so i finished the second book, Domestic Enemies: The Reconquista, last night. pretty solid, i must say. so far, I'd give both of the first two books 8.5/10
I really can't say that either one is better than the other, they're both equally good but in very different ways. there's a distinct difference in Bracken's writing style between the two. it seems like he honed his skills considerably with the second book. I think that may be why some people think the second one drags along a bit, because he spends more time developing characters and plot lines, but IMO it still doesn't take away from the thrill and action. it's still jam packed with clever twists and unexpected outbursts.
I'm about 7 chapters into the third book, Foreign Enemies and Traitors. so far, I'm already starting to see why most of the reviews say this one is the best. It picks up about 2 or 3 years after the second book ends. the situation has grown drastically worse and the stakes are much higher. this one is shaping up to be a badass grand finale to the series.
if you guys haven't yet, you REALLY need to pick up all three of these books. great fictional story, great strategy and tactics to be learned from Bracken's writing.