Author Topic: Small Groups Will Get Us Through The Hard Times  (Read 575 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Small Groups Will Get Us Through The Hard Times
« on: May 18, 2023, 09:45:31 AM »
Mrsmac and I have our radio alarm clock set for 0545 hrs. and tuned to the local Christian Radio station. We use to wake to NPR but we lost two radio clocks to that frequency. When the NPR would report the news I often would throw things at the radio.

This morning there was a sermon by Dr. Jeremiah former professor at the Moody College in Chicago, on the radio. The pastor was talking about the movement toward global governance, the corruption of our government, and our two tiered justice system.

In essence, the evil will continue and will even get worse. The only folks who will get through this evil will be folks who belong to small groups or MAG's. Small groups will support each other as our government becomes more corrupt and the Blue Helmeted military start traversing our streets.

Food for thought...

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Offline Felix

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Re: Small Groups Will Get Us Through The Hard Times
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2023, 03:08:13 PM »
Having purchased and studied Jack Lawson's Civil Defense Manual(s), I spent some time thinking of _how_ to begin the ball rolling in regards to a MAG in my neighborhood.    Directly across the street is a couple who bumper stickered for Obama and Biden.   Mostly, folks around here treat conversational guard rails like they were in the wardroom - no politics, no religion.
Last year, I settled on "seed-to-seed" food gardening as most likely "in" - both and a gauge of condition assessments AND folk's willingness to get off the old duff and DO something immediate and useful.   It didn't hurt that I enjoyed the project, got good food for my efforts in an absorbing learning experience.
Was able to give away over half of the 250#s assorted squashes to 6 households and had three people interested in seeds for planting this year from previous crops.   One of those who did not take seeds brought his hand crank mill over and together we shelled my dried corn, milled it into course and fine flour. 
Thus, I proceed with better guestimate of who might cotten to discussion of a MAG - one of which (who isn't home a lot and didn't take seeds) accepted a Baofeng - and he is good at programming - a bonus.
Small steps perhaps - but ya gotta start somewhere...

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Small Groups Will Get Us Through The Hard Times
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2023, 10:05:02 AM »
Perfect Felix! You rock.  :cheers:

baby steps folks...Baby steps.

What is the old saying, "there are no atheist's in a foxhole. Same thing within ones neighborhood. When food is tough to come by, the streets are WROL, and the lead starts flying, it will not matter if you are a Democrat or Republican.
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Offline Felix

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Re: Small Groups Will Get Us Through The Hard Times
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2023, 01:26:29 PM »
The way I see it (and the way I _have assumed_ most "Preppers" think of it), in grid down/TEOTWAWKI circumstances, America will prove itself one giant Titanic.   You know, the one without enough lifeboats for everyone.
In my mind, our lifeboats come in two categories.   Those that are static/finite such as stored supplies.   The others, dynamic... capable of being worked to improve a position such as being able to grow food, hunt, fish, trp, etc.
Regardless of type though, lifeboats have limited capacity and anyone who finds themselves floating in a sea of chaos will be forced to either make "the tough choices" or be swamped by those who didn't even think of stocking life vests in their closet.
The most troubling aspect of all this (to me) is that "tough choice" when every string of you heart is being pulled (yes, I DO have a heart), when the turning away of someone who categorically will not survive without assistance looms over your conscience.
I didn't realize how long I've been struggling over this sort of thought until I was under the house where I'm cellaring garden produce and took a look at a 5-gallon lidded plastic bucket stashed.    It was dated when placed there: 3-12-16.   The lid lists: pinto beans rice, first aid kit, sodium naproxen, bic lighters, sewing kit, bobby pins, honey, blistex, salt & pepper, chicken and beef bullion.   Brought it upstairs, changed out the bags of beans/rice for newly purchase ones (and am using the "old" - still perfectly good).   Refreshed the date and returned to storage, 11-11-22.
Why haven't I added to the bucket count?
Because conflicting concerns also argue against feeding "refugees" who will come back for more, possibly tell others "where the food is".
The scenario where armed men at night are trying to infiltrate and a neighbor stealing brought some very (though few) revealing responses up.     Wish folks here were more open to discussion in that direction too.    Kinda like a "townhall" of this digital MAG, trying to reach consensus _before_ the QRF is really needed, _before_ someone is actually "harming you or your family".
One thing for sure - no matter what one ends up doing, there will be haunting regrets.   When shit is blowing all over the place, clean "wins" become like hen's teeth.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Small Groups Will Get Us Through The Hard Times
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2023, 03:08:56 PM »
 :thumbsUp: :cheers:
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Offline Trail Ninja

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Re: Small Groups Will Get Us Through The Hard Times
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2023, 09:47:00 AM »
New to the group.
I am willing to co-found a MAG in the Rutherford County region of Tennesse; or join one.
The name I've been considering is:
Stones River Mutual Assistance Group (SRMAG).
I would like to start with a meet and greet, and move onto comms and skill sets. Then develop work shops to hoan skills.
However, do you have any advice on how to vet candidates?


Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Small Groups Will Get Us Through The Hard Times
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2023, 02:08:14 PM »
Perfect. A bit of a commute from NE PA however, there are plenty of folks on this forum from around your parts.  :cheers:
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Offline Trail Ninja

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Re: Small Groups Will Get Us Through The Hard Times
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2023, 01:14:17 PM »
Perfect. A bit of a commute from NE PA however, there are plenty of folks on this forum from around your parts.  :cheers:

Alright. Looking forward to more contact