you, or is rude, or whatever, and you DON'T think it needs your involvement and a smack down from you, just don't click on it, just don't let it bother you, as it doesn't effect you personally, and just move on and read the things that interest you here, and post things that you're reading on prepping, whatever. Especially, if you know you are the type to get into a huffy puffy, leave, and never come back. Just DON'T click it or read it. You have that power.
I'm not saying do not SMACK SOMEONE DOWN if they need it, because that is really more of what we need here. MORE self-regulation, so that we give the MODS a break. I'm just saying don't get all pissed about it, don't take it personally, and don't get in a huffy puffy about it. Smack down where is needed and then move on. Make this SITE what we want it to be. Take command and control of the site and the information on it ourselves.
Also, I think some people do need to be more open-minded. I mean some of these topics, as horrific and awful as they are, we also need to prepare ourselves for them. They might actually happen. I am currently prepping in hopes that I don't ever have to do some of horrific things that have happened in other parts of the world and at times in our own country in the past, but they happen, and they MAY happen again to you, no matter how hard we prep, so we may as well talk about them now, prepare ourselves mentally now, ect.
Well that's my piece, and now I'm out. I'll sit back and chill for a bit. Ya'll have a good one. [URL=