Author Topic: Catastophe Timeline (VERY long post)  (Read 1742 times)

Offline Well-Prepared Witch

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Catastophe Timeline (VERY long post)
« on: November 04, 2013, 10:29:25 AM »

My husband has been working on the below timeline for a while.  (He's an engineer - he likes to understand the how and why of everything in detail.)  We've been talking it through and rolling it over in our heads for a bit and he asked me to post this for him and ask you guys for your feedback.  Did we miss anything?  Are there gaps in it that are important to know?  Thank you all in advance for your input!  - Wellie

Catastrophe Time Line ? assuming you are not at the epicenter :)

This is a list I put together from many sources.  It is a study, not an original work.  Comments and discussion are welcome.  Let me know what I missed.
Definition:  An event ? sudden, damaging and lethal - that occurs with little or no notice with major global affects.  This would be an event that has no precedent in living memory and changes the trajectory of our culture and civilization. 

Disambiguation: this is not a hurricane, blizzard or typical earthquake ? these are relatively short term localized events.  They can be serious but would not be considered a catastrophe for the purposes of this study.  This does not include slow events that can take a generation or more to have an effect like population growth, desertification or climate change. Again, serious but not covered in the scope of this study because of the lead time for society to adjust.

Examples:  super-volcano eruption; large earth impact; pandemic with high lethality or serious chronic injury to humans; major crop failure to cereal grass(es) from disease; Coronal Mass Ejection/Solar Mass Ejection/Gamma Ray Burst and other rare solar/cosmic events; widespread (nationwide/invasion, U.S. civil, or world) war; energy distribution failure or major energy shortage.  Other events calibrated within this outline would include any event expected to cause a human population decline of 30% or more within 2 or 3 years in the United States. 

First 24 Hours
?   Grocery, Department, Hardware, Convenience & Drug stores run out of many common items
        o   This occurs in my area before a blizzard or hurricane.
?   Depending on the type of event, some people may not even realize anything significant has happened
?   Many, if not all, people are in a state of shock
        o   Many people will be unable to accept the event has happened
        o   Many people will wait to be told what to do
        o   Many people will not react to emergency instructions
                *   Example: people who will not evacuate when they know a hurricane is approaching
?   911 phone lines are flooded
?   Cell phone networks may crash
        o   Text messages work better
?   National Guard and other troop movements will shock many people.
        o   In the scope of this type of event the government at many levels will mobilize
?   Public transportation may be commandeered by the local, state or federal government
?   Curfews may be placed into effect
?   People gather to assess what is going on in small, local groups
?   Government & law enforcement may or may not try to organize at local levels
?   Rumors run rampant and parallel to the news
        o   In the absence of factual information, conjecture will pass for news on media (reporters interviewing other reporters, as an example).
               *   Rumor, spin and contradicting information abound
        o   In the absence of actual information, many will impress their own ideology or causality onto observed events
                *   Religious, political, ideological, superstitions
?   Scope, scale and or cause of the disaster may not yet be apparent or understood.
?   News still available ? but may not be reliable, infotainment, repetition and respin shed no new information
        o   News is on a continuous loop with no new information
        o   EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) cycling/looping may start
?   Local rescue efforts occur ? may or may not be coordinated
?   Traffic accidents and possible evacuation (official or ad hoc) clog the roads
?   Local panic may occur.  General panic has not set in yet.
?   People help each other and organize locally
?   Municipal services still function.  Hospitals are open, fires put out.
        o   Although still functioning, response times may be delayed due to quantity of incidents

