ERIN Digital & Phone nets Tuesday February 25, 2025; Go to HERE for Current SOI
Are you really ready to put down flags and national anthems and pretty symbols?Are you really ready to think in terms of real-world tyranny?I mean, really. There is a Constitutional Crisis in our land, RIGHT NOW, it is not at all theoretical, nor is it any kind of a joke.A lot of people out there are comfortable talking just about this stuff. A lot of people (myself included) get wrapped up over things like proposed pistol magazine restrictions, EPA lead bans, pipeline controversies, etc. Few people are willing to take physical, moral, and intellectual responsibility for such talk. Remember the scattering quail when the Hutaree were arrested?Man up.The situation in this nation right now is orders of magnitudes more dire than magazine capacity restrictions, stupid EPS rules, and economic bickering between the parties. Whether you believe in the constitution or not, it is about to be thrown away by the President in favor of a "whatever-passes-congress-is-constitutional" policy.Now.If this flies, it is over. For real. Forever. Forget rhetoric. This is not rhetoric. This is real. REAL. Folks can talk about "lines in the sand" all day long.If this is not a line in the sand, if this is not a tripwire, would someone PLEASE explain to me what is???Could someone explain to me what the hundreds of militia groups train for?Political demands without force are nothing more than pleas. Yet a martial force without a political backing could be considered not much more than a gang. By "political", try to think of problem-solving, communicating to the people alternatives to the status quo, propaganda, networking, logistics, training, recruiting, etc. I AM NOT talking about voting or offering candidates here. I am thinking, as an example, more of the "III" efforts as publicly represented by Kerodin's efforts here than I am of the Tea Party. Stay tuned here for more on this aspect of struggle soon.An excerpt from Tom's piece: As I write this, it is in the evening of 3 April, 2012, and we are facing a potential Constitutional crisis of epic proportions. The President, who happens to be a Constitutional law professor (scholar, lecturer, whatever), has made the assertion that it would be "unprecedented" for an unelected court (The Supremes) to strike down as unconstitutional a law passed by a majority of the elected Congress. We're all familiar with the superficial Constitutional issues, which is that courts do exactly this all the time. Because that is exactly their most important role. And, that it wouldn't matter one bit whether Congress passed the law unanimously; they could still strike it down. OK. We all have that. What is more ominous is the potential crisis which would erupt if a President, riding the swell of righteous Constitutional indignation, or worse, ginned-up populist support, decided to enforce that law anyway (whatever it is doesn't matter). This isn't all that far-fetched, given how ludicrous the precipitating statement itself is. OK, then what?