So, I played army today and yesterday.
Had some interesting conversations with some soldiers.
I must say that apparently not every one is smart or loyal to their oath. Let alone know what they swore to.
Let me quote some young Specialist in
Delta Company 2-124 Infantry Brigade Combat Team ( keep in mind this man is trained to kill & has been deployed )
Me, " Yeah but you swore an oath "
Him, " Yeah, I swore and oath to follow orders "
Me "
I cannot divulge in the rest of the conversation because my temp rose about 14 degrees and I strolled out of the smoking area. I was so angered at the stupidity and blind goat willingness. I didn't even bother to try and help him.
Just know guys. When I & another 15-20 guys there are ordered to go Red on Civilians we won't. But some will. So keep your balls tucked and your powder dry.