First 3 Days
?   All deliveries stop (U.S. mail, FedEx, UPS, trucks, trains, etc.)
?   Service stations run out of fuel
?   ATMs empty or stop working; it is unlikely they will be serviced or repaired.
?   Supplies run out for JIT (Just In Time) Manufacturing
?   Jobs become meaningless as priorities change ? this includes most infrastructure & municipal workers
?   News reporting starts to breakdown ? possible EBS looping
?   Scope and scale is becoming known, cause may still be a mystery
?   It is possible organized or ad hoc evacuations will occur or continue
        o   can cause huge problems with predefined ?bugout? plans and ad hoc ?get out of dodge? activities
?   Rumors are traded and grow, replacing hard news
?   Shock starts to wear off and panic sets in
?   People who are comfortable in their surroundings (typically those at home) are still hospitable, especially to neighbors and others to whom they have strong social ties.
?   People range around their current location
        o   This is a common reaction to sudden shock.  These efforts generally produce very little.
?   Looting and some exodus starts from population centers
?   Hospitals run out of typical supplies in areas with casualties
?   Triage becomes a reality
?   Food runs out for the average family
?   Mass transit shuts down
?   Hoarding sets in
        o   Significant inflation and/or price gouging may occur
?      Local road blocks may be put up and other travel restrictions may be put in place
?   Some adaptations will start to occur
        o   Bicycles become common
        o   Schools close
?   In areas where supplies and law enforcement still exist, rationing may start

First 3 Weeks
?   If it hasn?t already, the utilities go out ? this will come to include power, water, sewage, natural gas, even phone, internet and television.
?   Most normal government functions (drivers licenses, marriage licenses, parking tickets, etc.) become irrelevant or have shut down
?   Currency (i.e. the dollar) becomes worthless, but money (i.e. gold and silver) may still be an acceptable form of payment
?   The ability to handle the dead is out stripped by volume.
        o   This may lead to serious public health issues
?   Government emergency response spins up or some areas may have no government at all.  Law will tend to extremes.  Martial law or no law at all
        o   May lead to ?legal confiscation? and commandeering
        o   Government will triage and may ?write-off? certain parts of the country
        o   WROL ? without rule of law ? no local government
        o   EROL ? excessive rule of law ? constitutional rights suspended
                *   If all active duty military, law enforcement, National Guard and military reservists were simultaneously combined they would be overwhelmed by a riot of only 1% of the population without resorting to lethal measures.  Put simply, they would likely shoot first and often.
?   City evacuations will lead to large groups of people who are scared and hungry
        o   Possible forced distribution of refugees
?   Lone wolf preppers will become a problem for the short term ? people whose planning consists of having weapons and ammo cached and taking what they need or want from others.  What is left of society will not tolerate them for too long.  By definition they will not likely merge or mesh with community.  This includes the small proportion of our society (around 2% who do not mesh well within society in general).
?   Panic gives way to all out fear and fear to anger
?   People start to distrust strangers
?   Religions have a massive revival ? feeding into and creating rumors, creating social networks
        o   These can evolve into dangerous groups in certain cases
        o   Religious organizations make natural distribution centers for goods, information, and other community needs.
?   Clean water is running out
        o   City water requires pumps to refill water towers.
        o   Outside of many cities the houses have wells powered by electricity.
?   Hygiene starts to be a problem
        o   Garbage starts to pile up
        o   Human waste becomes a problem
?   Many cases of poisoning as desperation for food sets in
?   Lots of injuries and deaths related to the new environment
        o   People used to driving having to walk long distances
        o   People unused to cutting wood pulling out an axe to cut fire wood
?   Medical care deteriorates rapidly
        o   Most hospitals are out of supplies
        o   People on prescriptions start to run out of medications
        o   Antibiotics run out
        o   Numerous cases of infection set in - poor hygiene, lack of potable water and spoiling food
        o   People needing regular medical assistance will start dying
?   Street traffic is mostly on foot
?   Trucks and warehouses looted
?   Bunker mentality will set in for some ? some will band together in small ?tribal? groups
?   Any remaining industrial transport ends
?   Violence sets in as people try to support their own families, general desperation develops
?   Suicide rate sky rockets
?   The world shrinks to your immediate area
?   Fires break out all over as people cook over fires, use candles for light ? complicated by no water or fire department
?   Confinement facilities inmates escape or are released
?   Local communities who haven?t already re-organized and are still populated will start assessing and organizing within their community
?   Some people are still in denial and hold onto the idea that help is coming

