Author Topic: Different Folks, Different Votes  (Read 734 times)

Offline EJR914

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Different Folks, Different Votes
« on: January 23, 2012, 09:26:26 AM »

That was one of the best satirical videos I have seen in a long time.  I can't believe he kept a straight face the whole time, either. 

The worst thing is that some of the John Wayne and Cornbread type people think that supporting a Republican candidate is supporting freedom.  I don't know how the American people became so stupid, dumb, and uneducated. 

Sometimes I fear we may be too stupid to survive as a country.  A reboot is definitely in order at some point, no telling when that time will come, though.

Offline sledge

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Re: Different Folks, Different Votes
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2012, 09:56:30 AM »

The worst thing is that some of the John Wayne and Cornbread type people think that supporting a Republican candidate is supporting freedom.  I don't know how the American people became so stupid, dumb, and uneducated. 

LOL!  I got a kick out of that one.   :)  Even funnier is I know you're actually serious.  LOL!

My John Wayne walking, cornbread gobbling, stupid, dumb and uneducated self has been underestimated in the past and it has always worked out well for me.   :) 

"Freedom" is that thing which means that each of us gets to vote for whom we want based on our own rational insights regardless of what someone else thinks about it.

It also means that you get to say what you feel about that other person's decision in an insulting manner.  Enjoy your freedom.   :)

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

Offline EJR914

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Re: Different Folks, Different Votes
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2012, 10:31:03 AM »

The worst thing is that some of the John Wayne and Cornbread type people think that supporting a Republican candidate is supporting freedom.  I don't know how the American people became so stupid, dumb, and uneducated. 

LOL!  I got a kick out of that one.   :)  Even funnier is I know you're actually serious.  LOL!

My John Wayne walking, cornbread gobbling, stupid, dumb and uneducated self has been underestimated in the past and it has always worked out well for me.   :) 

"Freedom" is that thing which means that each of us gets to vote for whom we want based on our own rational insights regardless of what someone else thinks about it.

It also means that you get to say what you feel about that other person's decision in an insulting manner.  Enjoy your freedom.   :)

For right now, I am enjoying the freedom of my first amendment, just about the only one that is still completely intact, as far as the 4th and 5th amendment, the last Republican took care of them nicely.  While FDR and Regan took a nice big wet chunk out of my 2nd amendment rights on the federal level. 

You're free to vote for whomever you would like or say whatever you would like, as that's your opinion, but please forgive me if I think people that will vote for anyone just because they have an R beside their name are stupid. 

Its been proven time and time again, that one side is just as bad as the other.  One likes more authoritarian laws, the other likes more socialism, and now we have a president that likes both, socialism and authoritarianism.  I imagine we'll get more of the same from ANY Republican candidate that could actually win the election right now.  Probably more authoritarianism than socialism, but we'll probably get a little bit of that mixed in there.

The only good side if a Republican won this time, is that we might see a short lived boost in our economy which is desperately needed right now, even though it will just be another bubble that burst at sometime in the future, which may be worse than the Sept 2008 bust.

Ohh, and I actually mean John Wayne and Apple Pie crowd, not cornbread.

I love them both, movies and food, but I'm not going to sit here and call these "Patriotic" people that blindly vote for anybody with an R beside their name a Patriot or intelligent.  I'm just sorry.  I cannot.  IMHO, they are helping to ruin our freedoms and our country here at home.

The problem with this country is NOT our politicians, it is the voting public.  They are the problem, NOT the politicians.  Our voting population has run this country into the ground by blindly voting for any candidate that has an R beside their name.  Besides if they actually believe in real freedom and liberty anymore.

Good day.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2012, 10:35:23 AM by EJR914 »

Offline sledge

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Re: Different Folks, Different Votes
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2012, 10:58:28 AM »

For right now, I am enjoying the freedom of my first amendment, just about the only one that is still completely intact, as far as the 4th and 5th amendment, the last Republican took care of them nicely.  While FDR and Regan took a nice big wet chunk out of my 2nd amendment rights on the federal level. 

You're free to vote for whomever you would like or say whatever you would like, as that's your opinion, but please forgive me if I think people that will vote for anyone just because they have an R beside their name are stupid. 

Its been proven time and time again, that one side is just as bad as the other.  One likes more authoritarian laws, the other likes more socialism, and now we have a president that likes both, socialism and authoritarianism.  I imagine we'll get more of the same from ANY Republican candidate that could actually win the election right now.  Probably more authoritarianism than socialism, but we'll probably get a little bit of that mixed in there.

