Just before Labor Day, Glenn Beck and his wife spent 10-days overseas. Specifically, Italy and Great Britain.
While there he spent his time studying the two countries history and ultimately how those histories faired with American history.
I will not bore you with his thoughts other than to write, that he pointed out that there was a clearly different mindset when it came to government (s) and the citizens relationship towards their government. In both countries, the citizens were of the mindset, that government should take care of its citizens Vs. in the states, where although there was a minor contingent that thought that way, the vast majority of folks wanted government to stay as far away as possible. Anyway, I digress.
As Beck is describing his discussions with local folks in both Italy and UK, I thought of this one scene from the play "1776". The play was made into a movie around 1968 and is well worth your time to watch. MrsMac and I watch it once a year. Anyway, back to this one scene. Let me give you an overview.
The scene is 3-minutes long and well worth your time to watch. Bottom line, after a good exchange of opinions and fun jabs between Congressmen, Ben Franklin shares with the Continental Congress
his definition of what an American is. Enjoy.