I've always been more of a pistolero; actually sneered at the rifle guys because I feel accurate handgun shooting takes more skill, practice, and muscle memory. The long sight radius made it toooo easy in my mind.
I recently did an experiment (keep in mind I live on the prairie in the middle of nowhere). The load was 185 +p .45 ACP golden sabers out of a Sig p220. 540 foot-pounds of energy. I first shot a gallon water jug at 20 yards and it literally exploded. The second shot was at a 5-gallon water cooler jug with the same load at the same range. Although it exited and had a bigger exit cavity it was not that impressive. I searched and luckily recovered the bullet. Expansion was mediocre, and the jacket was totally separated from the core.
Lessons learned: It is true that handgun calibers are underpowered and you should grab a shotgun or rifle first. On the other hand, I can always have my Sig with me, although my AK is my best friend after that experiment. Place your shots with a handgun.