Every morning I walk Dorothy (Our new dog) down our dirt road.
The canopy of fall colors above our heads is far better than the beautiful arches in any church I have been in around the world. This beauty inspires me to think about things happening around the world and to thank God for what we all have. Here are some of my rambling thoughts this morning...
> With all of the world leaders in NYC this week, attending UN meeting's; I pray that the violence of man stays in it's dark Hell-hole
during this time.
> The last of the four Blood Moons will be arriving this Sunday at 2250 hrs (the Harvest Moon). MrsMac and our neighbors are working
overtime to be prepared for the upcoming fall & winter. Not just fall & winter of 2015-16 but for the fall & winter's we will experience
for years to come.
> The Stock Exchange is doing it's up/down thing again - Negative 9% YTD so far. Futures look good this morning however I am
saddened by how vulnerable peoples retirement saving's are. If my friends haven't as yet started to put some food away for a
rainy day or invested in some tangible goods whether that be, PM's (Precious Metals), a tractor, weapons & accessories, shortwave
radio etc. you will be beholding to .gov when the SHTF or as I call it "slavery". I pray for the hordes of ostriches who are ignoring the
signs of collapse as I will not be able to help you regardless if you are family or friends.
As Dorothy gently nudges me back home, where breakfast awaits. I thank God one last time for all that MrsMac & I have and say a silent prayer for my family, my neighbors, my friends around the world and you folks on Unchainedprepprs.
Freedom Through Self-Reliance.