The only good side if a Republican won this time, is that we might see a short lived boost in our economy which is desperately needed right now, even though it will just be another bubble that burst at sometime in the future, which may be worse than the Sept 2008 bust.

Ohh, and I actually mean John Wayne and Apple Pie crowd, not cornbread.

I love them both, movies and food, but I'm not going to sit here and call these "Patriotic" people that blindly vote for anybody with an R beside their name a Patriot or intelligent.  I'm just sorry.  I cannot.  IMHO, they are helping to ruin our freedoms and our country here at home.

The problem with this country is NOT our politicians, it is the voting public.  They are the problem, NOT the politicians.  Our voting population has run this country into the ground by blindly voting for any candidate that has an R beside their name.  Besides if they actually believe in real freedom and liberty anymore.

Good day.

Thanks for the explaination, but it wasn't neccessary.  I already understood what your were saying.   :)

You make assumptions about why people in the past have voted R or for that matter D.  Like they had a better choice.  They voted for what they thought was the best candidate that was available.  Perhaps not the best that could have been out there.  But the best available between the choices they had in the voting booth.  By the way, I call all of the extreme minority of people who do actually vote patriotic, regardless of whom they vote for.

You might want to reconsider your view that anyone who doesn't vote the way you want them to is unpatriotic.  That's more of a dictatorial view.  The do it my way or you're an asshole, because I'm right and your wrong, because I know best approach is something we normally see from the extreme left.  I'm starting to recognize that there are extreme views on all sides of the political spectrum. 

Thanks for the insight.


In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

Offline EJR914

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Re: Different Folks, Different Votes
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2012, 12:00:52 PM »

Thanks for the explaination, but it wasn't neccessary.  I already understood what your were saying.   :)

You make assumptions about why people in the past have voted R or for that matter D.  Like they had a better choice.  They voted for what they thought was the best candidate that was available.  Perhaps not the best that could have been out there.  But the best available between the choices they had in the voting booth.  By the way, I call all of the extreme minority of people who do actually vote patriotic, regardless of whom they vote for.

You might want to reconsider your view that anyone who doesn't vote the way you want them to is unpatriotic.  That's more of a dictatorial view.  The do it my way or you're an asshole, because I'm right and your wrong, because I know best approach is something we normally see from the extreme left.  I'm starting to recognize that there are extreme views on all sides of the political spectrum. 

No, due to your reply I see that you have NO IDEA what I'm talking about and have taken my post, completely out of context and added your own bias to what I said, and completely missed the point.  (Which I guess is to be expected) and even dared to stain my good name and conscience by saying my view was Dictatorial.  That's probably the worst thing that anyone could call me, as its completely misconstruing my point and is completely a strawman to my point .  I see you're still not getting me or my view.  Maybe its a reading or bias problem, or maybe you said it just trying to get a rise out of me, or maybe you really just misunderstand the words that I write that much, I just have no idea.

So you're saying that I'm incorrect?  That when we vote for R or D, that we don't get more Socialism, and I think I'm starting to see your point.  Do you really believe that there is no better choice out there than R and D?  Well you better do some research, because there certainly are better choices out there that you may want to find and research.  A much better place you could put your votes on the local, state, and even federal level in some cases.  I'll be honest, I won't hold your hand and lead you there, because I don't think even if I lead you there, that you would drink the water, some like the taste of Kool-Aid.

Its just come to my understanding that the vast majority of Americans DO NOT WANT FREEDOM.  They love being a slave to the state, they need it, they want it, THEY LOVE IT!  They love being told what to do, they need to be told what to do, the need to live their life in some government controlled little box and they want to FORCE, by government force and guns, for ALL OF US to live inside this same government controlled little box, this same government controlled little chains.  Some people love their chains and even vote for MORE CHAINS.  I find that MOST people in the world love their chains, and also, the idea of real freedom and liberty scares the shit out of them, and they always go running back for more big mama nanny government to take care of them because of fear. 

I see people that love their chains as stupid, yes I do.  I call a slave very stupid indeed.  It would be better to try and either kill or be killed by your owner than to be a slave, and yet people continue voting for either R and D, even though they continue to add on more chains and more chains everytime one is elected.

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, Give me Liberty, or give me Death!" - Patrick Henry

Do you believe that the majority of Americas would really kill and or die in the process if they fail to actually achieve the amount of freedom and liberty that our founding fathers envisioned us having when the created this amazing country?

If they did, WE WOULDN'T BE IN THE SITUATION WE ARE IN.  We would either have freedom, or we would have all died trying.  What we have right now is not freedom in America, it is soft tyranny.

Please prove to me how this two party system, either R or D, has not given us more Authoritarianism and Socialism, along with a completely willing complicit populace.

