Well being a lady and loving online deals i got myself a new tent and a small 3 kg gas cylinder and some really interesting small items that come in handy when camping or for SHTF.
I have noticed online in SA grow substantially in the last year.
We now also boast black Friday sales (hogwash) in my opinion.
The true deals are always in January when the stores clear unsold stock.
We usually did our Christmas shopping in January after Christmas madness.
Keeping my fingers crossed for a super giant 4 wheeled amazing gift coming my way(hopefully).
SHTF bucket list item for sure.
So shopping around for more deals and savings. Cannot wait to try them all out.
Found an amazing local guy who makes bags for hunting/camping.
SHTF dream stuff. link below
https://m.facebook.com/BladesAndOutdoor/Happ deal hunting and prepping