Author Topic: Bracken Sends This: Operation ?Enemies Foreign And Domestic?  (Read 712 times)

Offline EJR914

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Bracken Sends This: Operation ?Enemies Foreign And Domestic?
« on: February 23, 2012, 02:11:47 PM »
Will you help him out?!?!?

Short version:

The idea is a national clandestine psyop, using my first novel as a vehicle. On next Thursday, March 1, Enemies Foreign And Domestic will be put into Amazon Kindle?s free library, for a period of up to five days.

Where EFAD?s free download promotion will be different from those of the thousands of fantasy/romance/vampire novels currently offered on Kindle, is that I?m simultaneously coordinating a mass plan to ensure that Operation EFAD goes hyper-viral on all constitutionally-oriented, freedom-loving, and Second Amendment websites and blogs at the same time.

The complete long version:

Dear Enemies Trilogy readers,

In a minute I?m sending out my first message about Operation Enemies Foreign And Domestic.

Please take a few minutes to read it, and if you want to join the op, let?s roll.

Matt Bracken
Jax, FL

UPDATE 0859 EST 23 FEB 2012:

Operation ?Enemies Foreign And Domestic?

First Communiqu?: D-Day Minus Seven

Want to join a beat-up old ex-Navy SEAL, ocean sailor and book writer on a real-world covert cyber operation? I knew you did. So here?s the deal.

The idea is a national clandestine psyop, using my first novel as a vehicle. On next Thursday, March 1, Enemies Foreign And Domestic will be put into Amazon Kindle?s free library, for a period of up to five days.

Where EFAD?s free download promotion will be different from those of the thousands of fantasy/romance/vampire novels currently offered on Kindle, is that I?m simultaneously coordinating a mass plan to ensure that Operation EFAD goes hyper-viral on all constitutionally-oriented, freedom-loving, and Second Amendment websites and blogs at the same time.

Or on at least on as many as I can reach, and that is where you come in. There are literally hundreds of patriotic websites and blogs, and I can only reach a few. You can reach them all, every last one. And then some. More about this in the next communiqu? on D Minus Six.

Despite its many limitations, Twitter will be useful for rapid tactical coordination. Operation Enemies Foreign And Domestic will be code-named #EFAD, in order to use Twitter as an always-open back channel for project updates and participant feedback. By typing #EFAD into the Twitter search field, you will find every new message related to the operation. I am @MattBracken48 on Twitter, I am Matt Bracken on Facebook, and I can be reached by email at steelcutter48 at

My goal is to make the spike in the number of free Kindle downloads for Enemies Foreign And Domestic so dramatic, that the national media will notice the passionate interest in this ?dangerous and seditious? novel among the bitter clingers. But this is just the first step of a jiu-jitsu move. The light thrown on EFAD?s sudden nationwide surge in popularity will then be mirrored back onto the federal government?s most egregious usurpations and abuses, and on the mainstream media itself.

The idea is to force open a long overdue national conversation that the elite MSM very much wants to ignore. In large strokes, it is about our federal government morphing into a socialist tyranny before our eyes, a tyranny that is no longer soft, but getting harder with every passing month. Which is it to be: freedom, or tyranny?

The first step in forcing open this dialogue will be to explore the mainstream media?s active collusion in the cover-up of a scandal that is demonstrably orders of magnitude worse than the worst previous scandals, such as Watergate, which was ?a third-rate burglary? where nobody was killed. To date, the DOJ?s Operation Fast And Furious has resulted in hundreds of murdered Mexicans and at least two dead U.S. federal agents. But instead of providing real news coverage, the MSM feeds America the pabulum of celebrity worship and an artificially-contrived debate about artificial birth control.

Imagine for a moment if President Nixon?s men, when called before the congressional committees invistigating the Watergate scandal, had provided nothing but thousands of pages of fully blacked-out paper. In effect, a giant, bored, ?F?k you, what are you going to do about it?? to congress. Then imagine if the Washington Post, the New York Times and the television networks never mentioned Watergate or the hearings, except rarely, and then only to call the congressional investigators partisan hacks who were bent on destroying our beloved President Nixon.