First 3 Months
?   All on grid systems have failed
?   Nuclear power plants not SCRAMed will start to melt down
?   Unintended chemical leaks and other reactions will occur at industrial sites and transport vehicles
?   Many industrial factories will permanently be placed out of commission
        o   E.g. a smelting facility when the molten metal cools in the crucibles and transfer piping or the fertilizer factory in Texas that exploded
?   Uncontrolled fires are not put out and spread out of control ? especially in industrial and population centers
        o   house fires can combine to create fire storms
        o   forest fires will be started by people foraging/camping/living in the woods
        o   bucket brigades may make a comeback
?   Most off grid & hardened systems are running out of fuel or have failed
?   Most stored food is gone
?   Currency and money (i.e. silver and gold) become worthless and barter is the main method of exchange
?   Most municipal water and sewer systems have completely failed
?   Mass migrations and foraging slow down due to lack of food
        o   Wildlife becomes very rare
?   Some larger organized groups may be operating ? ?locusts? or horde, or surviving communities with heavily guarded resources
?   Moral imperatives have now evolved to the immediate.
        o   People who couldn?t have deliberately killed someone before the event might actually stalk and kill another person.
        o   Vegan/vegetarian/passivism will no longer be common
?   Most prescriptions have run out
?   By this time all medication-dependent people are dying off
        o   often prescriptions for chronic conditions can be refilled for 90 days
?   Most cultural events cease ? with the exception of churches and well organized local governments
?   Local government, churches and markets provide most social meeting and news exchange
?   Martial law starts to give way to local only enforcement or WROL depending on location
?   All organized national and state law enforcement has ended
?   Malnutrition and poor hygiene leads to epidemics
?   Malnourished people start to succumb to treatable illness due to lack of drugs
?   Hospitals have run out of all supplies
        o   By now medical staff has left ? there is little more they can do
        o   Local persons are identified for performing these function in existing communities
                *   Local doctor, nurse, midwife, veterinarian, etc.
?   Possible long-term weather anomalies occur
        o   Some events under the scope of this study may change normal weather patterns (e.g. nuclear winter)
        o   Lack of weather prediction technology makes preparing for regular weather events (e.g. hurricanes, tornadoes) impossible
?   Feral pets, mostly cats and dogs, may become a problem
?   Almost all farm stock is gone or carefully protected
?   There would be large scale desertion from military, law enforcement organizations, and other infrastructure

First Year
?   People will start to develop and rebuild agricultural cycles
        o   Large mammals are not efficient at converting grass to food so rabbits and sheep may be much more common.
?   Local governments will solidify or most people will leave the general area
?   Some type of market system will evolve for trade
        o   New forms of money and/or currency may be created. May be limited in the areas where they will be accepted (regional)
        o   Barter still likely to be most common form of trade
?   Population should start to stabilize at much lower levels ? not over 140 million in the U.S. unless a national government can organize relief
?   Retraining would have to happen on a massive scale ? less than 2% of the U.S. population are farmers.  Most of the current US farmers do not know how to farm without mechanization and delivery chains.
?   Churches and local community organizations begin record keeping (births, deaths, marriages, etc.)

?   The population and division of labor will stabilize at the new balance.
?   For the survivors, life goes on. 
?   If the data infrastructure is intact (e.g. libraries) recovery may be accelerated.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2013, 10:34:31 AM by Well-Prepared Witch »
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Catastophe Timeline (VERY long post)
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2013, 10:49:39 AM »
I just took a quick glance at your post and I applaud you and your husband doing this. We all keep putting these kind of things off but you DID IT!

My next suggestion which I am in charge of facilitating with our group at the BOL, is what to do in the first 24, 48 or 72 hours of an "event."

Different events require a different approach like: Pandemic vs. economic collapse. Both can be devastating but both require a different approach.

