Author Topic: October 1: Obamacare & Debt Limit debate  (Read 565 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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October 1: Obamacare & Debt Limit debate
« on: September 04, 2013, 03:16:07 PM »
I for one am not for Obamacare. I think it is unconstitutional to make people buy insurance of any kind. And yes citizens will be forced to buy it or be penalized. It is true that you need to have insurance to operate your car on the road but if you do not have a car you are going to operate on the road you do not need insurance.

MrsMac's and my insurance (COBRA) will be up January 2014 and we are currently paying just a little shy of $1,000- a month with a hefty deductible. In theory we will be covered under Obamacare when our COBRA expires but we are not going to join up. We have decided to bank $1,000- a month in a high interest Money Market account and go to doctors and pay as we go. Hospital visits we will pay cash and receive a 40-60% discount.

Our GP told us that if we paid him up front of $500- annually, MrsMac and I could have up to 12 free visits yearly and if we go over that number each visit would be $50- each. The only issue will be meds especially for my wife as she is a diabetic; however, he will write 90 - 180 day prescriptions and we will mail away to fill them.

Because we will not play the socialized medicine game, we will each pay a $95- fine year one. Year two, $295- fine. Year 3 $695- fine. Year 4 and on - What ever the fine is.

In our opinion, we will receive better health care than going with the governments version. Plus and added benefit is we will be a bit of sand in the socialized medicine cog. If enough people do what we will do (I know many who are) the program will fall on itself like a house of cards.

Let the shit-storm commence....
« Last Edit: September 04, 2013, 08:23:10 PM by JohnyMac »
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