I turned on the boob tube at 0800 hrs. this morning and the only thing I saw on Fox was, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine.
Nothing about Covid. Heck, where has Facui gone too. A friend suggested he hears the sounds of multiple wood chippers in his dreams. What about the Peoples Convoy? How about the 70-J6 men, locked up in a D.C. gulag? The list goes on and on. I get it, Ukraine good...Russia bad: However, there is other things happening.
I do not believe anything the MSM and right leaning cable media organizations are reporting. For the most part, it is propaganda.
There are media stories about the petrol situation however, very little in the MSM about reopening our own "fossil fuel" production. Petrol here in NE PA is $4.29 a gallon and $5.51 credit/$5.45 cash for diesel. Our own government is reaching out to Venezuela and Iran for crude yet ignoring what is below our feet. We could start pumping again and help our own country with a lot left over to help the EU. A win win for all.
Beware, of the old magician's play book. Your attention is over here looking at the long legged pretty lady, while the slight of hand is happening over there.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubIpoPjBUdsMany of the readership here at
UP get it and are all over it. Yet there is a contingent that are worshipping at the alter of "normalcy bias". Buy food! Buy food NOW! We will be seeing the law of supply & demand take hold sooner than later. Stock up on over the counter meds NOW! Rx will maintain prices but supplies will slowly erode for sure.
I belong to a county MAG and when anybody puts up a pic of the gun they are going to buy, I respond with one word,
FOOD! Similarly, if they post about ammo I reply,
FOOD! If you do not have firearms or ammo by now, you have not been paying attention or worshiping at the alter of "normalcy bias".
In closing, I see President O'Biden's puppeteers seeing a crises that they can not walk away from. Not unlike what FDR instituted as we came out of the Great Depression; the Build, Back, Better (
The Great Reset) agenda is being worked on behind the curtain.