Some headings might be:

A = Mother Nature
      A1 = Blizzard
      A2 = Hurricane
      A3 = Tornadoes
      A4 = Flood
      A5 = Etc
B = Financial
      B1 = Stock market depreciates 20% or more within 3 days
      B2 = Your bank has a holiday
      B3 = All banks have a holiday
      B4 = Hyper Inflation 10% or greater
      B5 = Etc
C = ?

So lets say A1 is going to happen: You either follow a flow chart to a predeclared/pre-assigned "punch list" on what to do or rip open an envelope with the same list. I like the rip open envelope thing - It's more dramatic.  ;D

Anyhow, since Wellie got this ball rolling lets all offer her some enhancements on her Catastrophe Timeline and think about what the A, B, C, etc catastrophe's might be.

GREAT JOB Wellie!  :thumbsUp:
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Offline Well-Prepared Witch

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Re: Catastophe Timeline (VERY long post)
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2013, 02:02:39 PM »
Thanks!  The bulk of it is Mr. WPW's work, though.  We talked it out a lot, and I contributed, but he really did most of it and deserves the credit. :D 

We are working on a SHTF Action Plan that we've broken down kind of like the original post.  What do we do if we think it's going to be a tier 1 event (hurricane we know is coming, bad winter storm, etc.), tier 2 event (something that might last a couple weeks to a month), all the way up to a tier 5 event (the S has HTF and the world will never go back to what it used to be).  When it's done, we'll print it out (and I will put a copy on my smart phone, too) so if something happens we know what to do.  For instance, while people are just realizing "hey, this thing that happened could be bad", we're already hitting the grocery store and pharmacy.  When they're swarming the grocery store, we'll already be hitting the hardware stores.  And so on and so forth.  I don't know that it will be terribly useful to post, though, as that kind of thing is very individual based on needs, location, plan of action (for instance, ideally we already live in our bug-in location, some people will be bugging out), etc. 

We're also going to include addresses of places we want to go, local warehouses, specialty shops for things like animal care, etc., so we aren't trying to find them in an emergency and/or we can go to places that will have what we need, but that people won't immediately think of.  I think in an emergency I'd rather go get my pet food/fish antibiotics/etc. from the tiny local pet shop than fight several hundred or more people swarming the local Walmart Super Center.

I think the most important part of a SHTF Action Plan, other than doing the proper planning/prepping, is to have it written down and easily accessible.  I don't know about you, but the LAST thing I want to have to do in a crisis is remember what to do in what order.  Having it written down allows you to get through the panic a lot faster.
If that which you seek you find not within yourself, you shall never find it without.  - Charge of the Goddess, Doreen Valiente

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Re: Catastophe Timeline (VERY long post)
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2013, 07:23:51 PM »
PERFECT Wellie! Yes please post when you get it done.

Now guys and gals out there: Why don't we help Wellie (And me) on what should be purchased for tier 1, 2, etc. If we have a generic structure you can add for local items. 
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Re: Catastophe Timeline (VERY long post)
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2013, 11:03:25 PM »
A+ Well thought out.  Give Mr. Well Prepared my regards.  And you get + karma for posting it.   

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

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Re: Catastophe Timeline (VERY long post)
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2013, 01:17:26 PM »
What a fantastic thread, will offer my $0.02 when my cold subsides a bit.


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Re: Catastophe Timeline (VERY long post)
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2013, 04:48:14 PM »
Hit the nail on the head, out of curiosity how did you gather all of this knowledge and analyze it.

Offline Well-Prepared Witch

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Re: Catastophe Timeline (VERY long post)
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2013, 07:19:20 AM »
Thanks Alex. A large part of it was simply thinking about it. I can't count the number of times Mr. WPW asked, "if things went south how do you think people would react" or some variation on that. We do read a lot, both books on emergency preparedness, politics and history, not to mention current news. And, though this may sound weird, I look at it from a writer's perspective, looking at motivation and reaction. We've been talking through this for years and he took several months and revisions to get this document.

