Author Topic: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...  (Read 3001 times)

Offline RS762

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Bradley Manning made an example of by the Obama administration?

Slight update on the Bradley Manning case.


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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2012, 06:54:54 PM »
Im in the military.the first thing your taught as a day one private is the fucking chain of command if he found something he didn't like he should have used it.he as a soldier has multiple ways of reporting such things and probably had atleast 30 briefings his sorry ass probably slept through.leaking classified information regardless of its actual contents from the siprnet onto a public forum demeans the integrity of security of morale and gives every other pos that had to do one too many pushups or flutter kicks some great idea to leak something then some other guy does it next thing we know our enemy is more informed than our squad leaders and plt sgts.all because some fucking retard pos cannot uphold an oath he gave not only to his country but more importantly his battle buddies.if you aren't in the military or you havent been overseas donot talk shit. This dude who does not deserve the honor of calling himself a soldier for some reason is still being referred to as pfc. He knew what he did was punishable by ucmj and islucky thatthe military actually kinda stuck to it. Now before I start getting bashed because some of you guys 4 some reason actually sympathize 4 this piece of trash all I am saying is this guy went about it the wrong way by putting military documents onto a public forum and he is or has suffered the consequences for his actions.

Offline sledge

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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2012, 07:37:17 PM »
You won't get any bashing from me.  That little fagot is a piece of shit.  He made comments all along that should have cost him his clearance  and were overlooked because of PC bullshit.  Obama was gung ho on filling the military with gays so this guy went untouched.  The same with the shooter on the base in Texas.  PC bullshit even though he had made comments that should have gotten him bounced from the service.  He wasn't touched because Obama and his PC bullshit love for Muslims whether they are extremists of not. 

So if you want to look at it, both things can be traced back to the Obummer's bullshit.

Oh yeah.  Another great idea he has started pushing is to arm the Syrian rebels.  You know, the Al Qaeda guys like we did in Libya.  Unbelievable, we fight them in one country and arm them in another.  I say we just let them kill each other.

Please don't anyone say Obama killed Osama.  More of his fricking BS. 

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco


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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2012, 07:49:32 PM »
You won't get any bashing from me.  That little fagot is a piece of shit.  He made comments all along that should have cost him his clearance  and were overlooked because of PC bullshit.  Obama was gung ho on filling the military with gays so this guy went untouched.  The same with the shooter on the base in Texas.  PC bullshit even though he had made comments that should have gotten him bounced from the service.  He wasn't touched because Obama and his PC bullshit love for Muslims whether they are extremists of not. 

So if you want to look at it, both things can be traced back to the Obummer's bullshit.

Oh yeah.  Another great idea he has started pushing is to arm the Syrian rebels.  You know, the Al Qaeda guys like we did in Libya.  Unbelievable, we fight them in one country and arm them in another.  I say we just let them kill each other.

Please don't anyone say Obama killed Osama.  More of his fricking BS.

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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2012, 08:27:46 PM »
Hot Damn! Look at the teeth on Sledge! I expected that from someone like Crow, Reaver or UnBroken but fuck me, no you Sledge.

Is it wrong that I got kinda hot reading this thread?

Offline sledge

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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2012, 08:50:24 PM »
Hot Damn! Look at the teeth on Sledge! I expected that from someone like Crow, Reaver or UnBroken but fuck me, no you Sledge.

Is it wrong that I got kinda hot reading this thread?

On the first part.  When you start mixing together things that I don't like, in this case traitors and Obummer, it tends to lite me up.

On the second part.  I'm on to you.  You seem to get a degree of pleasure out of saying things that you know will make me feel uncomfortable.  LOL! 

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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2012, 08:50:48 PM »
Whats this about fucking TG

I'm in..... any one thinking Train?

Any station this is net, any station this is net. Monster One Alpha Radio check over.


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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2012, 10:51:14 PM »
Lmao... you know when threads just get deleted and everyone wonders where it went? this should be 1 of those threads. :)

Offline RS762

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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2012, 10:56:53 PM »


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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2012, 12:36:51 AM »
I'm with ya Crow and Sledge. You take an oath you hold to it. I have no tolerance for leaking any info. Whether you agree with it or not. And as for Obama, they made such a big deal over him giving the order to get Bin Laden. Big deal. Who in the hell wouldn't have given the order. Besides maybe Clinton. 

Offline RS762

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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2012, 01:27:53 AM »
Yeah, the SS took oaths too, all soldiers do.
Doesn't mean they are right to stand by them.

