I certainly don't want war or violence. However, I also don't want to be a slave, no matter how comfortable the shackles. Those of us that enjoy freedom and the benefits of the 2nd Amendment are now faced with a government that encourages socialism and discourages the independent individual, unless that individual is identifying as one of the 53 sexual types, other than male or female.
Our "new" government encourages cancel culture, and imposes limitations on our speech and thinking, because if you have an opposing view; you are a racist and expressing yourself with "hate" speech.
There were many who went along with the Nazi program, because they didn't want violence, and look at the results of that. I'm not advocating war or violence, but there does need to be opposition to the Leftist bullshit. Civil disobedience is one solution, it worked for Ghandi, but these are different times. The biggest problem is there is no leader, nor organization supporting freedom.
In some ways the lack of organization is beneficial, consider the concept of leaderless resistance. But leaderless resistance can lead (pun) to a waste of resources.
Protesting hasn't worked thus far. The 2020 election was riddled with fraud, and a resolution was sought through the legal system. The political and legal systems failed the people miserably. On January 6th, there was a peaceful protest that was destroyed by agents of the State. The D.C. protesters were not rioting, looting, or burning down police precincts. Yet, the media is portraying these peaceful protestors as violent goons.
Like a cornered animal, freedom loving folks are going to react, as they should. Yes, that reaction is going to result in violence, but it's better to die on your feet, than dying in Conservative prison camps while starving to death. If someone has a workable non-violent solution, than I would love to hear it. Until then, enjoy the limits of your personal freedom, be like the Borg, "resistance is futile."
I say, "resist, no quarter!"