I think this sounds like a fantastic opportunity for anyone who does not expect to need their preps. All those people out there packing away 5 gallon buckets of wheat and beans to "keep up with the Jones's" should be sprinting in their high heals, tripping over their hazmat bunny suits for the chance to show the world their hidden caches, pricey equipment, clockwork daily routines, and trick knees.
Unfortunately, TG and I will have to refrain from the limelight since all we have are a few cans of corn and a baseball bat to share between the two of us, but that shouldn't discourage any of you from pursuing the glamorous life of a celebrity prepper.
I'm hoping for TG-family reality show. Now that would be some fine television.
You'd think that would be exciting, but it's not. The whole show would be like if you looped the first 10 seconds of this video clip (minus the banjo) to span 30 minutes...