I'm not going to disagree with you at all. They way I look at it, I'm probably already on some list somewhere, just live as a free man. If they come after me for just obeying the law, then things are going to go either of two ways. I'm ok with that. Just live free, live as a free and moral man would.
With that said, I know someone who is good friends with Matt Bracken, I just found out. On top of that, he very well known in the liberty movement.
Don't take my word for it, though. Google him, or search him, whatever you want, and you'll probably learn all you need to know about him.
With that said, I don't doubt that if you are not on some radar right now, that after the download sure, you could be added. I can't deny that in this age and time.
Do I think you'll be swept up and never heard from again because you download this book? No, I don't believe so.
The first amendment is still alive in this country somewhat, and all I would be doing is reading literature that is protected under the 1st amendment.
Remember, the 1st amendment is NOT there to protect non-controversial speech, if that were the case, there would be no need for the 1st amendment with speech. If anything, the 1st amendment was put there in order to protect controversial speech.
I am doing nothing more than asserting my first amendment right. If things have gotten so messed up that me downloading a certain book gets me black bagged and never heard from again, then I say bring it on. I'm ready. I know I've done nothing wrong or illegal, there is no reason for me to ever have a raid on my home. Resist.