Reverse the party polarity, jump forward through the time warp, and you have the current reality, where gangsters rule the federal government from the White House, the Fast And Furious congressional investigators are impotent buffoons, and the MSM is fully in on the cover-up. Nobody died at the Watergate, but recall what the hysterical 24-7 news coverage of the Watergate scandal and hearings accomplished: the end of a presidency, pronto. And an Attorney General in prison.

In the modern case of Operation Fast And Furious, hundreds of Mexicans were murdered as the result of a diabolically evil plot laid with the sole purpose of discrediting the Second Amendment, by deliberately funneling semi-automatic rifles to known drug cartel killers and assassins. Their goal was to bury our Right to Keep and Bear Arms beneath a mountain of Mexican corpses.

Folks, it doesn?t get much more evil than that.

And we know why these socialist dictators-in-waiting want us disarmed.

In 2012, the fictional premise of Enemies Foreign And Domestic, that a small clique of senior BATFE officials might conspire to arrange a mass shooting into a packed football stadium (also with the intention of discrediting our Right to Keep and Bear Arms), suddenly seems much less far-fetched.

So here?s the plan: on Thursday, March 1, we will engineer a stratospheric spike in the number of free Kindle downloads of Enemies Foreign And Domestic, and continue this operation for up to five days, the max allowable under the terms of the free download program. We will watch the MSM explore this sudden and frightening phenomenon erupting among the unwashed gun nuts and wild-eyed Constitution fanatics. When they predictably condemn EFAD for its fictional assassinations of government officials, and the rest of the story that they will pretend to find so abhorrent, we will shine their own spotlight right back on them, and yell Fast And Furious in their faces!

?Really? Enemies Foreign And Domestic is a terrorist manual? Well, I?ll see your fictional stadium massacre, and raise you a real-world conspiracy to murder hundreds of Mexicans. If you would ever cover the story, instead of covering it up!?

And this can all happen by getting a million or so gun owners and other freedom lovers to download EFAD, totally for free, beginning on March 1st. This will be a coordinated ?time-on-target? fire mission. Further communiqu?s will be forthcoming from EFAD HQ. Search keyword #EFAD on Twitter for other operational updates, including links.

If you email me (steelcutter48 at, please include #EFAD somewhere in the subject line, so that I will know that you have been briefed to this point and are up to speed. And keep in mind that while you are all my patriotic friends and loyal readers, at various time I may know you by a screen name, a real name, a website name, or an email address name. It gets mighty confusing, so forgive me if I can?t keep all of your various handles straight.

Matt Bracken?Out.

Offline sledge

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Re: Bracken Sends This: Operation ?Enemies Foreign And Domestic?
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2012, 03:51:01 PM »
I don't know why I always view things through my tin foil hat and goggles.  It's a curse and a blessing.   :-\

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

Offline EJR914

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Re: Bracken Sends This: Operation ?Enemies Foreign And Domestic?
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2012, 03:56:09 PM »
I don't know why I always view things through my tin foil hat and goggles.  It's a curse and a blessing.   :-\

What possible tin foil hat implications does this have?

Offline sledge

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Re: Bracken Sends This: Operation ?Enemies Foreign And Domestic?
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2012, 04:24:01 PM »
I don't know why I always view things through my tin foil hat and goggles.  It's a curse and a blessing.   :-\

What possible tin foil hat implications does this have?

Well, my mind just wonders about and things jump up at me.  I guess it's because of my past.

I don't know who this guy is and have never heard of him.

Any computer who downloads his book is going to be tagged.  I know the DHS has a system that tags gun owners residences on a on a Google Earth map.  I have no doubt they can do the same thing with computer addresses.

All of the recent extremist terrorist plots the FBI has uncovered ( after helping planning them) have been reported as having extremist materials found on their computers.

The NDAA will allow anyone suspected of being a potential extremist terrorist to be grabbed.  You know, the kind of people who read material glorifying attacking the Government or it's employees because they are corrupt.

He wants every survival, prepper, pro gun and militia type site to have his plan posted on it.

He wants everyone to download his free book on March 1rst.