Fuck this nationalist bullshit. I don't understand it at fucking all, it's like a goddamn cult that instead of worshipping an abstract "sky god" you worship the state. Fuck the government, fuck it's silly oaths, and fuck indefinite detention.

Im done.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 01:33:19 AM by RS762 »


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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2012, 01:58:26 AM »
Doesn't matter if it's the SS or the U.S. Government or whatever. If a man is entrusted with something and accepts that trust or gives his word on something, he keeps it. If he doesn't agree, then he never had to accept it in the first place. No one forced him.

Offline RS762

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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2012, 01:59:32 AM »
Lmao... you know when threads just get deleted and everyone wonders where it went? this should be 1 of those threads. :)

Fucking delete it because you disagree.
Your buddy sledge is a mod so he'll probably do it soon.

Offline RS762

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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2012, 02:20:22 AM »
Doesn't matter if it's the SS or the U.S. Government or whatever. If a man is entrusted with something and accepts that trust or gives his word on something, he keeps it. If he doesn't agree, then he never had to accept it in the first place. No one forced him.

Im sorry but "no snitching" is a little different when we are talking about 100,000+ civilian deaths caused by an Invasion based on a fucking lie. With an additional 13,000 civilian deaths admitted by the papers manning released.

But hey, i guess he's just a "little fagot piece of shit". Fuck those 113,000+ dead iraqis, they deserved to die for living under Saddam's rule and worshipping satan (allah), right boys? After all, worshipping that masonic dishrag you call an american flag is far more important than the exposing the meaningless deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people caused by pointless wars of aggression.

I don't know how you guys think and I don't want to know, because the constant advocation of the murder of foreigners scares the ever-loving shit out of me because who's next? What if Arkansas rebelled against federal occupation? What if someone leaked documents of tens of thousands of american civilians were being killed? would that person also be a "fagot piece of shit" for "betraying his battle buddies"?

How many US soldiers have been killed as a direct result of the "intelligence" that Manning leaked?
Can you tell me?
Because i bet you fucking can't.

« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 02:23:27 AM by RS762 »

Offline Outonowhere

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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2012, 09:00:32 AM »
Thank you RS, My feelings on the matter are pretty much in line with yours.

You boast your patriotism and pride for the Republic as it was wanting to "kick the bums out" in other threads.  Now I'm not questioning these feelings but RS is right, the Nazi's all swore oaths too.  Are the Nazi's who betrayed their country to help end the holocaust and the empirical expansion of the Third Reich "little faggot piece's of shit"?  What about the Russians that during the cold war worked to help the US, which in balance helped prevent a Nukageddon?  And as our country becomes (like it isn't already) an empirical beast hungering for more, would you stand up if you see people who you thought were "on your side" or like minded making the comments you all are about  a person who took actions you were considering?   Each of you ask yourself this question.  If you had undeniable proof of the murder of thousands and thousands of people, would you sit quietly and let it be?  Or if you had proof that thousands of AMERICAN lives were in imminent danger from within, would you just try to protect your own and be quiet?

Now I don't know all the facts and I don't know the man myself.  But we are getting to the point that ugly shit (not talking violence) has to happen.  We all (hopefully) know that the emperor has no clothes so there's no reason to tar and feather the one who points that out.
Han shot first!

Offline sledge

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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2012, 09:01:43 AM »

Fucking delete it because you disagree.
Your buddy sledge is a mod so he'll probably do it soon.

I'm not going to delete what you say just because I disagree with you.  You have the right to say what you think.  We've disagreed on several issues.  Have I ever deleted anything you said? 

I will say that dishrag comment sticks in my crawl as you probably already know.  Not having been in the military there are things you don't understand.  Forcing yourself to move up on and engage an enemy that is firing at you isn't easy.   There are a whole host of emotions and forces mixing inside you.  Fear, self preservation, adrenalin, the noise of war.  There are two reasons men engage when it is against their own self interest.  Honor and duty, to yourself, to your buddies, to your country, over ride the rest.

In the military, when one of us breaks one of those two things it is an unforgivable sin against yourself, your buddies and your country.

I'm sure you don't understand that.


In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

Offline sledge

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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2012, 09:12:21 AM »
OONW people die in wars.  Yes, there are war crimes committed in wars.  They're not right, but if you've fought you have a better understanding of why and how they occur.  It's part of something that is very ugly.

A traitor is a traitor whether he is on your side or the other side.  Personally, I hold them in contempt.

« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 09:14:06 AM by sledge »

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

Offline Outonowhere

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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2012, 10:00:09 AM »
A traitor is a traitor whether he is on your side or the other side.  Personally, I hold them in contempt.

