Author Topic: Opinion - Stay Away From DJT Support Events  (Read 309 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Opinion - Stay Away From DJT Support Events
« on: August 15, 2022, 09:26:10 AM »
I say right up front, the recent raid by the FBI & DOJ on Donald J. Trump's residence in Mar-A-Lago was illegal. As information begins to be leaked out, the warrant was way to broad in its scope and they took attorney client information. Okay, I am pissed off as much as the next person.

With all that written, you will not find me attending ANY DJT support rallies; Especially, within any state capital or Washington D.C.

As I am typing, I am positive that the Alphabet Soups located within the D.C. loop, are planning "black flag" events not unlike they J6 event. Remember, 'they' orchestrated that event.

PPOTUS (Poopy Pants of the United States) puppeteers are hoping and planning for one or two events to declare martial law before the November midterms. Do not be sucked into their plans.

Voice your opinion for sure but do not play 'their' game.

As a side note, if you attend local rallies for local politicians, go there with your cell phone tuned off and placed in a faraday bag for use only in an emergency. Personally, I would just leave it home.

How many J6 folks were tracked down via their cell phones?
Keep abreast of J6 arrestees at Donate if you can for their defense.

Offline Jackalope

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Re: Opinion - Stay Away From DJT Support Events
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2022, 11:00:06 AM »
    That's good advice, Johny.  I'm not into 3D chess, but it could be the Deep State wants less participants at DJT's events, because it's bad optics when folks see how many folks are attending The Donald's events.

     I look back and think about how we did things back in the late 20th century, and how we survived without cellphones.  In most cases, when I leave the homestead, I don't have a cellphone with me, or it's in a Mission Darkness Faraday enclosure.  Cellphones are one of biggest time wasters ever devised.  I advise folks to also leave their cellphones in a Faraday enclosure except when it is in actual use, because those cellphones are essentially government monitored listening and tracking devices. 

     Not to be too paranoid, but it doesn't hurt to occasionally sweep your home and your vehicles for both listening and tracking devices. 

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Opinion - Stay Away From DJT Support Events
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2022, 11:04:42 AM »
How do you search your home? Great comment Jackalope.
Keep abreast of J6 arrestees at Donate if you can for their defense.

Offline FeedingFreedom

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Re: Opinion - Stay Away From DJT Support Events
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2022, 12:38:15 PM »
If you have a vehicle newer than 2007, it can be easily tracked using the TPMS sensors, which each transmit a unique 32-bit ID.

There are a lot of plate scanners about now, and software exists to analyze CCTV footage and extract plate data from any camera connected to any network. Tracking someone is fairly trivial if you're really determined.

And if you're enough of an important target to have devices planted in your home or vehicle, unless it was done by the local yokel cops, you won't find them, period. They will record data and periodically "dump" to a nearby collection point, probably using spread-spectrum which will sound like a 1/1000th-of-a-second burst of static if you happen to be lucky enough to be monitoring the right frequency when it does transmit.

And all of that doesn't really matter, because if they really want to, they'll just fabricate enough evidence to screw you in a kangaroo court anyway. Look at what they did to DJT, who has USSS protection, lots of expensive lawyers, and for all intents and purposes, nearly unlimited financial resources and instant national recognition and probably close to 100 million supporters. How do you think you'll do in a federal court with a public defender who was 99th out of 100 in their law school class? Ask all the J6 defendants, they weren't all nailed because of cellphone data.
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