Author Topic: Has The Media Let Off On The Ukrainian War Saber Rattling  (Read 290 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Has The Media Let Off On The Ukrainian War Saber Rattling
« on: March 04, 2023, 12:19:55 PM »
This past week compared with the weeks previous, I have seen less MSM saber rattling going on. Have you? If so why?

I think the recent announcements by leaders in Russia warning of tactical nuclear strikes in Ukraine when push comes to shove.

In essence, the neocon's within our borders have told the MSM to back off a bit on the gas petal of a Ukrainian war that involves the USofA. As an example, even DEM's are now questioning out in the open the benefit of pushing more of your money to Ukraine. More and more MSM outlets are starting to take up the cost of America's involvement in the war too.

As we go into next weeks news cycle, keep an eye out for what I have outlined. The question is, will the current band of puppeteers in D.C. heed the deceleration or not?

As a side note, has NATO outlived its usefulness in 2023? The EU still is not kicking in euros to support NATO let alone euros to help Ukraine. The USofA is kicking in ~50% of all Ukraine war funds.

Interesting developments or sure. Stay tuned.

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Offline RB in GA

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Re: Has The Media Let Off On The Ukrainian War Saber Rattling
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2023, 07:55:05 PM »
I never watch MSM, so I have no opinion- except nuclear weapon saber rattling- nothing new here, move along..

But on the side note...

Is NATO irrelevant?

NATO's biggest problems (though not all) are that it 1) requires all members to agree to get anything done and 2) has no mechanism for booting out a member state. This is why Turkey feels like it can hold the alliance hostage and make demands to prevent Sweden and Finland from joining. And also why it feels like it can threaten Greece (and most of its other neighbors) with impunity.  Turkey is the worrying splinter in NATO's side, aggrevating enough to demand time and resources to placate.

The UK signed an independent defense treaty with Finland to get around Turkish BS. If Finland gets attacked by Russia, the UK goes to war- which means, I am 100% certain, we will as well. 

Turkey, btw, is one (of the many) reasons I wont vote for Trump- people bitch about Democrat ties to Ukraine, but Trump is just as deeply invested in Turkey-  it's the pot calling the kettle black. 

On NATO/EU not kicking in...

Unfair wording, as it totally depends on which NATO country you're referring to.  Some NATO countries have been contributing far more of their GDP that we have. In general, the Baltic States and Poland lead the way in this. Total dollars aid is a meaningless stat if a nation's GDP is 100x that of another giving nation.  How much it means to give that much is a far better measure.  Therefore the US having given far more in $ is to be expected, we're larger, with a GDP nearly as big as (if not bigger than) Europe as a whole. 

If you haven't watched the video I linked in an early post on Ukraine and resupply, it is worth the watch to help put Ukrainian funding in context.  It's done by an Australian blogger, so its relatively free of nationalistic BS thats so common in other viewpoints. It is long, but worth it if youre already not set in stone one way or another about funding (or even if you are but are willing to entertain opposing views)

Offline DMCakhunter

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Re: Has The Media Let Off On The Ukrainian War Saber Rattling
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2023, 09:24:41 PM »
Also it seems that the russians appear to be having some success, so the media is now quiet.