The FBI is going to be shutting down the internet to an estimated 4 million users to eliminate what they claim is a nationwide virus on March 8th.  There isn't much about that story that doesn't set my tin foil sensors tingling.  Could I possibly be a virus?

Of course he could be for real or just trying to promote his book.  Like I said, my mind just wonders about and thoughts just jump out at me.     
« Last Edit: February 23, 2012, 04:25:41 PM by sledge »

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

Offline EJR914

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Re: Bracken Sends This: Operation ?Enemies Foreign And Domestic?
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2012, 04:49:53 PM »
I'm not going to disagree with you at all.  They way I look at it, I'm probably already on some list somewhere, just live as a free man.  If they come after me for just obeying the law, then things are going to go either of two ways.  I'm ok with that.  Just live free, live as a free and moral man would.

With that said, I know someone who is good friends with Matt Bracken, I just found out.  On top of that, he very well known in the liberty movement.

Don't take my word for it, though.  Google him, or search him, whatever you want, and you'll probably learn all you need to know about him.

With that said, I don't doubt that if you are not on some radar right now, that after the download sure, you could be added.  I can't deny that in this age and time. 

Do I think you'll be swept up and never heard from again because you download this book?  No, I don't believe so. 

The first amendment is still alive in this country somewhat, and all I would be doing is reading literature that is protected under the 1st amendment.

Remember, the 1st amendment is NOT there to protect non-controversial speech, if that were the case, there would be no need for the 1st amendment with speech.  If anything, the 1st amendment was put there in order to protect controversial speech. 

I am doing nothing more than asserting my first amendment right.  If things have gotten so messed up that me downloading a certain book gets me black bagged and never heard from again, then I say bring it on.  I'm ready.  I know I've done nothing wrong or illegal, there is no reason for me to ever have a raid on my home.  Resist. 
« Last Edit: February 23, 2012, 04:52:01 PM by EJR914 »


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Re: Bracken Sends This: Operation ?Enemies Foreign And Domestic?
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2012, 05:45:29 PM »
I hit the public library about twice a week so I may have to down load this a few times on a faceless public computer just to bump up the numbers...

Just adding to my "no fly list constitutionalist rep"  >:D

Offline EJR914

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Re: Bracken Sends This: Operation ?Enemies Foreign And Domestic?
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2012, 06:22:47 PM »
I hit the public library about twice a week so I may have to down load this a few times on a faceless public computer just to bump up the numbers...

Just adding to my "no fly list constitutionalist rep"  >:D


Also, sledge, this book is a real page turner, so if you are too worried about downloading it, I would still suggest buying it off the record somehow, maybe cash from an individual that you know or something.  You don't want to miss this book, its a good one, full of a lot of suspense.


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Re: Bracken Sends This: Operation ?Enemies Foreign And Domestic?
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2012, 08:31:05 PM »
Well gents if the big brother has the all seeing eyeball already fired up then he already knows about you so no point worrying about it!

Offline RS762

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Re: Bracken Sends This: Operation ?Enemies Foreign And Domestic?
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2012, 02:59:29 AM »
Well gents if the big brother has the all seeing eyeball already fired up then he already knows about you so no point worrying about it!

That's how i operate.
lol it would be easy as fuck to find out who good ole RS762 is, i don't use proxies and i use my personal email (which includes my real name) to register on my SP account, i don't give a fuck. I honestly don't have anything to hide.

Opsec on the interwebs is relatively pointless, anyone who can track an IP can find out who you are, the suits already know, face it.

Maybe im a fatalist?
that being said you fuckers better not steal my identity.  :))

Offline EJR914

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Re: Bracken Sends This: Operation ?Enemies Foreign And Domestic?
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2012, 07:06:52 AM »
Well gents if the big brother has the all seeing eyeball already fired up then he already knows about you so no point worrying about it!

My thinking exactly.   [URL=

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Re: Bracken Sends This: Operation ?Enemies Foreign And Domestic?
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2012, 10:57:45 AM »
Ill be getting it as I have been wanting to read it for some time and Im probably on a number of lists anyways... makes life interesting.  [URL=
Han shot first!