You're absolutely right about Manning. 

Just let's not forget who we swore our oath's to in the future though  ;D
Han shot first!


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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #18 on: February 24, 2012, 11:04:14 AM »
Doesn't matter if it's the SS or the U.S. Government or whatever. If a man is entrusted with something and accepts that trust or gives his word on something, he keeps it. If he doesn't agree, then he never had to accept it in the first place. No one forced him.

Im sorry but "no snitching" is a little different when we are talking about 100,000+ civilian deaths caused by an Invasion based on a fucking lie. With an additional 13,000 civilian deaths admitted by the papers manning released.

But hey, i guess he's just a "little fagot piece of shit". Fuck those 113,000+ dead iraqis, they deserved to die for living under Saddam's rule and worshipping satan (allah), right boys? After all, worshipping that masonic dishrag you call an american flag is far more important than the exposing the meaningless deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people caused by pointless wars of aggression.

I don't know how you guys think and I don't want to know, because the constant advocation of the murder of foreigners scares the ever-loving shit out of me because who's next? What if Arkansas rebelled against federal occupation? What if someone leaked documents of tens of thousands of american civilians were being killed? would that person also be a "fagot piece of shit" for "betraying his battle buddies"?

How many US soldiers have been killed as a direct result of the "intelligence" that Manning leaked?
Can you tell me?
Because i bet you fucking can't.

Don't know where to start,but not feeling like typing that much, I'll keep it short. Leaking info may save lives, it may get people killed. I'm sure it's done both. Is there shit I disagree with about the Government? Hell yes! There's right and wrong in every government. I'm not going to get in a pissing contest over the numbers. example:  The A-bomb. How many did it kill, how many did it save by ending WW2 sooner ? I'm talking about loyalty. There seems to be less and less of it as time goes on. After serving under that flag and after standing with one in my hand as a Flag draped coffin passed by, while standing with the Patriot Guard on 3 occasions, I also am bothered by the Flag being a dishrag comment. But you have the right to say it. How many "loyal" men and women have served and died to give you that right? Wow, there's a number for you to come up with.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 11:09:31 AM by hjmoosejaw »


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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #19 on: February 24, 2012, 11:45:57 AM »
Damn !!!! Did i miss the gangbang on sledge.......that got me all hot and botherd.

Seriously tho. I was a grunt for the marines and am a fueler for the army. The one thing that never changed was chain of command. The guy had a million chances to do it the right way. Instead he runs around with his cock in his hand hoping someone wont shut the door on it......

well the fucking door got shut and he can have a long time to think about it when he gets married to his bunk mate Sgt. Ass rape.... I have no love or pity for that little pus pus.

If it ever comes to the day where i feel I am in no way protecting my country. I will walk out with my head held high and move to my BOL. cause the shit just hit boys and girls..... The shit just hit


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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #20 on: February 24, 2012, 12:59:00 PM »
Damn !!!! Did i miss the gangbang on sledge.......that got me all hot and botherd.

Seriously tho. I was a grunt for the marines and am a fueler for the army. The one thing that never changed was chain of command. The guy had a million chances to do it the right way. Instead he runs around with his cock in his hand hoping someone wont shut the door on it......

well the fucking door got shut and he can have a long time to think about it when he gets married to his bunk mate Sgt. Ass rape.... I have no love or pity for that little pus pus.

If it ever comes to the day where i feel I am in no way protecting my country. I will walk out with my head held high and move to my BOL. cause the shit just hit boys and girls..... The shit just hit

pretty much my thoughts exactly. I didn't actually mean for the thread to be deleted what I really meant was this is something that really shouldn't be talked about due to the fact that the guy went about it the completely wrong way I wasn't trying to make anyone get all butt hurt for whatever. anyone ever seen that movie rules of engagement where all those super anderson nice fun loving civilians just minding their own business while shooting at u s troops that they gravely outnumbered I don't remember that well but I'm pretty sure it was a u s embassy that they were just holding up, that kind of shit happens all the time and we are always the bad guys. I don't care about hippie babel bullshit those hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians where it as innocent as you might think. watch just about any vietnam movie hiding mines in rice strapping gernades to babies throwing them at soldiers this is all the same shit we've dealt with over there except now they have cool radio device is where they can detonate a child bomb from up to 3 clicks away.

Rs I wasn't bashing you really just pretty much manning and his bullshit. there are so many ways he could have reported that and so many people he could have reported that to.

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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #21 on: February 24, 2012, 01:05:41 PM »
Listen, I understand how you guys feel and im not trying to hurt feelings.

