Author Topic: Nobody Is Coming To Save You - You Need To Save Yourself  (Read 1057 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Nobody Is Coming To Save You - You Need To Save Yourself
« on: September 23, 2021, 10:41:11 AM »
Here is Glenn Beck's latest on where America is headed, United States of Venezuela: How to Prepare for the Economic Collapse.

It is good however, nothing new and again Beck does not give you things on how to prepare. This is one of the reasons that Beck is not a favorite personality here in the redoubt. He is always flapping his gums that the sky is falling with few suggestions on minimizing the damage when the sky does fall.

Well here is JohnyMac's suggestion (s)...

1) Buy food TODAY! With food buy seeds. By December, due to supply and demand, they will be limited to purchase.
2) Buy commodities, tractor, ammo, nails, 2x4's, gardening tools, fence for your garden, gas, diesel, etc., etc., etc.,
3) Have an alternative for heat and cooking. Winter would be the best time to collapse the economy to nudge us all
    towards The Great Reset.

Your suggestions?
« Last Edit: October 04, 2021, 02:14:37 PM by JohnyMac »
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Offline Deathstyle

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Re: Nobody Is Coming To Save You - You Need To Save Yourself
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2021, 10:58:49 AM »
Dollar tree- stock up on matches, soap, toothpaste n tooth brushes, and *medical paper tape for aftercare use.

*paper tape w immediate injuries wont work blood n other fluids w destroy it.

Learn how to take vitals and medical assessments and buy equipment now.

I just got a no touch thermometer. These supplies are in stock again after covid panic
"Blackouts are God's way of saying, 'Don't worry 'bout it".

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Nobody Is Coming To Save You - You Need To Save Yourself
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2021, 11:02:57 AM »
Great Deathstyle.

Lets keep this thread rolling.
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Offline pkveazey

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Re: Nobody Is Coming To Save You - You Need To Save Yourself
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2021, 05:13:05 PM »
Now, there you go. That's the right thing to do. I run into so called Preppers who think all they need is lots of extra Food and Ammo. Hmmmm.... They won't last long. We started out buying all kinds of stuff. Body Wash, Shampoo, Petroleum Jelly, Toothpaste, Tooth Brushes, Throw away shaving razors, Tarps (Lots of Tarps), A medical stash of everything that Doctors would commonly carry in the old fashion medical bag. Oxygen level finger clip, Stethoscope, Surgical Clamps, Blood pressure machine, Thermometers, all sorts of Elbow, Knee, Shoulder, Ankle, Wrist, supports and Gauze and Band aids. All kinds of medicines and food supliments and vitamins. Lots of bottles of 90% Alcohol and lots of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. What? Why 90% Alcohol? Well, 90% Alcohol is also fuel for our Alcohol backpack stoves. Tents, lots of tents. We've got Pup Tents all the way up to 10X10 and 20X20. Emergency Solar and Generator power is absolute when they shut down the grid. Lots and lots of Candles for light and heat. Fortunately or maybe not so Fortunately the wife is constantly telling me, "You need to buy that for prepping".

