Author Topic: F-35JSF "Utterly Useless"  (Read 507 times)

Offline RS762

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F-35JSF "Utterly Useless"
« on: December 02, 2012, 01:10:03 PM »
F-35 is useless

Australian Air Force/Rand Corporation analysis claims the jet is Inferior in every way to the Sukhoi Su-27/30 family of aircraft.
The sole exception would be in BVR combat, which is less than reliable, hell in Gulf War 1 and 2 Iraqi aircraft got close enough to engage in dogfights, if the Iraqi's can do it, we know damn well the Russians can too.

The $300 Billion Betrayal

USAF scared of Russian Air Force

And after ALL OF THIS, we are still itching for a fight with Iran/Russia.
Come on USAF, get your shit in one sock.  [img]