I don't really think the way that we vote right now is anywhere near the way our Founding Fathers envisioned our presidential process would go.  You do know that there were a lot of times there were MULTIPLE Parties running candidates, not just two or three.  This ridiculous R or D, two party system is what has given us the state of our Nation today.  The two party system is not freedom of choice, its not freedom at all, its our road to slavery and a Socialist Police State.  We should have more than just the choice of R or D or I/L.  We should have A LOT more choices than that when voting.  Our whole voting system on the state level needs to be moved back to how it was, and the R and D's need to stop making laws that make it impossible for a different party with different ideas of freedom and liberty to EVER get elected.

The world has never had a good definition of the word liberty, and the American people, just now, are much in want of one. We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing. With some the word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself, and the product of his labor; while with others the same word may mean for some men to do as they please with other men, and the product of other men?s labor. Here are two, not only different, but incompatable things, called by the same name?liberty. And it follows that each of the things is, by the respective parties, called by two different and incompatable names?liberty and tyranny. -Abraham Lincoln

You see, the Republican's believe in freedom, they believe in people's freedom to have government FORCE everyone to have their exact morals.

Also, its quite humorous that you are trying to discredit what I'm saying by saying that I have a Dictatorial view, that's completely absurd and false slanderous statement, and you could not be more wrong about what I would want for a government.  A "Dictatorial View" as you say would be, "You will vote the way I want you to vote, because if not, I'll either shoot you, kill you, imprison you, because I know better, and I'm always right."


I find it disgusting that people use our government to force their views and morals onto everybody else, even if I agree with those morals.

Now prove to me how anything that I said sounds like a Dictatorial View.  If anything you would know that you can only deal with human beings in two way, Reason or Force.  I do NOT want to force ANYONE to do ANYTHING.  I would much rather deal with everyone, using reason in EVERY circumstance, and only have government there to enforce contracts between people, make sure that our Constitutional rights are upheld (which they are not doing), and make sure that anyone who denies another person of their life, liberty, and property, is punished.  That is really about all that I want out of my government. 

In fact, I NEVER want my government to initiate force against any American citizen unless one of those three things occurs.

Now who's position sounds more Dictatorial?  Mine or the Republican Party's Patriot Act, Firearm Owners Protection Act, and their unwavering support of the Authoritarian and Totalitarian failed War on Drugs, ect. 

Please explain to me how MY VIEW is more Dictatorial than the Republican party's views and policies.  Please, I beg you.

Your attempt at trying to paint my view as Dictatorial disgusts me to a point I don't think I've ever been disgusted before.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2012, 12:18:30 PM by EJR914 »

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Re: Different Folks, Different Votes
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2012, 12:20:21 PM »
You guys should side topic this.... can't you just enjoy the fucking video?

I enjoyed the fuck out of that video.  Its sledge who decided to go off on a comment I made and take offense to it, because he loves his chains. 

I'm all for Sledge breaking this off to make this its own thread.  Or maybe he'll just delete them.

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Re: Different Folks, Different Votes
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2012, 12:43:38 PM »

The worst thing is that some of the John Wayne and Cornbread type people think that supporting a Republican candidate is supporting freedom.  I don't know how the American people became so stupid, dumb, and uneducated. 

LOL!  You get a lot more ticked than I do.

Did you not post the above broad stroke which doesn't take into account why people actually vote the way they do as opposed to why you think they vote the way they do?  It screams vote like I do, think like I do, or you are a stupid, dumb, and uneducated American.  Then you actually repeated that thought process in other posts to to drive home your point.  If you can't see why I said that is dictatorial, I'm sorry. 

I do happen to agree with you on several points and feel frustration at the way people sometimes vote.  I don't think it makes them stupid, dumb or uneducated because I know that is an incorrect assumption which doesn't apply.  They simply disagree with me on the best way forward.  ( Similar to yourself.  I don't think you are dumb, stupid or uneducated.)  However, I do think that you believe anyone who disagrees with you is all of those things because you've stated so.

I do respect and support your right to feel, think, and say what you do.  Please respect mine as well. 

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

Offline EJR914

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Re: Different Folks, Different Votes
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2012, 12:51:57 PM »

The worst thing is that some of the John Wayne and Cornbread type people think that supporting a Republican candidate is supporting freedom.  I don't know how the American people became so stupid, dumb, and uneducated. 

LOL!  You get a lot more ticked than I do.

