Dont get me wrong I wasnt wanting an itemized list, just as long as you feel confident.
Next thing is securing a water source or water itself. You can live longer without food than water. Not to say that food is not very imortant but water IMO should take priority. Go with bottled water or a rain colletion system from your roof top (provided you own your home) There are other means out there, a well for example. Also look into a chemical called pool shock. To much and its poison, mixed in the correct quanities and its a dissinfectant for water. Many more options if you do some research. The bottles and rain water collection is just what I'm trying to do for now. A well for me isnt exactly ideal for my situation.
As for food, look into things like wheat, and other grains. You can try a local morman cannery if one is in your area, or go to a web ite called emegency essentials. Or if you find a better deal use them. Ideally, as far as food and water goes, you should have a years supply of both, with seeds and such to continue the next years growing season. After that look into canning.
Then find things that you use often, as in daily or at least weekly. Keep a good supply of them awell, or at least a good substitute, if possible. Dont forget clothing, and as you know socks.
Also very important. IMO just a very very slight tick under food and water is medical supplies. Not just full blown surgical supplies but for the small stuff aswell. Diareha (sp?) headaches, cuts and bruises, with means to do far bigger things aswell. Sometimes its the small stuff that can bring a person down the hardest. Even if you dont necessarily know exactly how to use some of it. Perhaps when you need it the most someone around will.
Cant forget means to keep warm in the winter, a wood burning stove can serve many purposes. Not a bad investment if possible. And not crazy expensive either. In some cases anyways.
Also depending on what you are trying to prepare for (end of the world, society collaps, natural disaster, all the above) look into items that can be used for trade. It wont necessarily have to be physical goods. Perhaps a labor for food ordeal could work out. Use whatever specialized skills you have, invest in the tools you need for that skill. Though pysical goods will be just ashelpfull. Stick with the essential type good food, water, fire, shelter, and maybe throw in some comfort items aswell.
Dunno how much this helped but its round about how I'm going about it.