But i will say if 113,000+ Iraqi civilians are dead chances are most werent killed throwing explosive-stuffed teddy bears at Us tropps.  [img]

Not to mention Iraq isn't our country...

But I have never been in the military and i never will, therefore you guys have done and experienced events that I have absolutely no comprehension of, and cannot fully understand.

That being said some of you have probably lost buddies fighting for that flag so I'll stop and be on my way.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 01:54:08 PM by RS762 »

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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #22 on: February 24, 2012, 01:06:25 PM »

Offline EJR914

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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #23 on: February 24, 2012, 02:22:32 PM »
I see Manning as a hero, only because of how corrupt and disgusting our government has become.

If our government was not so disgusting and corrupt, I'd probably feel the same way as many here. 

I understand those that served, and I understand your views just fine.  You have your worldview, I have mine. 

Was Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg a hero?  Yes, in my opinion, he died a hero, as well as others were tried to take out Hitler in Operation Valkyrie.

What this guy did was MUCH less radical than what they did, but it was in the same spirit.  He was trying to get THE TRUTH out there, of which our GOVERNMENT and the MEDIA lie to us DAILY on what is really going on with these interventionist wars. 

He's a hero in my book, and nothing that anyone says is going to change that.



I'm a big boy, I can take the truth from my government.  I'm tired of being kept in the dark all the time about even the most tiny shit, that doesn't even matter.

I understand the need for "TOP SECRET" material, but those in power are simply ABUSING that privilege and they are making EVERYTHING "TOP SECRET" even small shit that doesn't matter.  LET THE AMERICAN PUBLIC KNOW! 

We are supposedly living in a free and open society.  We are not, we are living in a closed society where our government does its best to keep the public completely in the dark on everything.  I'm tired of it.

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Re: In the military? Wanna do the right thing? Prepare to be detained...
« Reply #24 on: February 24, 2012, 03:57:18 PM »
I see Manning as a hero, only because of how corrupt and disgusting our government has become.The problem is that instead of working within the organization to bring these things out he went to a foreigner to leak this info too.  He tried to play it off that he could have gone to Russia or China with the info but didn't, they found out anyway though.

If our government was not so disgusting and corrupt, I'd probably feel the same way as many here. 

I understand those that served, and I understand your views just fine.  You have your worldview, I have mine. 

Was Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg a hero?  Yes, in my opinion, he died a hero, as well as others were tried to take out Hitler in Operation Valkyrie.  Manning didn't try to stop what was going on or try to improve the situation.  Instead he did the same thing that we decry Clinton for and gave secret information to a foreigner hoping that would make a difference.

What this guy did was MUCH less radical than what they did, but it was in the same spirit.  Not even in the same ball park.  Spreading info that has the potential to harm his own countrymen is not the same as trying to kill the mad man running the whole operation.  Sorry.
He was trying to get THE TRUTH out there, of which our GOVERNMENT and the MEDIA lie to us DAILY on what is really going on with these interventionist wars.  Get the truth out, yes.  Interventionist wars, I would argue more empirical given the aim is resources.

He's a hero in my book, and nothing that anyone says is going to change that.


I'M TIRED OF IT!  I MEAN COMPLETELY FUCKING TIRED OF IT! Be careful what you ask for!  But I can agree that the supposedly MOST transparent administration this is not.[/color]

I understand the need for "TOP SECRET" material, but those in power are simply ABUSING that privilege and they are making EVERYTHING "TOP SECRET" even small shit that doesn't matter.  LET THE AMERICAN PUBLIC KNOW!  Most of the small stuff like that is for OpSec like everyone always preaches.  Just like the HossUSMC not posting the videos of his desert adventures till the Op was over.  Wait till you're clear of the killing field.

We are supposedly living in a free and open society.  We are not, we are living in a closed society where our government does its best to keep the public completely in the dark on everything.  I'm tired of it.    Wake up, Alice.  the world you live in hasn't been the way they claim it was for a long time.  They just took care to hide it better.

He played the game, broke the rules and made his own.  Whether he was doing it "for the general good" or not, he rolled the dice and got burned.  Now he is sitting in a prison cell, maybe for the rest of his life.  Look at it this way, at least he didn't get a bullet or a drone missile to the forehead!  Should things change, there is a chance for his status to change.  It still doesn't change the fact that he acted on his own and gave top secret to a foreigner.  Not even your hero Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg worked alone in his endeavors.  Kind of reinforces the whole Stand Together or Swing Separate thing.
Han shot first!