Yes Kentactic. It seems like people are waiting for a 'Oh snap!' moment that will never come. The cancer that is tyranny will slowly eat away your rights. Generation by generation. If the Americans of 1776 woke up to today's America there would be revolution tommorow.
I ask that should an assualt ban come we atleat refuse to comply and allow ourselves to be arrested in protest. Maby we will collapse the prison system.
Poetic as it might be your idea of getting arrested to protest is pointless. Here is why:
FACT 1. America is a prison state. If the Gov don't have the facility to hold you in there are private corp. run systems that would love the gov check to house your ass. But dependent on your degree of "disagreement" with the fed and seeing as how you'd be arrested for something so evil I can assure you that they have a large number of special facilities built and ready for your type of "resister".
FACT 2. Now you are in prison and you have lost by force that which the idiot sheeple have given up without the orange jumpsuit and tiny barred cell. Your freedom. And if you think you are ever getting out I have one nifty little acronym for your...
NDAA. Yup, you'll have plenty of time to ponder what you could have done while you sit under indefinite detention.
FACT 3. Don't think that the gov would/could round people up? Not here you say? WRONG. Ask anyone of Japanese birth or descent what happened to them while they live on American soil during WWII. And yes, some of those nifty little types of camps or old bases that could be used as such have power and water running to them even now. I wonder why.
The simple truth is WHEN the gun ban goes through and once they really start picking up people it will go completely ignored by the MSM. And if you are on that special list, which even if you don't say anything too radical on here I have a feeling you are on it, there will be no trial and no bail. It used to be that if you were a threat to their power and we on that list they could try to use what you had and if that didn't work... you became a child molester according to them. Don't believe me? I HAVE SEEN IT HAPPEN. But of course now days with the NDAA they don't need to make an excuse. All of a sudden it is "goodbye family, hello black bag and the rest of your life"!
So with the situation so dire, so fragile as it is, what can we do?
NETWORK!Make friends online and offline.
Set up call trees so that in the event of the word can get out and we aren't all sitting in the dark awaiting our turn
Come up with Emergency Action Plans for you, your family, etc for IN THE EVENT OF...
Always be aware of the current climate of things and what is coming. DO NOT just rely on the MSM for news
Finally, as you should already have and as Yeager said in his video, have a bag or bags packed. Pre-stage and be prepared for anything.
In conclusion I would like to say that Ken is right about the choice that most will be faced with one day. It likely won't be a shock and awe moment that says "let's go". People will be forced to decide between fighting for what they believe in (in whatever sense of the word is appropriate at the time) and going back to the 9 to 5. I would remind you of one thing: During the revolutionary war, the men who fought and died had jobs. They had families (sometimes rather large ones) and loved ones that they left behind, sometimes for good. But they recognized how dire the situation was and were willing to answer Liberty's call to action and did so with full faith and allegiance to her.