Did you not post the above broad stroke which doesn't take into account why people actually vote the way they do as opposed to why you think they vote the way they do?  It screams vote like I do, think like I do, or you are a stupid, dumb, and uneducated American.  Then you actually repeated that thought process in other posts to to drive home your point.  If you can't see why I said that is dictatorial, I'm sorry. 

I do happen to agree with you on several points and feel frustration at the way people sometimes vote.  I don't think it makes them stupid, dumb or uneducated because I know that is an incorrect assumption which doesn't apply.  They simply disagree with me on the best way forward.  ( Similar to yourself.  I don't think you are dumb, stupid or uneducated.)  However, I do think that you believe anyone who disagrees with you is all of those things because you've stated so.

I do respect and support your right to feel, think, and say what you do.  Please respect mine as well.

I do respect and support your right to feel, think, and say whatever you want.  I would defend that right with my life, make no doubt about it.  I would either kill or gladly give up my life to make sure that the government continues to respect and support your right to feel, think or say whatever you want.  What made you think that I do not?  Please explain that to me.


Also, I have the right to feel and think that the reason that we continue down this path to national destruction is because the American population has been dumbed down, lazy, and refuses to educate itself, and expect our public education system to "educate them." 

Please respect my right to feel, think, and say whatever I want to, when I say that Americans are too fucking stupid to survive or live at this moment in time.  They CRAVE more government, more chains, and less freedom, and they tell me that they crave it, everytime they vote for an R and D, besides a few exceptions.

If you cannot see how my position is NOT dictatorial, then I'm sorry as well.

Its not hard to see why we are in the shape we are in.

I still stand by the fact that I think the majority of people that I meet everyday in America, are complete idiots.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2012, 12:54:44 PM by EJR914 »

Offline sledge

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Re: Different Folks, Different Votes
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2012, 12:58:06 PM »
LOL!  Thank you!  I appreciate that!

We agree that people should be able to think differently.   :)  We also agree on many other things.

I think it's great that we're on the same team.   :)

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

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Re: Different Folks, Different Votes
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2012, 12:59:47 PM »
So sledge, let me ask you this.  Do you really believe that having a two-party system is freedom? 

A system that has laws in place that make it almost impossible for any other party who has different ideas than the main two parties to get elected?

You call that freedom or freedom of choice?  I surely do not.

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Re: Different Folks, Different Votes
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2012, 01:19:26 PM »
So sledge, let me ask you this.  Do you really believe that having a two-party system is freedom? 

A system that has laws in place that make it almost impossible for any other party who has different ideas than the main two parties to get elected?

You call that freedom or freedom of choice?  I surely do not.

No EJR, I have issues with the two party system.  Not that it can't work, it could.  But I do think we could have a 10 party system and it wouldn't make any difference the way laws and regulations are written now.  Our problem is the Constitution has been corrupted.   By large corporations and people with money who can influence laws, regulations and elections to fit what is good for them rather than what is good for the people or nation.

It isn't that the parties, regardless of how many there are, cannot work for the good of the nation.  It's that those who run for office need money in order to run.  So they sell their votes to those who can finance their campaigns.

If lobbyists were outlawed, the Government provided the funding for campaigns for all candidates, term limits were set, Congress lived by the laws they write, and their retirement and healthcare was the same as the average citizen, it wouldn't matter how many parties there were.

So the way I think, and these are my thoughts only.  It isn't a problem of parties.  It's a problem of corruption.  And that this corruption is enforced by the way funding is derived to run elections.     

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

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Re: Different Folks, Different Votes
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2012, 01:26:55 PM »
So sledge, let me ask you this.  Do you really believe that having a two-party system is freedom? 

A system that has laws in place that make it almost impossible for any other party who has different ideas than the main two parties to get elected?

You call that freedom or freedom of choice?  I surely do not.

No EJR, I have issues with the two party system.  Not that it can't work, it could.  But I do think we could have a 10 party system and it wouldn't make any difference the way laws and regulations are written now.  Our problem is the Constitution has been corrupted.   By large corporations and people with money who can influence laws, regulations and elections to fit what is good for them rather than what is good for the people or nation.

It isn't that the parties, regardless of how many there are, cannot work for the good of the nation.  It's that those who run for office need money in order to run.  So they sell their votes to those who can finance their campaigns.

If lobbyists were outlawed, the Government provided the funding for campaigns for all candidates, term limits were set, Congress lived by the laws they write, and their retirement and healthcare was the same as the average citizen, it wouldn't matter how many parties there were.

So the way I think, and these are my thoughts only.  It isn't a problem of parties.  It's a problem of corruption.  And that this corruption is enforced by the way funding is derived to run elections.   

I'm right there with you sledge, and I could not have said it better myself.