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If that which you seek you find not within yourself, you shall never find it without.  - Charge of the Goddess, Doreen Valiente


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Re: Catastophe Timeline (VERY long post)
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2013, 07:32:57 PM »
Thanks for the reply Well Prepared  :thumbsUp:

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Re: Catastophe Timeline (VERY long post)
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2017, 11:00:03 AM »
this is an old post but i thought this was a good place to attach this;  (moderators, please move if needed)
It is a slightly different take - in the form of a narrative.
feed back and suggestions are welcome.
Imagine a typical city dwelling family in North America.

The husband bicycles and the wife takes a carpool to work.  The kids take the bus to school.
During the day the power goes out – it doesn’t come back on.  Some cars won’t start, some break down.  The cars that do run find the roads clogged by accidents and traffic jams.  The subway stops and the stop lights go dark.  Travel modes of all types break down - foot and bicycle travel are the only reliable transit mode now.  Cellphones and AM/FM radios don’t work - all radios stop working - police, fire, even the dog-catcher's comms are out.  Stores can't conduct business - cash registers, credit card readers and ATMs are out.  The internet is out.  Police can't co-ordinate activities.  Fire and EMS dispatch is off-line.  Even old fashion land line telephones are not working - their trunk lines run through the internet.  Getting out of a skyscraper can be difficult when the emergency lights go out.  Most people will reach for their cellphone for light and many find it isn't working.  In general, anything plugged into a wall outlet or has a battery or a microchip has failed.

The husband has to walk some of the way home – but the bicycle helps.  The roads are a madhouse and the sidewalks are crowded.  The wife is stranded and has no other way to get home – the carpool never showed up.  At least the workout shoes in her gym bag help.  The kids are stuck at school under lockdown or worse yet, they get to the bus stop and no bus ever comes.  The older child walks home.  The younger one knows to go to a friend’s house and wait for mom or dad to pick them up.

Living in a high-rise above the 6th floor is nearly impossible.  It’s a long hike to up to the apartment or back outside.  The water stops working within hours as the pressure drops. – there are no pumps to keep the pressure tanks working.  Living on the ground floor or ‘garden’ floor (basement) may be easier to get to… but if the sewage backs up in the transfer tank, it will come in the drains and into the apartment. – the transfer tank needs to be pumped a couple of times a day to move the sewage into the regular sewage system.   If you live on the 1st through 6th floors life goes on – it may get cold or hot, depending on your weather.  Soon the water runs out (in only 3 or 4 days).  That is about all the main tanks hold – and they won’t refill because the power is out.  The water treatment plants can’t add chlorine and other chemicals to the water anymore and even if it is gravity fed, the water may start smelling off or have odd colors.  When the water pressure drops, it’s easy for contaminated or groundwater to seep into the pipes through small cracks and broken joints – and now there isn’t any more clean water to drink.

You typically go food shopping several times a week and eat out a lot – the bodega and a deli are just around the corner.  There is the cafeteria and sandwich shop near work.  When the stores empty overnight, you may find yourself rummaging around the seat cushions in your couch for stale cereal in about 3 days.  There is no easy way to cook the fresh food that is going bad in the freezer – so there will be fires and food poisoning to deal with.  With no fire department or ambulance, this could be bad.  Coping with food poisoning without medical care no clean water is a recipe for contagion and misery.  Kitchen and balcony fires spread and make the building uninhabitable. 
People who get sick, will go to bed and try to sleep it off.  If they don’t recover, there aren’t any emergency services and no way to call them anyway.  Many apartments will become impromptu crypts.  If the ill person tries to navigate the dozens of flights of stairs and either falls or can move further – the stairwells could become ‘bad’ too.  Getting out of a tall building could become an interesting test of fortitude.  Any large population has  many forgotten diseases in or around them.  Cholera and tuberculosis and several other types of gastrointestinal or respiratory infection may become a problem.  After about a week skin infections will show up.

