In America that is. I've had a hell of an interesting week, but today really summed it up for me. I was on my way home and decided to stop for a bite to eat. Figured I'd earned after being up since 4 am, walking 8 miles, and burning more calories than I've consumed. Now, I passed up this guy, at first I just seen the homeless sign. Then I saw his little boy sitting beside him on the curb. No older than maybe 3-4. Made me think of my own right away. I wasn't directly in a place to stop and give him cash, but as I sat waiting for my food I though maybe I should get him and they boy something. Maybe a Walmart giftcard or just cash. Honestly, I got a little choked up watching. I can't begin to relate really. I've been through tough times, still am. Not once have ever thought about begging, let alone bringing my son. What a memory that would be.
Well, something amazing happened. As I was waiting I seen the two get up and start walking through the parking lot. I figured they probably lived in the apartments nearby. Well..........I was wrong. Sure enough about 50 feet away he had parked his suv. A Jeep Grand Cherokee tricked out from one end to the other and freshly washed and waxed at that.
Needless to say my emotion went from sad to fucking enraged. If he really was experiencing hard times maybe he'd sell the Jeep and downsize, or maybe just sell it to get out of the payments, or hell maybe not maintain the damn thing so well. To add to it, the place I was at had Obama on the news talking about the economy turning around.
And I found myself thinking "tell that to the homeless guy with his little boy out on the curb."
Point blank. America is entitled and lazy as fuck. If I could wash my hands of her I would. No, not all are like this, but after my past week (and more over, my past year) I have little to no faith in my fellow American. I have tried to maintain composure. I have tried to spread knowledge of religion, news, politics, prepping, and other arrays of useless information. Reality has finally settled. My freedoms are illusions of perpetual grief. My faith in man is but barely restored by one person before it is stripped and tossed in the mud by another. If ignore is bliss than I will refrain and live in misery.