Author Topic: Just Make It Stop!  (Read 2148 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Just Make It Stop!
« on: March 08, 2024, 11:35:48 AM »
"We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them" - Albert Einstein

After listening to President Biden's SOTU speech, if you do not agree with his position, the position of .gov, you are an extremist. A Deplorable. A MAGA.

I can see a time THIS YEAR where the violence reaches a crescendo and the average Joe or Jane petition .gov to, "make it stop".  When that day comes, it will be the beginning of the end for these United States and the US Constitution.

The beginning of what is coming we can see in New York City today with 1,000 New York National Guard riding the subway cars. They also will be given the right to do "stop & frisk". If you think that this is not coming to your neighborhood, you are mistaken.

As former President Trump gains in popularity between now and early summer, the violence we will see in urban setting's will escalate. This violence will exceed what we saw during the summer of 2020, which will overflow to suburbia, hence the "just make it stop" comment.

Stay tuned,


« Last Edit: March 08, 2024, 11:45:36 AM by JohnyMac »
Keep abreast of J6 arrestees at Donate if you can for their defense.

Offline Jackalope

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Re: Just Make It Stop!
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2024, 12:20:59 PM »
I imagine we'll see lots of violence during the upcoming year, coming from both sides.  I also concur with Johny that the level of violence will greatly exceed the 2020 protests (riots).  Between political violence and the activities of all those newly imported foreign military personnel, I'm sure we're going to see supply chain interruptions and widespread power outages.  Chaos will be the new normal. Terrorist attacks will be widespread.  I'm sure Biden and company will be looking for any excuse possible to postpone or eliminate the national elections.  I'm sure the upcoming Civil War film will add fuel to the fire.  So continue prepping and avoid crowds. 

Offline grizz

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Re: Just Make It Stop!
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2024, 01:36:23 PM »
the soup is beginning to boil
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