Offline RB in GA

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Re: Nobody Is Coming To Save You - You Need To Save Yourself
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2021, 08:42:19 PM »
Just an FYI, most of the infrared thermometers (hand-held point and click) that are everywhere today have a large margin for error (+ or - 8 degrees per one of those FDA updates I get at work).  Keep an old fashioned mercury thermometer around in case someone shows a fever and learn how to read it.
Same thing goes with automated blood pressure cuffs. Basically, they're good at indicating well people are well, otherwise, you get a general indication that things might be off.   Buy a GOOD stethoscope and spignonanometer (aren't y'all impressed I know a $2 word?- otherwise known as a bp cuff). BP cuffs need to be sized to the person being tested. If its too tight when placed on the arm, or is too loose or has too much cuff left hanging, the readings will be off- sometimes, quite a lot. I spend a lot of time at work trying to beat that little bit of info into the heads of the medical assistants. The cuffs come in all sizes, pediatric xs thru tree trunk. Consider these items like firearms- you really do get what you pay for. You might be able to McGyver it, but its your, or someone else's, life. I'll put it this way, my go to stethoscope is a Litmann cardiac model- about $300 when I bought it- and worth every penny.
I'd add quik-clot or celox to PK's list, though in pinch you can use instant potatos in nylon stockings- not nearly as good, but it will hellp staunch a bleed. (My understanding is that's where the idea for celox type clotting agents came from- an expediate field dressing).
As far as medical tape goes, don't go cheap.  3M, for me, is the only way to go. If you can afford to get the transpore (paper), micropore (plastic), and medipore (cloth) types, do so. They aint cheap, but they're some of the best, if not the best, out there.
Also get multiple rolls of vet wrap- it's generally cheaper than Coban, and just as good. Do remember that this can tighten over time, so keep an eye out for swelling distally (downstream) to the bandage and loosen/remove it if noticed.
CHG scrub or providone-iodine (betadine) is also a must have if you need to sterilize a wound site before sitching or mending. Without those you have a really good chance of introducing infections into wound beds. 
Nitrile gloves- ones that allow you to have a good tactile response.  If you have to stitch, start iv's etc, you'll need that. You can generally tell the quality on medical grade ones by how many are in a box for the price-  example 200 pairs for 32.00 vs 50 pair for 26.00-  you get what you pay for- even though every one of them is made in China, Vietnam or Malaysia it seems.
One last thought, when you're going to yard/estate sales or flea markets, keep an eye out for walkers and crutches in good shape. Also, potty chairs. You can usually get those really cheaply and believe me, if you need them they are invaluable.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Nobody Is Coming To Save You - You Need To Save Yourself
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2021, 09:55:29 PM »
Wow some great stuff gents!  :cheers:
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Offline Felix

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Re: Nobody Is Coming To Save You - You Need To Save Yourself
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2021, 09:57:02 PM »
This might seem trivial, but I'd like to share some items I hold dear...
Duct tape and garbage bags.
Cheap, multiple uses and great barter items.
   Certainly they rate up there with pedestrian toilet paper.
( and yes, I've taped up severe lacerations with duct tape, at least as good as ANY of the fancy tapes in a "first aid kit".)

Offline Felix

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Re: Nobody Is Coming To Save You - You Need To Save Yourself
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2021, 09:59:34 PM »
Great stuff, RB.
And the best part?    Many items can be bought at discount (compared to "Walgreens") if you go to the vet supply section of any feed store.    (right.  where the "pony paste" is located)   :-)

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Nobody Is Coming To Save You - You Need To Save Yourself
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2021, 10:09:50 PM »
Those big construction grade 50-gallon plastic bags along with duct tape make great body bags. Just saying...
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Offline RB in GA

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Re: Nobody Is Coming To Save You - You Need To Save Yourself
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2021, 11:44:23 PM »
My opinion is that most commercial "first aid kits" I've run across are about as good as the plastic box they come in. The components are usually as cheap as possible and nearly worthless.
And yep, 6mil bags and tape would work for body bags easily.  Might want to have some lime on hand though.
The bags can also be used for expediate stretchers or travois- get two bags, cut the bottoms out, slide two poles inside them, overlap the bags some and seal the overlap with tape, and add a crossmember at each end as a spacer.
The bags work for latrine issues as well. 5 gallon bucket, bag, tape, shovel (and maybe a sullen teenager to put on hole digging duty-lol)
I get lots of my medical supplies from vet supply sources. Fish antibiotics and wound care stuff mainly. Though if you're stocking up on shampoo-Mane and Tail is a good buy.
Keep lots of soap on hand too.
As far as duct tape goes, I should have specified I was looking at wound care from a longer term perspective rather than that of immediate field use.  I agree that duct tape is a great expediate tape.
Would I use duct tape if it was all I had?- in a heart beat.  However, it wouldnt be my first choice for wound care. I'd use it if I had to, but I'd change it out as soon as reasonably possible.
Why? The adhesive on duct tape can be usually is a real pain in the ass to get off, and debriding it from a wound falls right up there in the "un-fun" category. I know, I've had to do it a couple of times (once with an axe wound, once with chain saw).  I just wouldn't want to deal with it if I was doing dressing changes q8 hours or so. Also, I always keep in mind that lots of folks have adhesive allergies- usually they are minor (not always), but the adhesive used in duct tape, since its much stronger, would most like exacerbate any such allergies.  Yeah, benadryl can usually alleviate that, but I'll probably run out of benadryl before I run outta tape!
In a wrol situation I kinda figure getting urgent or hospital care would be iffy, so if someone slices their leg half off or has to have field surgery, longer-term care resulting from that would fall squarely on our shoulders.  In those kinda situations, I feel like better medical supplies (if you can get them) matter.

