So you guys really think that out of the thousands of dudes that make up your local National Guard detachment not a one of them would stand up and say "this is some bullshit"?
Who said anything about our local national guard? I'm sure a NG from NYC or L.A. would think they are doing the world a service by disarming "rednecks" and "right wing racist domestic terrorists" "Why these guys could be the next Tim Mcveigh!"
I know on the national scale, issues like gun rights are definitely going our way, but in some areas, a good portion of the population believes simply possessing any firearm means you are a crazy gun nut.
I am from the NYC metro area, when I lived there and people learned I owned guns, they would often recoil in horror, and would often insist that my "machine guns" where illegal, not just in the state of NY, but everywhere. That, or I got the "Why do you need a gun?" speech? And I would be told about how I'm more likely to kill a family member than a criminal and other such nonsense.
Heck, my congressional rep was actually Carolyn Mccarthy!
That and there is a general attitude that people in "flyover country" are either all sister fucking toothless yokels, or diabolical racist klansmen. The dehumanization of rural Americans is very much a part of people's attitudes.
Sure, there are some good people, but they sure as hell won't actively resist anything, not that they would have the means to do so anyway.
And they can always recruit from the gangs anyway, which they have already been doing for years.
I don't believe there is no hope though.