Author Topic: During Ukraine-Russian Invasion USA Still Buying Russian Oil  (Read 265 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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During Ukraine-Russian Invasion USA Still Buying Russian Oil
« on: February 25, 2022, 10:52:33 AM »
I heard yesterday evening that with the new "earth shattering" Russian sanctions, the USA is still buying Russian oil. Yes, you got it. The USA and EU are still supporting the Russia invasion of Ukraine with your money.

Russian energy exports escaped sanctions from the U.S. as President Joe Biden toughens restrictions on the country while avoiding measures that could send oil prices surging even further, worsen Europe?s gas shortage and make gasoline more expensive for Americans.

Harsher sanctions announced by Biden on Thursday following the invasion of Ukraine included blocking major Russian banks and cutting off the country from semiconductors and advanced technology, but purchasing and selling Russian energy supplies are still allowed.
- Bloomberg

Add to President O'Biden's 'crushing' sanctions on Russia, he is sending an additional 7,000 infantry troops to Germany. Yes, more of our children being used as some form of bargaining chip. A bargaining tool in lieu of the USA returning to being fuel self-sufficient. If I was a conspiracy theorist, I would theorize that the USA and EU have already capitulated Ukraine to the Russians. The additional troops are to let Putin know, "do not dare to move into any other EU country once you conquer Ukraine".

The stark realities are, the deaths of Ukrainians and Russians is on all of our hands.

President Biden has ordered 7,000 U.S.-based troops be deployed to Germany to reassure NATO allies in the region amid Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine, according to a senior defense official.

?This would comprise an armored brigade combat team with associated capabilities and enablers,? the official said. ?They will deploy to Germany to reassure NATO allies, deter Russian aggression and be prepared to support a range of requirements in the region. We expect them to depart in the coming days.?

The Pentagon said the unit being deployed is 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, out of Fort Stewart, GA.

Bottom-line, O'Biden thinks that the Build, Back, Better, agenda which is all about going Green, is more important than you or your children. Case in point, let's look at what our climate czar John Kerry has to say about the invasion of Ukraine.

President Biden?s climate czar, John Kerry, warned that Russia?s war against Ukraine could distract the world from the climate change crisis and produce "massive emissions" that will negatively impact the globe.

"I'm concerned about Ukraine because of the people of Ukraine and because of the principles that are at risk, in terms of international law and trying to change boundaries of international law by force," Kerry, the U.S. special presidential envoy for climate, said in an interview Monday on BBC Arabic, MEMRI reported Wednesday. "I thought we lived in a world that had said no to that kind of activity. And I hope diplomacy will win."
- FoxNews

Will MSM report these facts? No. Will the average person hear these facts? Probably not unless we spread the word.

I suspect, we will never see the midterms because if we do, O'Biden will be impeached for sure. "They" know that.

Keep abreast of J6 arrestees at Donate if you can for their defense.

Offline Jackalope

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Re: During Ukraine-Russian Invasion USA Still Buying Russian Oil
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2022, 11:14:22 AM »
   I read a report earlier today that a tanker with Russian oil was on its way to the U.S., and it turned around, heading back to port.  There was no explanation supposedly, but most likely it was in response to sanctions.  It's going to be an interesting year for lyin' Biden, I don't see how he's going to survive it politically.