Author Topic: FBI Nominee Leiberman  (Read 455 times)

Offline Nemo

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FBI Nominee Leiberman
« on: May 20, 2017, 06:31:16 PM »
As requested by JoJo.  Tho maybe not so detailed but worth the read and click and possible discussion.



Leftist Media Pushes Trump to Nominate Anti-Gun Liberal for FBI Chief

ACTION: Urge President Trump not to appoint an anti-gun FBI Director

Dear Joseph,

For four months, the Leftist media has worked to stampede the Trump administration into jettisoning conservative principles and moving to the Left.

Thus far, the White House has been good on guns.

Trump signed a resolution repealing the Social Security Gun Ban.  He signaled that he will sign concealed carry legislation.

Trump's Supreme Court pick is a lot better than we would have gotten from Hillary Clinton.

And yet the Left keeps trying.

The most recent media "siren song" is a call for Trump to nominate a "moderate" to head the FBI.

From the standpoint of Trump's self-interest, a liberal nominee would spend the next three and a half years providing fodder for the Left's campaign to impeach and incarcerate Trump.

But a Leftist nominee will do a lot of damage to the Second Amendment too.

Currently on the table is the question of whether an unpaid parking ticket will make you a "fugitive from justice" and strip you of your gun rights.

The FBI will also decide whether to back up the NICS system and create a de facto national gun registry.

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And, if the president orders the FBI to remove the names of 257,000 law-abiding veterans from its NICS gun ban list, there is the question of whether the FBI will comply with that order.

All of which brings us to an anti-gun liberal, former Connecticut Democrat Senator Joe Lieberman.

Make no mistake:  Despite what MSNBC thinks, Lieberman is no moderate.  True, he staged a revolt against ultra-Left Connecticut Democrats when they tried to nominate someone else for his Senate seat.

Lieberman's record on guns is abysmal.  He voted against legislation to allow law-abiding Americans to exercise their Second Amendment rights in parks, on trains, or in the District of Columbia.

He supports so-called "gun free zones," which turn innocent civilians into sitting ducks.

Lieberman supported legislation to ban all private firearms sales in the country, and he cast one of the deciding votes against concealed carry reciprocity.

His voting record earned him an "F" rating with Gun Owners of America.

In short, Lieberman hates guns as much as the craziest gun hater in the Senate.  And, as FBI director, he would have an enormous influence over gun policy.

Lieberman's ascendancy falls on the heels of equally dangerous suggestions.

Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, who, as you know accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of bribes on behalf of his wife's state Senate campaign in Virginia -- and, in exchange, dropped charges against Clinton's home-brew server.

And, lest we forget, the spotlight briefly shined on the potential nomination of Merrick Garland (Obama's Supreme Court pick), who, as you remember, voted to overturn Heller and declare that the Second Amendment was nothing but a "militia right."

Why are all of these crazy Leftists suddenly gaining favor with Republican politicos?

Supposedly, they are pushing for a nominee who would gain quick support from Chuck Schumer and would be expedited through the Senate.

But trust us:  No one who would be acceptable to Schumer would be any friend of the Second Amendment.  And any Schumer candidate would spend the next three years working to destroy the Trump administration -- and Republicans' House and Senate reelection prospects.

ACTION:  Click here to contact President Trump.  Urge him to reject Joe Lieberman, Andrew McCabe, Merrick Garland or any other anti-gun candidate as a prospect for the new FBI director.


Tim Macy
If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.