You might have some luck catching rats and pigeons.  How many do you need to keep you family fed?  How do you cook them and what do you do with the offal?  Speaking of that, what do you do with your trash?  The trash removal people stopped working. Do you store it in your apartment, on the balcony, toss it over the side or down the stairs?  People will do all of the above and find some new ideas too.
During the day the silence can be deafening.  Nothing much is moving.  You can smell smoke on the breeze and other strange odors that are hard to identify.  At night there is a yellow, orange glow reflecting off the clouds from fires, some friendly and some not so friendly as they burn out of control.  The sounds are something out of a horror movie - you just hope it isn't near enough for you to worry about.
You very quickly realize that where you are, right now, will not continue to sustain life much longer.  It seems alien and different now.  You are down to the water in your hot water heater and a few cans of food from your pantry.  No power, no news, nothing except rumor.  It's only been three days and things are getting scary.  The silence makes things worse – the not knowing gnaws at you.  You collect everything of value and try to figure out how to move it.  By the time you make it down the stairs, you find out that it is way too much weight and bulk to carry.  Most of it lands on the steps, just discarded.  Now you have to figure out where to go, ok just head ‘out’ of the city.  As you start walking, with no certain destination you may not realize it but you are now a refugee.

Where to go? – I’ll use a coastal city as an example here.  Most human population lives in coastal areas.  You can’t go east, you will run into the ocean.  You can’t go south you will hit the crowds coming out of that city.  North? no, you will hit the wave leaving that metro area.  So west it is.  Most people will use routes that are ‘easy’ and that they are familiar with.  So highways the city beltways, even trails and railways will become very crowded.  Some commuter communities will be over-run - that’s where several highways come together.  The same thing that made it into a bedroom community will make it difficult to weather this sudden migration of 10 times its normal population.  This story is repeated up and down the coast.

You arrive in the suburbs at about the same time they are running out of food and water (about 5-7 days for a typical family).  Not to worry, you’ll have lots of traveling companions now.  People will band together in groups - its what humans do.  There will be the us and them problems as this happens.  As you continue, you forage to either side of the road looking for firewood, food, water, privacy, shelter, handouts, etc.   In a week or two, there will be a dead zone a mile wide on either side of most highways.  Denuded down to the soil in places and as wide as 3 miles over time.  Water supplies along the route will be contaminated.  Most people don’t know enough about hygiene to keep the water clean for the following travelers.  Watch where you step.
People get weak from the exertion of traveling and lack of food or clean water or shelter.  This is a near perfect recipe for disease.  From head colds to flu to pneumonia.  From camp dysentery to salmonella to cholera.  This many people outside and unsheltered at the same time will make vector borne diseases run with the refugees.  Mosquitoes and even the common house fly will explode in population.  In the east, diseases like Lyme, Pneumonia and TB make an appearance.  In the west you will have bubonic plague and hantavirus.  Parasites, long forgotten, will thrive.  Common skin lesions and sores from plain blisters and boils to thrush to necrotizing fasciitis.  Even prion infection will take its share.  There is something for everyone.  Then there are the people who are running out of the meds or medical support gear needed to sustain their life – say 1 week to 1 month and its over for them.  People who use drugs to alter their mood or take the edge off of anxiety, including alcohol and tobacco, suddenly go cold turkey.  Now spend a moment thinking about those on anti-psychotic drugs.  The amount of stress, in general, could put an emotionally stable and sane person over the edge.  I would expect fear and its partner’s, anger, panic and violence, to run amok.  There are also the pure starkers’ making life fun and interesting at the same time.  The most dangerous might be… well let’s ask a question, what wouldn’t a desperate parent do to feed or protect their starving child?  Only two more things to add into this mix.  Hospitals and prisons will have shut down by now – any inmates will either be dead or more likely just leave, when the guards or electronic entry or tracking devices stop working.  And the people who live along the route you (and the rest of the ‘hoard’ you are travelling with) might not like the fact that you are the thousandth person who has knocked on their door today.  This scene has played itself out over and over in human history.  Now it’s your turn.
Egon’s safety tip for the day – Don’t become a refugee.

