Author Topic: Homefront Defense  (Read 952 times)

Offline EJR914

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Homefront Defense
« on: August 17, 2012, 10:22:25 PM »
First off, please nobody talk about GAPatriot/Wild Turkey beating his AK on a tree and breaking his welds and his AK going KA-BOOM, because people that are not in our group will not get it, and they will probably think we don't know what the hell we are doing, even though we rivet our AKs, (WE DON'T WELD THEM) so that KA-BOOM doesn't happen to them.  Our AKs run great.  If I do see anything like that on one of our Social Media Sites, the comment or picture will be deleted and I will ban the user who posted it.  Sorry, guys, but this is a business, and I'm here to make money, while providing a good service, and new people coming to my site for the first time WILL NOT get it, and they will think our AKs are crap, and will not buy from  us because they will worry we don't know what we're doing.  So again, please, and I did warn you.  Thank you in advance.  I actually need this business to work, so that I can support myself, my wife, and my child.  I myself and my family NEED this to work.  This is how I will be supporting my family.  Please don't post GAP's AK crap which is immature and silly or you will be banned from any of our social media sites.  I'm sorry, that's just the way it has to be.  You only have the chance to make the first impression once, and you've got about a minute to make a good one, or people just move on, especially when they just find out about you and your products that you make.  They see some crap like that, we'll get a BAD NAME, and before we've even started the business it will fail.  Its difficult to impossible to ever recover from a poor name, poor reputation, and even changing your name won't help, because they will associate with the people's personal name, not just the company name.  Now with that one thing in mind, I'd like everyone here that can to please join us here on Facebook and Twitter.  You are completely free to joke around, say funny stuff, and have a good time, just no mention of GAP's AK.  (Please NO PROFANITY, THOUGH, or suggestive sexual talk, we want to still keep the site as Politically Correct and PG-13 as possible)  We want you to come over and find out about our newest additions and about our current products, and we want you to come over and have a good time, joke around, and be cool.  Just look below for the links.

Join us here on Facebook (I hope this link works):

If the link does not lead to our facebook page, just search Homefront Defense and hopefully it will pop up.  (You must be 18 years old to join the site, though)

Join us here on Twitter (this one should work):

The name of the company we created is called Homefront Defense.  You can probably guess from the title.  Anyway, we've been catching hell trying to get the shipping module to install correctly, much less, actually calculate properly.  We would have been finished today, if it hadn't been for the shipping module not installing.  We think we found the problem, so we're going to keep trying.  The website is sort of up, but you cannot purchase anything yet, and a lot of the good changes and items I put on there are now gone because we had to go back to a restore point.  Anyway, its not really ready yet for everybody to even look at, but I promise you, we'll work really hard until we actually get it live and functioning properly, and I can add a lot of the items I had up there back. 

We're also always really open to you guys telling us what you want up there, then I go find it at the manufacturer or a distributor, and I can get it for you, or just put it on the website so other people can get it if they want. 

Thanks so much for the help guys!  We really appreciate all of you.  We can't wait to get this website "Good to go," and we can't wait to start building and customizing some rifles for quite a few people.  Also, we can manufacture ammo, but we have to pay a huge excise tax on it that makes it difficult to make a profit.  We can also manufacture receivers, and we can even customize serial numbers on our new receivers, but if we make a certain number of those, we have to pay the huge excise tax as well.  But its all good.  Think of an awesome CUSTOM serial number, if its funny or just awesome, we might just give you a nice discount on the receiver/firearm.  (DTOM1776) "Don't Tread on Me 1776" would probably fall under a BADASS custom serial number on your receiver or firearm.  With that said, I've got that one already taken.   ;)

"In the primary, all day long, slaying bodies!  Good to go!"

Also, let us know what you think of our logo, and our "H" stamp that will go on our custom AR receivers.   :D

Anyway, that's probably all I have for now, we can't wait to get this website going strong, and we can't wait to start selling you guys cool ass shit, and offering more preparedness gear, food, water purification, literature, and other cools shit, which we will be getting up as soon as we have enough cash to make deals, we'll put it up on the website.  Its going to be awesome.  With your help we can make this the most badass firearm/ammo/gear/preparations retail site on the internet.      [URL=

« Last Edit: August 18, 2012, 01:06:58 AM by EJR914 »

Offline v0dka

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Re: Homefront Defense
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2012, 10:36:23 PM »
two things
1. i hope your selling froglube
2. what IF i want my ak riveted and welded? O0
sic luceat lux

Offline crudos

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Re: Homefront Defense
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2012, 10:42:53 PM »
First one to like on FB! Do I get a cookie? Congrats on the business, hope it it's a smashing success!

