I seriously wish there were better deals here on Craigslist. They've become more creepy than anything. I remember a few years back you used to be able to find some fair deals, but it was usually people in a pinch to sell something because they were moving. Now it's over priced, mislabeled, or beat to shit. While Charlotte may have a lot of banks it doesn't have much wealth.
For instance, one way I look at wealth is what I call "quality wealth over quantitive shit." I love to go by antique shops, but it has been a damned good while since I've found anything good here. He makes a good point about "100 years from now." All the cheap furniture and electronic crap is going to be completely worthless. All the ridiculous fads people have bought in to [img]http://www.arrse.co.uk/at But those are the sort of things you find in areas like Charlotte because it's really only grown in the past 2-3 decades. Places like where my family is from
Going antiquing there will produce some awesome finds. Not always cheap, but amazing. It's like walking in to every "American Picker's" episode I've ever seen. I'd love to get my grandmother on that show. I guess the point is, they just don't make stuff like the used to. Damn I feel old.