Author Topic: Getting to know my environment  (Read 591 times)

Offline Well-Prepared Witch

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Getting to know my environment
« on: September 13, 2013, 06:58:00 PM »
Today I was listening to Holy Crap I Just Found Out Everything Isn?t Super ? Part 1 from the Survival Podcast.  He says a lot of great stuff, but one thing that stuck with me was getting to know your environment.  We have 9.5 acres, but really only use an acre or two.  The rest we either leave in hay, and one of our farmer neighbors hays it for us, or is part of our very small woodlot.  I don't generally go tromping through the property, especially in summer when it's hot and those acres seem practically desert-like with heat.  Not to mention the ticks! Ugh.

Well, today I took a little wander around our property.  It was refreshing seeing our land from a different perspective.  I found out that we REALLY need to bush hog over by the woodlot - it's inaccessible right now.  If we needed to access the lot for wood, and the S had HTF I wouldn't want to waste precious fuel reserves clearing it out with our tractor, or worse, having to manually chop a path through the grasses to the trees.  Not to mention it might be nice to walk in the woods a little.  I also was reminded about how not-flat our land was.  Important to know for line-of-sight.  I also found that one of the Douglas Fir trees we planted (out of three) actually survived!  That's going to be a Yule tree for us one of these days.  It reminds me of what resources we have available, where exactly our land ends and where our neighbors' begins, etc. 

And to add to it all, I got a good heart rate raising walk in as part of my physical prepping goal.  The dog sure enjoyed getting off the beaten path, too.  Now if only I could stop him eating the deer poop.   :gasMask:
If that which you seek you find not within yourself, you shall never find it without.  - Charge of the Goddess, Doreen Valiente

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Getting to know my environment
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2013, 09:10:57 AM »
Great story Wellie! A few things ran through my mind as I read it.

Here they are in no particular order:

1) Keep in mind if you cut some of your hard wood tree's from the wood lot it takes a few years to dry-out even if you
    cut and stack it. We will cut a tree that is 12-14" in diameter and cut it to length. In our case it is 12' long logs; which
    we drag with the tractor to the house. We cut 12' logs because our wood stove handles 20-22" logs (12' x 12" =
    144" ? 20" = 7.2 logs) and 12' length logs are relatively easy to maneuver with a steel pole & two people or a back

   Once back at the house we sweep off as much of the dirt that the log picked up from dragging as possible. If you
   don't dirt will dull your chainsaw chain very quickly. Stack the logs in (With the help of a back hoe) in a 18-20 log
   pile(s). Each pile represents about one cord of wood.

   Let it sit there for 2-3 years. I found if you cut, split and stacked the green wood it takes about one year less before
   you should burn
   it. Of course ash you can burn with only a 6 month or so drying out period.

2) In PA. there are some great programs that will help you plan for what you want your land to become. Check out local
    Grange's and or contact the PA. Game Commission.

3) Instead of bush hogging get a goat or two and stake them in the area that needs to be cleared. The goats will handle
    it for you plus you receive free fertilization.

4) In PA if you grow "stuff" you can be classified as a farm which may lead to a cheaper property tax. Grow an acre of
    Christmas tree's or Jack O' Lanterns. Then once a year for a few weekends, invite people on your land to pick out
    there Christmas tree or pick a pumpkin.

Your land has a lot to offer. Think big, plan and have fun :thumbsUp:
« Last Edit: September 16, 2013, 03:39:57 AM by JohnyMac »
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Offline Well-Prepared Witch

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Re: Getting to know my environment
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2013, 10:26:08 PM »
I have toyed with the idea of selling stuff off the farm, but as I researched the subject I found the food police's laws and business laws are just things I do not want to deal with, at least right now.  I have way too much to learn!

I also very much would love to get some goats, but we're not ready to get them yet.  We need fencing and shelter and stuff.  First, the chickens, then the goats. :)

Thanks for the encouragement and advice, especially about the trees.  I hadn't really thought about waiting on the seasoning.
If that which you seek you find not within yourself, you shall never find it without.  - Charge of the Goddess, Doreen Valiente