Question for y'all- what method do you use to store your perishable items?  I vacuum pack with o2 absorbers, then pack into 5 gallon buckets with color coded gamma lids- red/medical, black/cleaning items, etc. Just curious what other folks do.

Offline DMCakhunter

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Re: Nobody Is Coming To Save You - You Need To Save Yourself
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2021, 02:04:17 PM »
The local grocery store was fully stocked on everything I could see. The price of meat is still high but hasn't gone higher for 2 months.
Will go to Sam's club tomorrow to see if they have the same limits and restrictions as Costco announced.

Your list of things to have should include different sizes of plastic trash bags, ziplocs, aluminum foil, saran wrap, the meds and toiletries you may need for at least 3 months. Heat and cooking has been touched on. Food, do what you can afford to buy and store. Water, get some water containers and fill them with tap water, then refresh every 3 months or so. A toilet seat to go with the 5 gallon bucket mentioned above is a great asset when paired with trash bags.
Have some supplies to make repairs to your home if needed - JM mentions 2x4 and lumber but also a couple sheets of plywood if you need to cover a broken window, maybe some shingles, nails and adhesive. Liquid bleach loses its effectiveness over time, for bleach you can buy powdered / crystal bleach and mix what you need.
As a bonus, we are storing a boat in our garage this winter so I have an extra 40 gallons of gasoline on hand for the generator if needed.

Offline pkveazey

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Re: Nobody Is Coming To Save You - You Need To Save Yourself
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2021, 04:07:45 PM »
I went to the local small grocery store today and I'm seeing a lot of stuff missing from the shelves. I don't know if its a transport problem or a supply problem. I don't see this as getting any better. I think its only going to get worse. Its pretty damned bad when you can't find Cat Food to feed the stray cats.

UPDATE: I went about 7 miles up the road to a different small grocery store and they weren't as bad off. I found plenty of Cat Food so I loaded up and bought 4 bags. I bought a couple of cartons of COKE and 2 boxes of Twinkies. They had my brand of prepaid phone cards so I bought one for each of our phones but I had to drive down to the truck stop in order to get a strong enough Cell Tower signal so I could load them into the phones.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2021, 10:19:08 PM by pkveazey »

Offline Nemo

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Re: Nobody Is Coming To Save You - You Need To Save Yourself
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2021, 05:17:53 PM »
Yes, those are necessary to keep fattened and interested in visiting.

If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.

Offline pkveazey

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Re: Nobody Is Coming To Save You - You Need To Save Yourself
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2021, 01:31:35 AM »
Yes, those are necessary to keep fattened and interested in visiting.


I also have at least 2 Opossums and one Skunk visiting the Food. Cat? Maybe. Opossum? I live to far east of the mountains for that to seem tasty. Skunk? Oh, Hell no.

Offline Nemo

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Re: Nobody Is Coming To Save You - You Need To Save Yourself
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2021, 08:04:08 AM »
I also have at least 2 Opossums and one Skunk visiting the Food. Cat? Maybe. Opossum? I live to far east of the mountains for that to seem tasty. Skunk? Oh, Hell no.

Depends on how hungry you are.  At some point all will be good edible choke downable.

If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.

