I'm trying to remember from my history classes in High School (55 years ago) about the Federalist Papers. As best I remember, the Federalist Papers were letters that the Founding Fathers sent to each other and they discussed and/or argued what the Constitution meant or was supposed to mean. One of the main things that I remember is that the Founding Fathers basically were opposed to a Standing Army. The Citizens were supposed to defend the Country. Well, that was all well and good until 1934 when the Geniuses in Washington passed the Federal Firearms Act and made it illegal to own or keep Military grade weapons of certain types. That was all due to the bank robbers of the day using machine guns. OK, they let you keep a machine gun if you paid a ridiculous fee and bought a Tax Stamp for each one you owned. Of course, that depended on whether THEY wanted to issue it to you. Now, if I'm supposed to protect the Country like the Founding Fathers intended, then why can't I own the same weapons that the Standing Army uses. It's not like I want to own an Atom Bomb. I do think that I should be allowed to own an automatic weapon of any caliber that I choose and I ought to be allowed to own hand grenades. OK, here comes the, "What about the nut cases that go berserk?" I don't see a problem with that. We just throw a hand grenade at him and the problem goes away. Did you know that you can own a cannon and it is perfectly legal but you can only shoot solid shot out of it. Exploding cannon rounds are a huge NO NO. I love the way our Founding Fathers thought and I hate the way our modern Government thinks. If those idiots that run our country educated themselves on our history, then maybe they would make better laws.