Offline Kobalt

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Re: Homefront Defense
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2012, 10:46:42 PM »
I think you should post the pic of gaps ak and brag about how HD's aks are better.
Fan out your shots. We want everyone to get some.

Offline special-k

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Re: Homefront Defense
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2012, 10:57:19 PM »
@EJR  I've been away for a couple of days, so maybe this has already been answered..... Are y'all going to build AR's too?
"It wouldn't do any good.  I've had the shit beat out of me a lot of times.  I just replenish with more shit."  - Billy McBride

Offline Grudgie

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Re: Homefront Defense
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2012, 11:59:13 PM »
It would be kind of intresting having twin AK47s on an AR reciever.

Offline EJR914

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Re: Homefront Defense
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2012, 01:12:11 AM »
two things
1. i hope your selling froglube
2. what IF i want my ak riveted and welded? O0

1) I hear Froglube is good stuff.  I'll check on it and see if I can't find the best price out there to get for you guys. 
2) Well then you are just shit out of luck.  LOL   ^-^

Offline EJR914

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Re: Homefront Defense
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2012, 01:12:57 AM »
First one to like on FB! Do I get a cookie? Congrats on the business, hope it it's a smashing success!

Thanks crudos, you've got a chocolate chip cooking waiting for you.   ;D

Offline EJR914

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Re: Homefront Defense
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2012, 01:17:20 AM »
I think you should post the pic of gaps ak and brag about how HD's aks are better.

LOL not a bad strategy at all.  That picture is definitely proof for eternity of why you don't weld AK's together and rivets are the way to go.  The problem with welding is when you apply any lateral force to them at all, they fold like a cheap suit, and that is what happened as GAP beat his AK on the tree to get the dirt out of the barrel after he and NOLA decided to forcefully throw their primaries in the mud and on the ground, repeatedly.  I heard NOLA left his expensive optic on when he chucked it too.  That takes balls.  You wouldn't catch me doing that shit to my precious AR little baby.  LOL   ;D

Offline EJR914

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Re: Homefront Defense
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2012, 01:27:34 AM »
@EJR  I've been away for a couple of days, so maybe this has already been answered..... Are y'all going to build AR's too?

Yes, Sir.  We are looking for one of the top guys to rollmark our "H" AK logo, or we might even do an "H" AR symbol so that the AR buyers don't get butt hurt because there is an AK on their AR, ya know?  We just have to contact the right manufacture at the right time.  When enough money is saved up, we will be purchasing a machine and we will be manufacturing our own AR Receivers from scratch, but that is probably a good ways away.  We might actually finish 80 percent AR receivers as well.  If we do that, we can do the custom serial numbers on those AR receivers, but with the way we are going to do it at first, the other manufacturer will probably just put their serial number on it for us, and we'll just buy it from them with our HFD "H" logo on it.

Right now, we'll just be putting together the AR's, putting the Upper and Lower Receivers together, and putting in a trigger, whether custom or not is up to the customer, and we'll be putting together the buffer tube assembly, and whatever stock they want.  Also, we'll be customizing them, putting whatever Magpul accessory, other company, ect., furniture on it as well.  We will be customizing them for each customer.  We'll probably have a few complete ARs and AKs that we take to gun shows with us in the future as well, just to try and sell.  We'll have a lot of other stuff at the gun shows as well. 

I hope that answers your question.  We have an 07 Manufacturer's Federal Firearms License, and we are currently Class II.  So no Class III stuff, until that market opens up to us and we have the cash for the license, and probably no Explosives stuff, until that market opens up and we can afford the money for the license, ect.  Hopefully, one day we'll be so big that we can afford and make money off of being a Class III number 10 FFL, which is the highest you can get, and even then of course, you can be an importer/exporter, which is really expensive, and is becoming harder to do all the time.

Offline EJR914

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Re: Homefront Defense
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2012, 01:28:16 AM »
It would be kind of intresting having twin AK47s on an AR reciever.

GAP is actually working on something like that as we speak, right now.  LOL  [img]http://www.smileydesign.n