Offline DMCakhunter

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Re: Nobody Is Coming To Save You - You Need To Save Yourself
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2021, 05:31:08 PM »
The local Sam?s club has limits of 1 on a lot of things today. All paper products, laundry detergent some food items are at 1 package only. Hardly any canned meats available. Lots of snacks availble. Did not look at frozen items

Offline grizz

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Re: Nobody Is Coming To Save You - You Need To Save Yourself
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2021, 07:58:21 PM »
The local Sam?s club has limits of 1 on a lot of things today. All paper products, laundry detergent some food items are at 1 package only. Hardly any canned meats available. Lots of snacks availble. Did not look at frozen items

I heard on the radio that they are doing that nation wide along with costco
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Offline FeedingFreedom

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Re: Nobody Is Coming To Save You - You Need To Save Yourself
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2021, 12:40:35 PM »
I've thought about this post for almost a week now (I'm kinda slow), and I've stuck with my initial reaction. That is, almost everyone here is either well-along in their prepping endeavors, or are at least aware of what they have and need to increase their preparedness level. Boils down to this- my biggest suggestion is to invest in yourself, both mentally and physically. Learning new skills or gathering information is usually free, we currently have almost total access to a staggering amount of information. Your only cost is time. I have most of the "stuff" that I need, now I have lists of skills and knowledge I'd like to acquire. And beginning in the early spring, I've been working on the physical side as well, with great results, and again, the only real investment was time.

So I'll give a few things I've been thinking about, kind of prioritized the way I have them, YMMV.

Spiritual- No matter what religious or spiritual beliefs you have or don't have, I think we can all agree that this physical existence is relatively short, and very fleeting. In 100 years there will be little or no physical remainders of us, and in 1,000 years it's likely that no one will know we existed. I think it's important to have thought out what that may mean for you, and what possible changes you'd like to make. 'Nuff said about that.

Physical- I know a lot of people who have performed difficult manual labor for their entire lives who are definitely in poor physical condition. Some of these things are outside our control, but everyone's life would be improved by better physical health. So even if you're overweight, have a bad back or a trick knee, there's always a good and safe way to improve your fitness. Should the need arise, you'll be in a far better position to meet any challenges that require long and/or difficult physical exertion. And you're far less likely to require medical services that may be limited or unavailable due to events.

Mental- I put this below "Physical" because I had forgotten how much running improved my mind and mood. I've started a habit of putting time aside every day for learning. Skills are something that you take everywhere with you, and no one can take away from you. And one of the best ways to permanently cement knowledge is to teach it to someone else. Nothing has to be formal, just share it with a friend or family member, and you both benefit. I really sharpened a lot of skills doing a live show 3 times a week, both from preparing for the show and in answering questions from the audience. Some days I read or study, others I try to practice skills, such as improving my CW or soldering electronics. And with "mental" investment comes taking care of your emotional state, not just the gushy "feels" but a lot of us may be called on at any time to carry some intense emotional burdens (or already have), and we need to have a way to process this or it will kill you as surely as anything else.

Sorry for the ridiculously long post, but JohnyMac got me to thinkin' about these things.

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Offline FeedingFreedom

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Re: Nobody Is Coming To Save You - You Need To Save Yourself
« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2021, 12:53:15 PM »
The local Sam?s club has limits of 1 on a lot of things today. All paper products, laundry detergent some food items are at 1 package only. Hardly any canned meats available. Lots of snacks availble. Did not look at frozen items

I heard on the radio that they are doing that nation wide along with costco

Mrs. Pete was at the Syracuse, NY Costco over the weekend, and because I forgot to remind her, she didn't gather much specific data on prices and availability. She did say that all meat products are very high priced and lacking variety. She did not see any signs on staple items that indicated purchase limits, although there may have been some on specific things that she just happened to miss. Sometimes hard to tell with the big club stores, but Mrs. Pete had the impression that a lot of lower-priced items were not in stock, like winter gloves, that are probably still sitting in a container ship off the coast of Commiefornia.

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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Nobody Is Coming To Save You - You Need To Save Yourself
« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2021, 02:12:31 PM »
Thank you FF on both posts.  :cheers:

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Offline DMCakhunter

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Re: Nobody Is Coming To Save You - You Need To Save Yourself
« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2021, 05:55:37 PM »
Went to the local Goodyear tire store to check on replacing my PU's tires - Not available and no back order for duratrac 275-65r-20's.
We are starting to see a shortage of semi truck tires as well.

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Re: Nobody Is Coming To Save You - You Need To Save Yourself
« Reply #21 on: October 07, 2021, 07:58:24 PM »
No cake yeast available around my AO. Powdered dry yeast but no cakes.
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