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Re: Catastophe Timeline (VERY long post)
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2017, 12:29:46 PM »
Might want to look around this place.  They have info on a fair number of starting factors.

and take your pick of the original on youtube.

If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.

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Re: Catastophe Timeline (VERY long post)
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2017, 01:45:37 PM »
I had completely forgotten Wellies post four+ years ago. Thank you Kbop for resurrecting it.  :cheers:

Your fictional write-up Kbop was great and it sent shivers down my spine. I am afraid we (At least folks in my group) are becoming complacent in their prepping since 'the Donald' lives in the White House.

Case in point my brother was an advent prepper and now he is using his preps up because they are there. Several friends that were in my group have also taken to rolling their eyes when I bring up the prepping subject. I am afraid complacency is becoming the norm.

Over at Brushbeaters Site, NCScout has been talking about this ad nauseam.

With Kbop's very accurate tale of a grid down event caused by EMP, Nuclear, other...What are you going to do?

I reread One Second After by William R. Forstchen this past summer and have started reading Patriots by James Rawles just this week.

So in closing, with North Korea's escalation in saber rattling, the Daesh being ran out of Iraq, with the Muslim Brotherhood/Daesh being entrenched around the world now, the Elites in D.C. working on a bloodless coup, and shenanigans being worked on behind the scenes by Russia & China. Does the group still think they should take a sabbatical from preparing for the future?

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Re: Catastophe Timeline (VERY long post)
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2017, 02:15:42 PM »
Yep. I've noticed that a lot of Preppers have eased up on prepping. I even feel a bit more comfortable now that the Trumpster is in the White House. I am still mindful of all the bad stuff that can happen and am maintaining my supplies. Here's something that most folks overlook. We have a super volcano in Yellowstone National park that's ready to pop its cork. If an enemy government sent just one high yield nuke into Yellowstone Lake, it probably would set off the super volcano. Hmmmmmmmm..... That'll keep you up at night.

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Re: Catastophe Timeline (VERY long post)
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2017, 02:43:48 PM »
Yep. I've noticed that a lot of Preppers have eased up on prepping. I even feel a bit more comfortable now that the Trumpster is in the White House. I am still mindful of all the bad stuff that can happen and am maintaining my supplies. Here's something that most folks overlook. We have a super volcano in Yellowstone National park that's ready to pop its cork. If an enemy government sent just one high yield nuke into Yellowstone Lake, it probably would set off the super volcano. Hmmmmmmmm..... That'll keep you up at night.

There was a record number of NICS checks on black Friday, I'm not so sure about easing up on the prepping. Actually I think people are reevaluating their stores and then refining them since the threat appears to be pushed back somewhat. Another way to put it is they are upgrading their supplies
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Re: Catastophe Timeline (VERY long post)
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2017, 03:07:04 PM »
 Great post WPW. Glad to see you back.
 You brought up a few things I didn't think of. I'm going to print this out for my personal records.

 @Kbop. I once lived on the 14 floor and one day there was an apartment fire on the 10 floor. It was easily put out by the fire department but they didn't get the elevators running for hours and we had just come back from food shopping with perishables. We were totally winded by the sixth floor. To the rescue, three firemen carried our packages up for us. Never again. 
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Re: Catastophe Timeline (VERY long post)
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2017, 03:09:43 PM »
I would agree that some folks are upgrading their supplies.  In our case, we upgraded both comms and ballistic impingement devices during this past year.  In fact, I'm sure we spent more during the past year than we've ever spent in nearly 40 years of prepping.  For us, it was a case of taking advantage of reduced prices.  Next year I expect we'll continue the trend as we change our AO.

However, some of our prepper acquaintances have definitely scaled back, indicating that because of Trump there is less need to prepare.

Our feeling is to stay the course, and prepare as we see fit.

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Re: Catastophe Timeline (VERY long post)
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2017, 05:14:43 AM »
Well done Mr WPW

Sunny side up