ERIN Digital & Phone nets Tuesday February 25, 2025; Go to HERE for Current SOI
I agree this is troubling. Sledge, do you have a link to the information about DHS asking for customer lists? Is this something reported widely or just a single/regional instance? Have the major suppliers of long-term storage foods reported such instances?Why would the gov. even waste time on wanting to have a list of individuals that have food stockpiled when they can go to the supply sources and simply take/purchase much larger quantities of food? As if my storage even amounts to what is readily available in the regional distribution centers like Walmart, Coscto, Sams, or ready to ship from their sources.The time/equipment/manpower required to go door to door in every local household on such a "list" would be excessively silly vs. pulling up to a manufacturing plant and loading pallets full of food/gear.As I said, it is troubling, but not very spooky in the sense that I don't purchase large orders from one place. I also use cash, when I can, for such purchases, so there is no trail to follow anyhow.Regards,Walker
I was thinking that if they come to my door asking what I have stored. I'm gonna say, let's see. I have plenty of beans, plenty of wheat. Cornmeal, oats, rice. Lets see, what am I forgetting ? Oh yeah, canned meat. How much you weigh?
I like that even better. Depending on how man swat teams on on their six I could have Jerky for YEARS!!!
Section 13-003 Emergency Powers.In the event of an actual enemy attack upon the United States or anything other disaster which may affect the lives and property of the any other disasters which may affect the lives and property of the citizens of the City, the Mayor, or in his absence, his legally appointed, successor, may declare that a state of emergency exists and thereafter shall have and may exercise for such period as such state of emergency exists or continue the following emergency powers:1)To enforce all rules, laws, and regulation relation to civil defense and assume direct operation control over all civil defense forces.2)To seize, take for temporary use, or condemn any property for the protection of the public.3)To sell, lend, give, or distribute all or any such property or supplies among the inhabitants of the City, to maintain a strict accounting of property or supplies distributed and for funds received for such property or supplies and to implement such emergency actions as may be necessary to promote and secure the safety, protection, and well being of the inhabitants of the City.
my city has more ar15's than fort carson it would be one bloody fuckin mess trying to take peoples food away i however would never do anything in protest to the government i love
I don't live in a city, I live out in the country. Should I still bury some of my stuff? The terrain in pretty defensible and rugged; I have a steep hill then a lake to my back.