Full auto can certainly have a purpose, even in today's world right now. I could see where it would be really nice to to have a happy switch M4 or M16, with a few Mags of ammo, to keep a mob or hoard that wants to get to you, for whatever reason, like maybe you just defended yourself against one of their "homeys" and now they want revenge against you, it might take the LEO quite a while to get there, and then once there, the LEO may not know what to properly do about it, which may lead to more time before they actually get to you and save you. Accurate, burst fire from a full auto with some nasty 5.56 in it, could definitely keep heads down and stop their advance on you. Same with a full-auto AK.
Also, its a fallacy that full auto of all types cannot be controlled by anyone. Its just pure BS. With training and time on trigger on full auto, a person can learn how to control the recoil. I've seen a guy MAG DUMP (30 rounds) a sub 9mm into a humanoid target in about the size of a grapefruit, at about the distance from my back wall in my home, to the front door. Imagine what that would do to a bullet resistant vest that a criminal might be wearing? Yeah, it will be like its not even there.
The reason for the fallacy I believe, is that full auto is just not around the normal everyday average joe, and most of us, for the most part, unless you seek it out, and it would also be incredibly expensive, out of our pay range, to afford the kind of training you need to become accurate with full auto. Whether it be renting the firearm or just paying for the ammo. That is why I believe this fallacy has just gone around forever, because sure, you get a green guy on full auto, that has no idea what he's doing, with no instruction on recoil management, and sure the 3rd bullet out of the gun is going to be heading up in the sky. You have to get used to, and train for the feeling of keeping that muzzle down in full auto fire. Its not easy at all, especially on an entire mag dump. You'd have to train a lot. Burst fire probably wouldn't take as much training on full auto.
With a ton of training, I believe you can even MAG DUMP in full auto and be reasonable accurate with it. Of course, accurate burst fire is even easier to train someone how to control and shoot accurately.
With modern shoot, move, communicate, maneuver tactics of today, Full-auto certainly has its place for keeping heads down by the static element, while the maneuver element flanks and destroys the enemy. It will be fairly hard to retreat or move when you've got full auto burst fire going right above your head. I mean, what if China invaded? LOL
Anyway, for those of you who believe that ammo will just be too scarce to ever use full auto in a resistance, you obviously have NOT been paying attention to current or past historical resistance at all. Look at Ireland just for one instance.
IMHO, with tactical requisitioning, you might just have more ammo than you can even carry out on your person. You'll need more people to carry all the ammo. One hit on the right supply truck might be all you need to supply your group, with full auto weapons, for six months or a year depending on size and action you take.
Also, with tactical requisition, all the things that are banned now, well they will not longer be banned, in a sense, and you'll be able to get ALL of them and plenty of them. I mean who cares if you get caught using it, as you'll be dead anyway, or in a death camp somewhere.
I see the fallacy of full auto is alive and well. With that said, I'll be sticking to accurate semi-auto fire, shot very quickly through good trigger control and recoil control for now, but if I get the chance to learn how to shoot full-auto and train to become better at it, you can bet your butt that I'm going to take it.
I also, agree, that the banning of new full auto's being made, is indeed unconstitutional in my mind, and I think the regulation of them was a huge stretch by the legislature, to be honest. Not that my opinion matters diddly squat to them at all, but still, the regulation was a huge stretch, IMHO. It should have never been allowed to take place, Constitutionally speaking.